This thread titled "Is City and Guilds 2396 Electrical Design qualification worth anything the real world?" is posted in the under the Electrician Courses : Electrical Quals on Electricians Forums.
Passed my C&G 2396: Electrical design and verification course recently and loved every minute of it, however I am wondering if it was actually worth doing. I haven’t seen any adverts with it listed as a requirement or even as preferred. It’s a level 4 course so a bit surprising. Has anyone done it and it opened any career doors for them? I wouldn’t mind getting into estimating or doing more designing, something with a lot of maths/calculations as I seem to enjoy that
Passed my C&G 2396: Electrical design and verification course recently and loved every minute of it, however I am wondering if it was actually worth doing. I haven’t seen any adverts with it listed as a requirement or even as preferred. It’s a level 4 course so a bit surprising. Has anyone done it and it opened any career doors for them? I wouldn’t mind getting into estimating or doing more designing, something with a lot of maths/calculations as I seem to enjoy that
Yes, it's opened a few doors for me. Specifically design doors. Congratulations on passing the 2396, not any easy qualification to obtain by a long way.
You should now be using your new skill on a daily basis when adding in new circuits or installations.
Passed my C&G 2396: Electrical design and verification course recently and loved every minute of it, however I am wondering if it was actually worth doing. I haven’t seen any adverts with it listed as a requirement or even as preferred. It’s a level 4 course so a bit surprising. Has anyone done it and it opened any career doors for them? I wouldn’t mind getting into estimating or doing more designing, something with a lot of maths/calculations as I seem to enjoy that
Congrats mate. The 3 hour exam is a killer and when i didn't mine, the pen didn't come off the paper for the whole 3 hours.
I did mine back in October 2019. Loved the course and my tutor was excellent, very supportive. Passed and nailed the exam with merit. Even thought about doing another project as I loved it so much, I don't get much chance in my day job to practice it. Sometimes I lie awake at night practicing simple calcs just so i don't forget any elements of the course, or the formulas.
The main benefit really for me was I now run rings around everyone else in the office from a theory point of view. So far though no new opportunities have come my way, but I don't regret doing it at all. The next step for me is probably the SSSTS and apply for a black card.
Reply to the thread, titled "Is City and Guilds 2396 Electrical Design qualification worth anything the real world?" which is posted in the under the Electrician Courses : Electrical Quals on Electricians Forums.