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Anybody using Job Management Software?

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Hi all.

I am pondering on the idea of using a job management software package for my business.
I have a large number of clients with many of them being repeat customers and I'm running myself into the ground with paperwork!
Tracking each job and what stage it is at is becoming a bit of a chore and is adding a lot of stress to my already busy day.
I've tried my best to organise each client into their own folder and sub folders but it's getting difficult to manage.
I'm a Sole Trader so I'm doing literally everything myself and I can't afford to go Ltd and employ somebody.

Are any of you guys using job management software like ServiceM8, Tradify or the like???
If so, what are your thoughts and is it worth it?

I've watched a number of intro videos on a few of them and they make it look so easy but something tells me that it ain't gonna be so simple.....

Not used any of the software packages you mention but have used a few in the past mainly integrated with accounts, payroll, stock control and estimating and the hardest part is getting all the customer / client information onto software application intially so you can go live with it if you already have a customer database that you can export / import / link to this does save a lot of set up time,

Once it is up and running the biggest downside can be the ongoing software maintenance costs especially if it is part of a suite of integrated software
Not used any of the software packages you mention but have used a few in the past mainly integrated with accounts, payroll, stock control and estimating and the hardest part is getting all the customer / client information onto software application intially so you can go live with it if you already have a customer database that you can export / import / link to this does save a lot of set up time,

Once it is up and running the biggest downside can be the ongoing software maintenance costs especially if it is part of a suite of integrated software

For me, it's all the back and forth I have to do all the time. I have estimate/quotation, invoice and receipt templates etc etc but I have to manually adjust every single one.
I do a fair bit of work as a supplier to various consultation businesses so I get tickets numbers/PO numbers so I have to make sure that every document has all the correct PO numbers etc etc.

Then there's keeping tabs on job status and what stage they're at. I have all that on various Excell files but keeping track of that is becoming a bit if a nightmare too.
It's mainly because I have to manually update it all but it's easy to forget sometimes. :(
Not sure what budget you have in mind for your list of requirements ISTR spending circa £10k - £12k on office software ( accounts, stock control (linked to estimating for pricing), payroll, job costing and estimating) plus somewhere around £1 - 1.5k / yr in maintenance fees starting back in the late 80's / early 90's for a small company that me and my business partner were running at the time

As a start have you looked at any of the trial software that is out there to get an idea of what you need / what suits you and your business, from what you have said a CRM package would possibly be a good place to start IMO with a tablet to input infomation while away from base rather than making paper notes to input later
Not sure what budget you have in mind for your list of requirements ISTR spending circa £10k - £12k on office software ( accounts, stock control (linked to estimating for pricing), payroll, job costing and estimating) plus somewhere around £1 - 1.5k / yr in maintenance fees starting back in the late 80's / early 90's for a small company that me and my business partner were running at the time

As a start have you looked at any of the trial software that is out there to get an idea of what you need / what suits you and your business, from what you have said a CRM package would possibly be a good place to start IMO with a tablet to input infomation while away from base rather than making paper notes to input later
Oh wow so you've been running your business for some time now! I hope you went from strength to strength considering the amount of money you spent setting your business up!! I'm only a lowly Sole Trader at the minute and I find that some of the larger consultation/FM companies that I apply to be a supplier to will turn their nose up at me as soon as they find out I work for myself.
I try not to take that personally though as I understand they want a business with many staff to service their complicated needs.
The funny thing is though, these large electrical contractors will sub the majority of the work out so a Sole Trader like me in the end anyway! 😃

I tried Tradify around 18 months ago when I first set up but the software overwhelmed me and they continually badgered me with phone calls in the hope that I would sign on the dotted line at the end of the trial period whilst offering little in the way of support. This experience put me off somewhat but regardless, a CRM package will need to be looked at.

I will more than likely give "ServiceM8" or "YourTradeBase" a try soon just to see what's on offer as my budget is low at the minute.

I'll get there I'm sure. 😇
Some people swear by Tradify. Not tried it but might be worth a look. Nick Bundy has some videos on it (but they do sponsor him)

That's the problem though as all the high profile Influencer electrical channels like Bundy, Artisan et al all tout how good it is but they're sponsored so I tend to not trust that.
I much prefer an independent review of which there are none out there! 😤
I tried Tradify and didn't like it. I also agree on no support

I also tried nextminute and that was a rip off- you pay a month in advance but when you cancel they delete your account straight away and you don't get the month you have paid for. You cannot even log on to the portal and check historical stuff

Most of these job apps fail in not letting you have different contact fields (for a tenanted property you could have 2 tenants, a landlord, an agent and a magaging factor), some apps only let you have one or 2 contacts per job

I eneded up using Xero for the quotes (you can save custom templates with diffrerent terms and conditions for different types of clients)
Xero can also do the payroll

I use Xero with office 365 as that syncs with all devices
Oh wow so you've been running your business for some time now! I hope you went from strength to strength considering the amount of money you spent setting your business up!!
I closed that business in 2004 when my business partner suffered some mental health issues and I realised I could be heading the same way in fact it was far closer than I thought at the time
I'm only a lowly Sole Trader at the minute and I find that some of the larger consultation/FM companies that I apply to be a supplier to will turn their nose up at me as soon as they find out I work for myself.
I try not to take that personally though as I understand they want a business with many staff to service their complicated needs.
The funny thing is though, these large electrical contractors will sub the majority of the work out so a Sole Trader like me in the end anyway! 😃
We all have to start somewhere but growing a company these days gets more complex as you start to employ people, the thing with working for big companies delivering on time and then getting payments from them beware of the companies that suddenly start pushing more and work at you generally a good indication they are on stop with another supplier and their financials are a bit wobbly
I tried Tradify around 18 months ago when I first set up but the software overwhelmed me and they continually badgered me with phone calls in the hope that I would sign on the dotted line at the end of the trial period whilst offering little in the way of support. This experience put me off somewhat but regardless, a CRM package will need to be looked at.

I will more than likely give "ServiceM8" or "YourTradeBase" a try soon just to see what's on offer as my budget is low at the minute.

I'll get there I'm sure. 😇
Ahh so you have already found the first problem of deploying software. The first pieces of business software I set up (1988) was payroll about 8 weeks into a new tax year the options were just put in the year to date figures or process the first 8 weeks again using the software on the positive side this allowed us to learn how the software worked but 10 months on at the end of the tax year it could be fully processed on one system. Manually payroll was taking 3 - 4 hours / week to process using the software it was 20 - 30 minutes the end of year manually could take a day or two the software did it in a few hours (computer speeds back then were nothing like they are today). That set up / inputting all the information took 2 days with around 6 -7 employees being paid and we were learning as we went but for the next payroll run we had a fully working package with a noticeable time saving. Move on to accounting with about 50 ish regular customers details to input and I think you get the problem although that customer database could be exported or linked to other software packages like job costing and estimating but there is quite a time investment intially to get your business information into a working package

The problem with software one size fits all so you have to adapt to it or find ways of making it work as you want
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I tried Tradify and didn't like it. I also agree on no support

I also tried nextminute and that was a rip off- you pay a month in advance but when you cancel they delete your account straight away and you don't get the month you have paid for. You cannot even log on to the portal and check historical stuff

Most of these job apps fail in not letting you have different contact fields (for a tenanted property you could have 2 tenants, a landlord, an agent and a magaging factor), some apps only let you have one or 2 contacts per job

I eneded up using Xero for the quotes (you can save custom templates with diffrerent terms and conditions for different types of clients)
Xero can also do the payroll

I use Xero with office 365 as that syncs with all devices
Hi baldelectrician,

Ah, so you're findings tally with mine then, that's really helpful to know. I won't go down the Tradify route again then! (was going to give it another go).

You're right about the contacts thing, when you really drill down into the detail of each app, you start to realise that there are little holes of information missing which are vital to your service. Not only that, the pricing is generally scaled so the services you REALLY want are hidden behind the much more expensive service plan price. 🤬

I'm not familiar with Xero, I'll look into that one! Thanks! 🙂
Hi baldelectrician,

Ah, so you're findings tally with mine then, that's really helpful to know. I won't go down the Tradify route again then! (was going to give it another go).

You're right about the contacts thing, when you really drill down into the detail of each app, you start to realise that there are little holes of information missing which are vital to your service. Not only that, the pricing is generally scaled so the services you REALLY want are hidden behind the much more expensive service plan price. 🤬

I'm not familiar with Xero, I'll look into that one! Thanks! 🙂
Xero is a accountancy package, it does all the PO thing (we don't) and gives you list of what has been paid etc

It also links well with Stripe, we take card payments direct from the invoice, if a client pays via stripe it shows as paid on Xero and also allocates the charges as well.
Its iPad only though that's the problem. The more I look, the more I see that each one does one thing well but misses the target on the rest. This isn't going to be easy......
This is the problem with off the shelf software but it is a much cheaper option than bespoke software so you have to adapt to the software developers offering, sometimes it can be worthwhile speaking to the software developers as they will have a future development process for updates and may already have some additional features you need in the pipeline or include some of your needs / ideas in the future
This is the problem with off the shelf software but it is a much cheaper option than bespoke software so you have to adapt to the software developers offering, sometimes it can be worthwhile speaking to the software developers as they will have a future development process for updates and may already have some additional features you need in the pipeline or include some of your needs / ideas in the future
You're right of course. I will be having a conversation with a SimPro rep on Monday about their software but my main concern is pricing really. It has to be justified vs the time I currently spend (which is hours) manually filling out paperwork.
If SimPro is too expensive, I'll opt for one of the more mainstream options and just make it work for me.
Either way, I'll be sure to report back with my findings for anybody else considering doing the same as me.
Read an article yesterday in July/August edition of PE about a system called 'Fergus', which might be worth looking at further?
As it happens, I'm on a 14 day trial with these guys at the moment. Still getting to grips with it. The only thing I've found I don't like up now about that is I can't seem to change/alter the layout of the quotation/estimate form. It's not as intuitive as YourTradeBase I'm also trying. YourTradeBase is much simpler to use but isn't as detailed.

As I said, they're all different and useful in their own way. :D
You're right of course. I will be having a conversation with a SimPro rep on Monday about their software but my main concern is pricing really. It has to be justified vs the time I currently spend (which is hours) manually filling out paperwork.
If SimPro is too expensive, I'll opt for one of the more mainstream options and just make it work for me.
Either way, I'll be sure to report back with my findings for anybody else considering doing the same as me.
The problem is at the buying stage it can be difficult to justify the cost until you are 3, 6, or even 12 or more month's into using the software other thing to assess is how one piece of software will integrate or export it's information to other software packages as I mentioned in an earlier post as that is where the real time saving is to be found
As it happens, I'm on a 14 day trial with these guys at the moment. Still getting to grips with it. The only thing I've found I don't like up now about that is I can't seem to change/alter the layout of the quotation/estimate form. It's not as intuitive as YourTradeBase I'm also trying. YourTradeBase is much simpler to use but isn't as detailed.

As I said, they're all different and useful in their own way. :D
I was VERY unimpressed with Your Tradebase, I paid upfront for a month and when I decided not to continue with the subscription I could not get any access to the software (despite paying for it in advance)

Poor show
The problem is at the buying stage it can be difficult to justify the cost until you are 3, 6, or even 12 or more month's into using the software other thing to assess is how one piece of software will integrate or export it's information to other software packages as I mentioned in an earlier post as that is where the real time saving is to be found
Very true. The time it is taking me to input all the various values in each category is excessive but it's hard to know which one to actually spend time doing the data input to.

I understand that the software is an investment though and I do need to pick the correct one based on the criteria you suggested in an earlier post. :)
I was VERY unimpressed with Your Tradebase, I paid upfront for a month and when I decided not to continue with the subscription I could not get any access to the software (despite paying for it in advance)

Poor show
YourTradeBase was initially very refreshing as it was very simple to use and quite intuitive BUT it's the "simple" part of this sentence that describes the product. I have an info@ email address which is customised to my business but YTB won't integrate in into their software so I'm forced to use their generic email system which looks god awful! Not only that, there is a "I'm using YTB" logo at the bottom of every email so its a no go.
I do like the customisable quote/invoice layout function though, that's quite clever but that's it's main selling point for me.

Fergus is going in the bin too as this software doesn't allow for any customisation of your quotes/invoices at all. You're left with what the software designer thinks it should look like. I want my quotes/invoices/receipts to look professional as I feel that your documentation is a extension of your business and therefore if the quote/estimate looks like a child did it, you've no chance of winning the work. Fergus does a lot right though and maybe I'm missing a trick with it but I don't think it's for me.

I'm currently demoing JobLogic which is quite impressive! Very very detailed software with oodles of customisation. I love the client creation section as there are lots of options to add various people within an organisation and their specific roles and contact details. This one looks good up to now.
Their quotation/invoice section etc etc on the other hand will take some getting used to as, in order to customise the documents to your business, you have to upload a DocX letterheaded file and manually copy and paste the various bits of info over to it to act as a template. So lots of copying this sort of stuff:









I'm not so sure yet.............
Frustrated with Fergus as it's quotation section is just too limited. I'll not bother trying with that anymore.
The only good thing Fergus does which none of the others can do is that it integrates with my existing email address.

JobLogic is really good but again, there is no option to integrate with your existing email set up. Plus, when it does sent an email it sends it as a Word DocX file which 1. looks crap and 2. is open to editing and 3. has a daft "powered by JobLogic" symbol as the footer.

If I was to continue to use it, I would have to download each file, convert it to a PDF then send it via my own email address which kind of the defeats the purpose of automation.

Not fully impressed with any of them up to now.
Frustrated with Fergus as it's quotation section is just too limited. I'll not bother trying with that anymore.
The only good thing Fergus does which none of the others can do is that it integrates with my existing email address.

JobLogic is really good but again, there is no option to integrate with your existing email set up. Plus, when it does sent an email it sends it as a Word DocX file which 1. looks crap and 2. is open to editing and 3. has a daft "powered by JobLogic" symbol as the footer.

If I was to continue to use it, I would have to download each file, convert it to a PDF then send it via my own email address which kind of the defeats the purpose of automation.

Not fully impressed with any of them up to now.
I am using Xero for this

They let you add a docx that is customisable to my own spec.

My quotes havd 6 pages after the inital cost which includes terms and also cooling off period stuff (legally requiured)

ALthough Xero does not do time management softwaer I find it works for me jost now, would I switch over to a software package that links to Xero and manages jobs etc- maybe

I know a heating engineer that used powered now (which I tried) and he found that once the first year is up the price hiked up quite a bit

So Xero and Outlook does it for me.
We also use dropbox for the photos (my son does not want to use One drive photo sync as he has his own photos he does not want to sync - I shudder to think)
So it all just about works.
I am using Xero for this

They let you add a docx that is customisable to my own spec.

My quotes havd 6 pages after the inital cost which includes terms and also cooling off period stuff (legally requiured)

ALthough Xero does not do time management softwaer I find it works for me jost now, would I switch over to a software package that links to Xero and manages jobs etc- maybe

I know a heating engineer that used powered now (which I tried) and he found that once the first year is up the price hiked up quite a bit

So Xero and Outlook does it for me.
We also use dropbox for the photos (my son does not want to use One drive photo sync as he has his own photos he does not want to sync - I shudder to think)
So it all just about works.
I might have to look into this a little more as this little rabbit hole is getting deeper and deeper the more I look.
It seems to me that the majority of these software packages are hampered in some way or another.

My accountant uses QuickBooks so it would make sense to use software that will integrate QuickBooks.

I know that Quickbooks offers a similar service to Xero so I'll take a look at that option too.

I am similar to you in that I like to provide as much detail as possible in my quotes/estimates so that there is no confusion over what my client is receiving as a service.
I am weak on T&C's though to be honest! I wouldn't even know where to start with that! ☺️

I tend to feel that, as a Sole Trader, clients don't seem to care about T&C's as I've never been asked to provide them.
They are 100% required though, I realise that.

Yeah, don't be messing with your son's pics on OneDrive! That'll not end well!
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OK, this is what I use, and it's not perfect, and it's not integrated BUT it's free

For Estimates, Invoicing and bookkeeping (matching payments etc to bank account) I use FreeAgent , you can get it free if you have a business account with several high street banks. My accountant has full access to it, and it makes his job (and fee) minimal, as he can generate all sorts of financial reports

To keep track of jobs I use the free version of Trello, simply paste in a template to the card as I create it, and update it as a job moves through my process. It's pretty much the equivalent of the old T-Card system

And of course an online calendar, I use Apples, but Googles would do the same job.

I have looked at the available job management packages, and they don't offer much more apart from being integrated
OK, this is what I use, and it's not perfect, and it's not integrated BUT it's free

For Estimates, Invoicing and bookkeeping (matching payments etc to bank account) I use FreeAgent , you can get it free if you have a business account with several high street banks. My accountant has full access to it, and it makes his job (and fee) minimal, as he can generate all sorts of financial reports

To keep track of jobs I use the free version of Trello, simply paste in a template to the card as I create it, and update it as a job moves through my process. It's pretty much the equivalent of the old T-Card system

And of course an online calendar, I use Apples, but Googles would do the same job.

I have looked at the available job management packages, and they don't offer much more apart from being integrated
Hi Alan,

That's really helpful information bud. I haven't heard of the software you're using so I will do some research on this to see if I can introduce it into my work-flow.

Your method looks really interesting though so I'm intrigued. :)

Are you a Sole Trader or Ltd with employee's?

You know what, I'm really disheartened with this process as I thought it would be really straightforward thing - select a software package and just work with it but I've realised they all make promises but fail on delivery.

I have a telephone consultation with simPRO this morning so I'll update you all later on with the results of that but something tells me it's going to be their pricing that will prevent me from using it. I've heard that their minimum cost per month for the service is £70 which is a bit eye-watering BUT, if their software really does integrate everything then I think I could swallow that cost. Either way, it must be expensive as they don't advertise their prices ANYWHERE.

Ultimately, it's the time I lose to manually doing everything that is the critical thing here so I will have to consider all options.

I'll post back later on.
Hi Alan,

That's really helpful information bud. I haven't heard of the software you're using so I will do some research on this to see if I can introduce it into my work-flow.

Your method looks really interesting though so I'm intrigued. :)

Are you a Sole Trader or Ltd with employee's?

You know what, I'm really disheartened with this process as I thought it would be really straightforward thing - select a software package and just work with it but I've realised they all make promises but fail on delivery.

I have a telephone consultation with simPRO this morning so I'll update you all later on with the results of that but something tells me it's going to be their pricing that will prevent me from using it. I've heard that their minimum cost per month for the service is £70 which is a bit eye-watering BUT, if their software really does integrate everything then I think I could swallow that cost. Either way, it must be expensive as they don't advertise their prices ANYWHERE.

Ultimately, it's the time I lose to manually doing everything that is the critical thing here so I will have to consider all options.

I'll post back later on.
For quotes I find Xero good

It takes a bit of time to add the items to products and services but once it is there that's it

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