Did a eicr on a upstairs flat, there is 1 main bonding cable from the consumer unit, the gas pipe comes from the gas meter outside and up the wall and straight through the loft to the other side of the flat and down to the boiler. the gas bonding goes out the db and up to the loft then across the flat next to the gas pipe and drops down to below the boiler. it is then connected to the pipe below the boiler and then cross bonded between all pipes below the boiler. there is no main water bonding but due to the cross connection below boiler i am getting a reading of 0.02 with a long lead back to the board so has a earth path. so for one the bonding is no where near connected on entry to building about 12 meters away and there is only one bond that is supplementary bonded with 10mm below boiler accross all pipes giving the water a reading and its not continuous its been cut at all clamps.
Waht do you think? im thinking a c2
Waht do you think? im thinking a c2