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What? No Thatcher thread?

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Ex girlfriend of mine is from a very political family.........i couldn't give a ---- to be honest.


We watched a Mandela 'concert' one night and I commented he was a terrorist.................whoa............end of nice time lol
He planted and arranged bombings I said................that was different she said !!!!! wtf hahahahaha

A terrorist is a fkin terrorist full stop...................that includes, in my humble opinion, anyone or any government who explodes bombs against people...........Mandela/IRA/British difference whatsoever:)

You can't pick and choose who you think is a terrorist as they all have different ideals.
No, but i can be for the purpose of this thread lol.

Trev, guess what...i've always voted conservative...

Tin hats...:leaving:

last time i voted was for lord sutch, but since he died, i ain't bothered. if anything, i'd vote ukip. get out of europe.
Before she came to power I worked in a large engineering company as a Training Instructor charged with the selection, training and welfare of apprentice engineers - about 80 - 90 of them. The company had won the Queen's Award for Export Achievement, we had a full order book and overtime was worked 2 night and Saturday morning regularly.

We needed to expand and create more jobs so a new site was bought and work commenced on the construction of the new factory which was budgeted at £6Million. It was anticipated that 300 new jobs would be created on the opening of the new factory, with a further 300 at the end of the first year of opening.

Then Thatcher arrived and just before we were due to move to the new factory, redundancies were announced. Three years later we were all out of a job.

Today, that £6 Million custom- built engineering works is now a Cash & Carry warehouse.

You can guess my thoughts about Thatcher, and that's before I get started on the mines, shipyards, steelworks, and Shildon (google Shildon sometime) We have a dock here in Geordieland and it's called Tyne Dock. It was built to export coal from Geordieland to all parts of the world - including London. Today it imports coal from all over the world where it is sent by rail in wagons made in Romania and hauled by locomotives made in Canada to our power stations which are sitting on top of millions of tons of coal in Yorkshire, and all this while Shildon which was a major wagon manufacturing plant is a museum and the locomotive works at Darlington is an ASDA supermarket and Doncaster, Crewe and Loughborough are doing SFA.

What she could never get her head around was the fact that it was never "just" a mine, or "just" a steel works or just whatever .... it was ALSO about the infrastructure - all the other businesses and people who survived to serve the industries and the folk who worked in them whether it be the factories making the steel, the castings, the machinery to wagons to carry the products, the corner shops, the pubs & clubs and the breweries, bakers and candlestick makers - they all fell just like dominoes.

Her "policies" were all for a short-term fix and her replacements for the lost industries were / are finance & banking etc. and look where that led and that's before we even think about the privatisation of the energy, water and rail companies.

There's a joke doing the rounds just now that Thatcher's been dead for only a day and already Saint Nick has been to the Jobcentre to sign on and she's closed down 3 furnaces so far. It may be a joke, but I'm betting it isn't far from the truth!!

I have here a bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale that I'd like to pour on her grave - just after I've filtered it through my kidneys. The woman was pure evil personified.

That sums up that woman very accurately

Unless you are old enough and lived in the areas where the impact of this womans vindictiveness was felt, you may never fully understand the deeds of that woman,I will speak of that woman no more in this post

Germany closed mines shipbuilding and large engineering etc around the time that the UK began its carnage
Germany and the UK had parity with the number of apprenticeships at that time

The poilicies were implemented in both countries Germany promoting and encouraging investment in the areas to be affected,the UK closed everything and did nothing,a whole generation andwhole communities were destroyed,not just affected, they were destroyed,the woman had no empathy with the victims of her hateful revenge and carnage

Germany today has 10 apprenticeships for every 1 apprenticeship available in the UK
Germany has heavy industry and the skills to man that industry,Germany has well paid employment,it has been recetion proof in comparision to the UK
Germany had one very distinct advantage,it never had a conservative and vindictive no care female running that country at the time

RIP Thatcher and lets hope her legacy will never ever be inflicted on any future generation by anybody with the same warped thinking

In Wales the overwhelming reaction will be sympathy for her relatives loss at this time,but as for the woman and her actions,she waged war on us here and decimated our country, we may never be forgiving to a self made "enemy" of our communities and our way of life
Read the first few posts and thought to myself, these people clearly do not rememember what state this country was in before she was Voted in(3 times) Scargill was determined to bring her down and thru his own stupidity ruined the coal industry prematurely, i note he is now being chased for the house he says he owns. i also note he did not suffer alongside his 'brothers'. socialism does not work and never will, there always has to be someone at the top, getting more , earning more, more luxury, perks etc, how is that socialism or whatever else you want to call it. Most of the members on here i believe are self employed, i'm not, but i would vote for her rather than money grabbing blair or the arrogant brown who admitted that bringing in more immigrants would keep inflation down, and so it did, by increasing unemployment.If you do not know about the state of this country before she was voted in You do not know what you are talking about. This is my opinion ( in communist countries i would not be allowed to say it) and if my kids don't agree they can leave home and try life in north korea.

- - - Updated - - -

Read the first few posts and thought to myself, these people clearly do not rememember what state this country was in before she was Voted in(3 times) Scargill was determined to bring her down and thru his own stupidity ruined the coal industry prematurely, i note he is now being chased for the house he says he owns. i also note he did not suffer alongside his 'brothers'. socialism does not work and never will, there always has to be someone at the top, getting more , earning more, more luxury, perks etc, how is that socialism or whatever else you want to call it. Most of the members on here i believe are self employed, i'm not, but i would vote for her rather than money grabbing blair or the arrogant brown who admitted that bringing in more immigrants would keep inflation down, and so it did, by increasing unemployment.If you do not know about the state of this country before she was voted in You do not know what you are talking about. This is my opinion ( in communist countries i would not be allowed to say it) and if my kids don't agree they can leave home and try life in north korea.
I clearly remember the poster proclaiming "Labour isn't working" with a queue forming in front of a job centre and the promise to reduce this. I clearly remember how unemployment went up and up and up. I clearly remember how communities were ripped apart and how families had their lives ruined by the policies of the government of the day. I clearly remember the refusal to invest in industry as other European countries did and see the effects of that to this day. I clearly remember how she was told that ships and troops should be stationed in the South Atlantic to deter an invasion of the Falklands and how that was refused thus leading to the deaths of 905 young men and the spending of £2 billion (which we were told we didn't have) in order for the party to ride the resultant wave of popularity to a second election victory which would almost certainly not have happened otherwise. I clearly remember how the utilities were sold off to the financial services industry resulting in us having water piped to us by foreign companies, being dependent on Russia for gas which is sold to us by a French company. I could go on but I won't, for now.
I remember when news at ten used to show the job losses for the week every Friday night on a uk map just like the weather forecasters would use. it got so embarrassing for the Tories I think they put a stop to it, bad days indeed
Read the first few posts and thought to myself, these people clearly do not rememember what state this country was in before she was Voted in(3 times) Scargill was determined to bring her down and thru his own stupidity ruined the coal industry prematurely, i note he is now being chased for the house he says he owns. i also note he did not suffer alongside his 'brothers'. socialism does not work and never will, there always has to be someone at the top, getting more , earning more, more luxury, perks etc, how is that socialism or whatever else you want to call it. Most of the members on here i believe are self employed, i'm not, but i would vote for her rather than money grabbing blair or the arrogant brown who admitted that bringing in more immigrants would keep inflation down, and so it did, by increasing unemployment.If you do not know about the state of this country before she was voted in You do not know what you are talking about. This is my opinion ( in communist countries i would not be allowed to say it) and if my kids don't agree they can leave home and try life in north korea.

The unions are the only thing that bought about safe working practices in this country. As for "there always has to be someone at the top, getting more , earning more, more luxury, perks etc" that has to be balanced out by the needs of the majority other wise you may as well just go back to feudalism or slavery.
Iron Lady Rust In Peace ..............Fears of civil disorder in capital as plans are revealed for partially state-funded ceremonial funeral. Meanwhile lawyers warn against pre-emptive arrests as police scan social media to identify likely protesters
Iron Lady Rust In Peace ..............Fears of civil disorder in capital as plans are revealed for partially state-funded ceremonial funeral. Meanwhile lawyers warn against pre-emptive arrests as police scan social media to identify likely protesters

Anyone still thinking this is a free country and not a police state?
I clearly remember the poster proclaiming "Labour isn't working" with a queue forming in front of a job centre and the promise to reduce this. I clearly remember how unemployment went up and up and up. I clearly remember how communities were ripped apart and how families had their lives ruined by the policies of the government of the day. I clearly remember the refusal to invest in industry as other European countries did and see the effects of that to this day. I clearly remember how she was told that ships and troops should be stationed in the South Atlantic to deter an invasion of the Falklands and how that was refused thus leading to the deaths of 905 young men and the spending of £2 billion (which we were told we didn't have) in order for the party to ride the resultant wave of popularity to a second election victory which would almost certainly not have happened otherwise. I clearly remember how the utilities were sold off to the financial services industry resulting in us having water piped to us by foreign companies, being dependent on Russia for gas which is sold to us by a French company. I could go on but I won't, for now.
Do you also rememember the rubbish in the streets , the dead not buried, the 3 day week , the power cuts, inflation, and the unemployed under labour, clearly not, the unions ran this country NOT the government, She ran this country like you should run your household, within its means. you dont go and invite a lot of non paying guests to live with you if you can barely pay your bills. As for the falklands, she was strong when she needed to be, be honest did you actually think the argies would attack, i didnt, do you actually think n/korea will attack?. The utilities were sold off because as usual a labour government SPENT all the money in order to gain popularity, as they did this last time. And i think a lot of Ex council house tenants (now owners) would dissagree with you. I myself think the main utilities should have remained in the public domain ie gas electric and water they wre essentials and i think she was badly advised as she was on poll tax, the principle was right but the admin was wrong.I could also go on about the pointless strikes that bought this country to its knees, but i won't cos ive got work in the morning
Do you also rememember the rubbish in the streets , the dead not buried, the 3 day week , the power cuts, inflation, and the unemployed under labour, clearly not, the unions ran this country NOT the government, She ran this country like you should run your household, within its means. you dont go and invite a lot of non paying guests to live with you if you can barely pay your bills. As for the falklands, she was strong when she needed to be, be honest did you actually think the argies would attack, i didnt, do you actually think n/korea will attack?. The utilities were sold off because as usual a labour government SPENT all the money in order to gain popularity, as they did this last time. And i think a lot of Ex council house tenants (now owners) would dissagree with you. I myself think the main utilities should have remained in the public domain ie gas electric and water they wre essentials and i think she was badly advised as she was on poll tax, the principle was right but the admin was wrong.I could also go on about the pointless strikes that bought this country to its knees, but i won't cos ive got work in the morning
Didn't the 3 day week and power cuts start under the Heath government? Yes unemployment was high under labour but it went higher and higher under thatcher despite the promises to get it reduced (Guess the tories never change) You cannot run a country like you run a house, an economy does not work in the same way. Ex council tenants now homeowners may well disagree with me but that does not change the fact that their houses were sold to them at a knock down price as a bribe. Looking back I think it's fairly obvious that Argentina were going to attack especially when the one ship patrolling the area was withdrawn, she was even told that it would happen. As far as North Korea goes, well I don't know why that's relevant but I think an attack is distinctly possible. Yes strikes were crippling the country before she got in but you have to ask why were a lot of them happening? Probably because the man in the street was getting shafted by the Heath government and the subsequent labour administration was inept and impotent and so were condemned to firefighting rather than running the show. Nothing much improved from 1979 onwards and still hasn't to this day
The unions are the only thing that bought about safe working practices in this country. As for "there always has to be someone at the top, getting more , earning more, more luxury, perks etc" that has to be balanced out by the needs of the majority other wise you may as well just go back to feudalism or slavery.
True , but then they started to get stupid, in the 60's and 70's they would strike for the most stupid things. as for the needs of the 'majority ' they clearly didnt think of the majority when they put the country on a three day week and the power cuts etc, i suffered under those conditions and so did the majority in this country, and for what.
I heard someone on the news stating she was the grandmother of the peace process in the north of Ireland.

It was the biggest load of crap I had ever heard.She single handedly drove a generation of young people to join the IRA with her handling of the hunger strikes.No other British prime minister has ever had such disregard for the situation in Ireland.

I believe she will have to explain her action to her maker.

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