I've got a customer who currently has a 60A main fuse running in 10mm tails to a board with breakers 32/32/20/6/6A which, doing the diversity calc at biggest breaker + 40% of the rest comes in at 57.6A, just about OK.
She wants a new 32A cooker circuit, so I said she should get the tails...
This question has probably been asked several time but things change. The house I'm living in now was built in the 1960's and has a ring main using 4mm Flat Twin and Earth. A lot of properties I've noticed have been wired with 2.5mm FTE and both connected through originally a 30amp fuse or more...
Hello everyone!
I have a question regarding the electricity supply and the maximum demand.
One energy utility supplies an 18 kVA maximum capacity of electricity for a three-phase connection, and I'm wondering what this means in terms of the appliances and equipment I can safely use without...
I (well, the MCS installer) obtained approval under G59 back in 2015 for 11.5 kW of grid connection on a single phase. 12kW of panels into two 6kW inverters. I'm in a fairly remote area. Not aware of any other solar arrays feeding into my local pole mounted transformer.
I'd now like to add...
I am a lecturer teaching electrical installations and in reading through the on-site guide to prepare a lesson I have come across a section I have not seen before.
On page 146 near the bottom, the OSG talks about applying an ambient temperature correction factor to the maximum Zs values given in...
What is th emaximum current draw allowable from the mains for...
UK domestic single phase
Light industrial single phase
Light industrial 3 phase
If there are different levels, then please advise.
Basically i suppose what i am asking is what current does the wiring have to be rated for...
Hey guys I really need urgent help understanding this
Basically I'm trying to calculate what the diversity factor/percentages would be for the following circuits which are inside a hotel:
3x 32A socket outlet circuit
2x Vending machine circuit
Fridge circuit
Servery food holding...
I'm always in a dilemma with regards max demand. Often you work it out and it's higher than the the 80A or 60A cut out fuse. However, you know that in reality it is absolutely fine.
I have thought about this in the past when installing electric showers. Now with EVCP's as well it's making me...
On a recent EICR i have ring final circuits (sockets) on type C 32 amp rcbo
Some of my ZS reading exceed maximum ZS (0.55 OSG) ie:0.65 ohms .
On a earth fault this will disconnect via the MCB part of the RCBO.
How can i ensure a LINE to Neutral fault will still disconnect?
I decided,having lived with using a live circuit, to buy a proving unit. I opted for a Kewtech Prove 4 which covers 5 voltages between 690volts and 50 volts. The device starts at 690 volts which is ok for my Megger 2 pole tester. My fluke clamp meter has a limit of 600 volts. The second problem...
A couple of questions for you.
The electrician that rewired our house ran a 10mm2 SWA to our outbuilding. The total length of the cable is about 45m. It is in ducting underground at a depth of approximately 1.2m.
Now, my understanding is that the max load for 10mm2 underground over 45m would...
I'm an experienced sparky, now semi retired, with absolutely no knowledge of solar PV, which I'm trying to do something about.
My questions are quite simple ones, but ones where Google didn't provide a definitive answer.
A typical 2kVA grid tie invertor is a Sunnyboy 2000HF which has a start up...
Im learner yet!
i would like to know something about the TT system!
if i would have an outbuilding installation, like sumer house!the main earthing sytem is tncs! so the bs 7671 recomend ONLY DO NOT export the earth from the house !what about if i still use the tncs earth to summerhouse...
Hi all is there a regulation stating how many white good appliances allowed on a 32a Ring. Had another discussion with a fellow electrician stating that maximum 4 x 2kw load white good appliances on one ring, but he could not quote the regulation think this is just his own preference. As he was...
I have Maestro Pro dimmers throughout my home. I have remodeled the kitchen and want to upgrade the lighting. I desire to put 15 10-watt led can lights on one Maestro Pro led dimmer. The Lutron representatives say "no problem" but I would like to make sure that is the case before I run all...
Evening people,
Was hoping someone could help me with this problem I'm having.
I am writing up my portfolio NVQ and writing about installing metal trunking. On the OSG page 143 table D4, column number 1 list the trunking sizes by cross sectional area. The trunking I have used was 100mm x...
What would be the maximum amount of Branches from a Socket on a Radial that you would find acceptable?
I've seen 4
I'm not talking about Design or being Tidy or keeping it nice for testing but how many would you say No that's just too many?
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