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USA politics, recent events.

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Did Trump do a good Job as President.

  • No

    Votes: 24 49.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 7 14.3%
  • Yes but he was a bit of a loose cannon (said stupid stuff).

    Votes: 18 36.7%
  • No better or worse than Obama

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
Oddly enough I was also opposed to Trump when he won the presidency, although I felt the choice between him and Hillary was pretty much impossible for Americans. I thought US politics needed a kick up the backside, and that he would provide this, but I didn't expect him to do much for US citizens.

He certainly provided a shake up and his continued brash attitude came as no surprise, but I started to realise that his policies were actually having an effect on the lives of many of those Americans to whom no one listened.

As the Russian allegations started to look shakey and it became apparent that many of his opponents weren't interested in any of his successes, but simply wanted to oppose his every action, I began to watch more closely.

After four years he was still the same braggart, but that side of his personality was no longer as brash as it had been - not that I think he was a different person, but that he'd learnt a little about politics. While the last four years saw a lot of anger, this was often about nothing of substance. Right now I think we're going to see much of the same anger, but possibly for good reason - who know? This might all blow over and everything goes back to the old routine, but equally matters could become worse. One thing I've long been certain of is that Biden isn't going to do much other than what he is told by persons unknown - it's pretty clear that he isn't capable, so who is writing these executive orders?

It's also interesting to note that where antifa rioters were previously being released without bail, for all but the most serious of charges, they're now facing much more robust charges and are less likely to be released after processing. These decisions are being taken at a mayoral level as before, yet those roles are still occupied by the same people.

Now matter what anyone's politcal views are, I think events in the US are worth keeping a close eye on.
I'm happy to correct my earlier inference regarding Trumps pardoning of people. I now note that all previous presidents of both parties have always done this and Barak Obama had the highest amount i believe. I should have looked into that a bit more (maybe proving your points about finding out correct information).
I will never be a fan of Trumps for my simplistic reasoning previously stated but i cant blame him for everything. Have a good day ?.
I agree @Paul L and for the first few yrs I was 100% behind your school of thought then I started seeing what his policies and actions were doing for the US and never saw these positive stories ever on the news so I dug deeper and it totally opened up a massive can of worms and then I realised that not only the US media but our own was unfairly targeting Trump by only posting negative stories.
Yes he is a verbal idiot, yes he doesn't carry himself like a real politician but he did one thing no recent president has done, he put the people before the big tech and that is why he beat employment records, economy records, got more blacks into education than any other president etc ..
If he was this person that we are told then why do 80million people still support him after he has left and why do all the figures he achieved destroy all recent achievements by any other president.
That was the reason I posted that achievement list, non of my mates had ever even known of any of them and given he helped broker 4 peace deals that other presidents had failed to do you have to ask a lot of questions as to why we are been spoon fed nothing but negatives.
The same mates of mine didn't even know there is corruption and pedo allegations against Hunter Biden or the sexual allegation against his dad 'the President' these cases are active yet it now seems Biden is setting the cases up to fail. Trump could have done this with the Russia allegations but he didn't need to because he wasn't guilty and was cleared but only after yrs of claims.
If you want to stick by your views I will think no less of you as that is your right but I do like to show there is 2 sides to every story and US politics is by far one complicated cookie.

I‘ve just Googled that, most of the hits suggest they are false allegations. Where do you get your information from?
I‘ve just Googled that, most of the hits suggest they are false allegations. Where do you get your information from?

Some of the allegations surrounding Hunter Biden are difficult to substantiate for legal reasons (images involving kids). Apparently some non-explicit images have been circulated that have been described as vile and indefensible. It is alleged that these are the tip of that particular iceberg, but I've no desire to view them for obvious reasons.

The corruption allegations stem from emails released after a computer repairer handed a laptop to US authorites (non payment of repair bill by Hunter Biden meant that laptop subsequently passed into ownership of the repairer). This story broke, along with some leaked emails, prior to the election and main stream media reported nothing. One notable exception was the New York Post, whose Twitter account was locked due to claims over Authenticity of these emails. NY Post refused to back down and their account was finally unlocked (several days) after authenticity was confirmed. After the election, some noises were made about the story within the main stream media, but ultimately they dropped the whole thing.

The emails implicate Hunter and also Joe Biden's brother. What hasn't been substantiated is the claim that a party regularly referred to as "the big man" is none other than Joe Biden, although a former business partner of Hunter's has gone on record stating that Joe Biden was always to be referred to by this name in all communications.

Who knows what the actual truth is, but I find it rather odd that this story involving authenticated information has been mostly ignored by the media.
Well for the most part, most of the hits on google, up to two pages in were saying, in effect it was all false allegations, the child sex thing.
Well for the most part, most of the hits on google, up to two pages in were saying, in effect it was all false allegations, the child sex thing.

I don't dispute that.

In fact, I'd expect as much considering all the work that went into suppressing this story during the run up to the election.
Big tech is involved in this suppression, think about that.

When you search you use a search engine, if that search engine is suppressing certain information and sites then how do you know it is, you will simply believe the direction it heads you and almost certainly it will push you to information that suits its own agenda.
If you were privy enough to see or witness he evidence you are left in no doubt this is real and not what you see as the top listings on your search engine would have your believe.
Remember even the fact checker sites are run by people of the liberal left and they very carefully word things to give a certain impression while conveniently leaving out vital information, they do not exactly lie but they push a narrative to push you to think a certain way and is why people like Candace Owens a spoken out conservative voice has successfully sued these platforms in the past.

Let's say we have a social media platform that refuses to align with the Silicon Valley view, we did, in fact we have on a few occasions and what happens is an orchestrated attack that wipes them off the face of the digital world.
This happened several years ago with a platform called Gab and more recently with Parler, neither of these sites had content on them that couldn't be found on Twitter but it wasn't about the content, it was about the fact the deep state couldn't control them the way they have with big tech so an orchestrated attack was done. Gab actually rebuilt itself to be totally independent from the rest of the tech and they now have no way of pulling the plug on Gab, Parler however were riding on the very systems of big tech that supported its forum, they removed the apps, they cut off the servers and blocked the addresses all because Parler wouldn't play ball, the irony here is Twitter are far from angels themselves ... in fact none of the popular platforms are but here are 2 reports and it beggars belief that twitter has the audacity to criticise Parler and its content yet still remain in the app store even though ... see below.

Twitter refused to remove child ---- because it didn’t ‘violate policies’: lawsuit -

What you see on the internet if it is politically conscious or doesn't follow the liberal far left agenda pushed by silicon valley and the deep state will be removed while they happily turn the other cheek to companies that bow down to their instructions and it doesn't matter how hypocritical they are or how guilty they are of the same or even worse.
So where's the evidence for that, suppressing the story?

The post above gives a fairly good account of how these things happen.

Not sure how I can prove that a story was suppressed. Some people save before and after screen shots of stories that have been heavily edited or removed entirely, but I'm not really concerned about going to those lengths in order to win a later argument.
I think this thread has come to the end of its useful discussion, well it has for me. Some of you are choosing to believe in what you want to believe in, not what the truth is in reality.
A bold statement in deed, you basically have taken the position that you are right and those that probably differ in opinion are wrong and they are in a fantasy world of some kind.
When it comes to the USA and especially its accusations of child sexual abuse it is a difficult subject matter to prove given the extent and lengths they go to cover it up. I am also bound to consider what I can post here, some of it that would have you question what you think you know is not suitable for this forum and would bring the wrong kind of attention to the forum.

I however can give you plenty of closer to home examples of news suppression that lasted decades.

-The BBC and Jimmy Saville - they knew all along and protected him, the BBC has officially apologised for decades of cover up. (remember the infamous sex pistols interview in 1978 where Lydon exposes the cover up that effectively got him banned and all we saw is news outlet after news outlet attack Lydon for his 'lies') ... 30yrs it took for it to be exposed and now we look at that moment in a very different light.

- Child grooming gangs prevalent throughout the UK in the muslim communities, again we saw systematic cover up from government, police, councils, care services for decades and anyone that mentioned it were some kind of racist and/or conspiracist, whistle blowers who tried were often threatened, lost their jobs etc and still to this day we have a government report that was promised to be released to the public and not held back on because of ethnic sensitivity but said report remains out of public view and the reason why is it is damning and exposes a much larger problem than they even realised.

-Global children's charities helping 3rd world nations swarming with volunteers that for decades were molesting and raping the kids they were supposed to be helping, buried until a few yrs ago even after yrs of accusations.

I and others here are no conspiracy theorists when it comes to a lot of what has been discussed, you will struggle to find it on normal internet searches because they simply do not want you to find it, take it from someone that has seen a lot of the evidence before it was erased from the internet, if you seriously want to take that pill and see the real world you live it it isn't very nice but you cannot go back, it means using search engines and sites that do not share your info and VPN's to mask your IP to some extent although you can safely scratch the surface enough to convince even the largest doubter without the need to go that far.

All you have to do over the US election is answer the simplest of questions or ask it as I have already done so with no reply from anyone.

- If the election was not rigged then the biggest piece of evidence was simply for the democrats to provide access to the Ballots and the counting machines, this would have confirmed from day 1 the legitimacy of the elections and ended this last november, however what has happened and is still happened even under court order to release them is a refusal to access them even to this day - not only do we have republicans asking this question but we have plenty of democrats themselves asking the same question because they believe a fair election is more important than losing to Trump.
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A bold statement in deed, you basically have taken the position that you are right and those that probably differ in opinion are wrong and they are in a fantasy world of some kind.
When it comes to the USA and especially its accusations of child sexual abuse it is a difficult subject matter to prove given the extent and lengths they go to cover it up. I am also bound to consider what I can post here, some of it that would have you question what you think you know is not suitable for this forum and would bring the wrong kind of attention to the forum.

I however can give you plenty of closer to home examples of news suppression that lasted decades.

-The BBC and Jimmy Saville - they knew all along and protected him, the BBC has officially apologised for decades of cover up. (remember the infamous sex pistols interview in 1978 where Lydon exposes the cover up that effectively got him banned and all we saw is news outlet after news outlet attack Lydon for his 'lies') ... 30yrs it took for it to be exposed and now we look at that moment in a very different light.

- Child grooming gangs prevalent throughout the UK in the muslim communities, again we saw systematic cover up from government, police, councils, care services for decades and anyone that mentioned it were some kind of racist and/or conspiracist, whistle blowers who tried were often threatened, lost their jobs etc and still to this day we have a government report that was promised to be released to the public and not held back on because of ethnic sensitivity but said report remains out of public view and the reason why is it is damning and exposes a much larger problem than they even realised.

-Global children's charities helping 3rd world nations swarming with volunteers that for decades were molesting and raping the kids they were supposed to be helping, buried until a few yrs ago even after yrs of accusations.

I and others here are no conspiracy theorists when it comes to a lot of what has been discussed, you will struggle to find it on normal internet searches because they simply do not want you to find it, take it from someone that has seen a lot of the evidence before it was erased from the internet, if you seriously want to take that pill and see the real world you live it it isn't very nice but you cannot go back, it means using search engines and sites that do not share your info and VPN's to mask your IP to some extent although you can safely scratch the surface enough to convince even the largest doubter without the need to go that far.

All you have to do over the US election is answer the simplest of questions or ask it as I have already done so with no reply from anyone.

- If the election was not rigged then the biggest piece of evidence was simply for the democrats to provide access to the Ballots and the counting machines, this would have confirmed from day 1 the legitimacy of the elections and ended this last november, however what has happened and is still happened even under court order to release them is a refusal to access them even to this day - not only do we have republicans asking this question but we have plenty of democrats themselves asking the same question because they believe a fair election is more important that losing to Trump.
All true but to be honest I genuinely now think that ignorance IS bliss.

If you haven't looked for this stuff don't but also accept that you are ignorant.

Best to keep out of these topics, I don't know what good they do.
All true but to be honest I genuinely now think that ignorance IS bliss.

If you haven't looked for this stuff don't but also accept that you are ignorant.

Best to keep out of these topics, I don't know what good they do.
True - many occasions over the yrs I have often thought it is better to actually live in ignorance and just enjoy the basics of life than to know what is really going on although I don't really discuss this outside of the online world, when friends and family have lived in this media and government created bubble for decades it isn't easy to change their whole perception of the real world and is why it is a hard pill to swallow at first.

Most conspiracies out there are stupid and clearly reserved to the realms of crazy people but one has to realise that conspiracy is a convenient tag to help hide an uncomfortable truth especially by those in power and control.
A bold statement in deed, you basically have taken the position that you are right and those that probably differ in opinion are wrong and they are in a fantasy world of some kind.
When it comes to the USA and especially its accusations of child sexual abuse it is a difficult subject matter to prove given the extent and lengths they go to cover it up. I am also bound to consider what I can post here, some of it that would have you question what you think you know is not suitable for this forum and would bring the wrong kind of attention to the forum.

I however can give you plenty of closer to home examples of news suppression that lasted decades.

-The BBC and Jimmy Saville - they knew all along and protected him, the BBC has officially apologised for decades of cover up. (remember the infamous sex pistols interview in 1978 where Lydon exposes the cover up that effectively got him banned and all we saw is news outlet after news outlet attack Lydon for his 'lies') ... 30yrs it took for it to be exposed and now we look at that moment in a very different light.

- Child grooming gangs prevalent throughout the UK in the muslim communities, again we saw systematic cover up from government, police, councils, care services for decades and anyone that mentioned it were some kind of racist and/or conspiracist, whistle blowers who tried were often threatened, lost their jobs etc and still to this day we have a government report that was promised to be released to the public and not held back on because of ethnic sensitivity but said report remains out of public view and the reason why is it is damning and exposes a much larger problem than they even realised.

-Global children's charities helping 3rd world nations swarming with volunteers that for decades were molesting and raping the kids they were supposed to be helping, buried until a few yrs ago even after yrs of accusations.

I and others here are no conspiracy theorists when it comes to a lot of what has been discussed, you will struggle to find it on normal internet searches because they simply do not want you to find it, take it from someone that has seen a lot of the evidence before it was erased from the internet, if you seriously want to take that pill and see the real world you live it it isn't very nice but you cannot go back, it means using search engines and sites that do not share your info and VPN's to mask your IP to some extent although you can safely scratch the surface enough to convince even the largest doubter without the need to go that far.

All you have to do over the US election is answer the simplest of questions or ask it as I have already done so with no reply from anyone.

- If the election was not rigged then the biggest piece of evidence was simply for the democrats to provide access to the Ballots and the counting machines, this would have confirmed from day 1 the legitimacy of the elections and ended this last november, however what has happened and is still happened even under court order to release them is a refusal to access them even to this day - not only do we have republicans asking this question but we have plenty of democrats themselves asking the same question because they believe a fair election is more important than losing to Trump.
What I object to strongly is the right wing insinuation specifically highlighting child grooming gangs to Muslim communities. Yes there have been grooming gangs linked to muslim communities but is this anymore prevalent than any other community? All the perverts I arrested were all dirty old white anglo saxons. I can tell you for a fact that across the board kids in care, due to lack of support and supervision have always been exposed to exploitation... a clear failure of our social service resourcing. Go back a few years and these children were treated as problem offenders due to the disruption they caused in communities due to drugs, theft and disorder. No one actually looked at the causes. What you have seen is a change on policing and social culture in the last few years. These kids would/do not talk or cooperate with police so bringing about prosecutions was extremely difficult. Its only in recent years that changes in legislation have enabled victims more support in giving evidence and also the ability to bring about victim-less prosecutions.
....Most conspiracies out there are stupid and clearly reserved to the realms of crazy people but one has to realise that conspiracy is a convenient tag to help hide an uncomfortable truth especially by those in power and control.

Damo's first law of conspiracy theories;-

"The closer you are to the truth the greater the proportion of what you read is bollux"

Pretty much all conspiracy theories have a kernel of truth then two things happen. One, deliberately misinformation is sewn and two, the internet goes into meltdown about it.
What I object to strongly is the right wing insinuation specifically highlighting child grooming gangs to Muslim communities. Yes there have been grooming gangs linked to muslim communities but is this anymore prevalent than any other community? All the perverts I arrested were all dirty old white anglo saxons. I can tell you for a fact that across the board kids in care, due to lack of support and supervision have always been exposed to exploitation... a clear failure of our social service resourcing. Go back a few years and these children were treated as problem offenders due to the disruption they caused in communities due to drugs, theft and disorder. No one actually looked at the causes. What you have seen is a change on policing and social culture in the last few years. These kids would/do not talk or cooperate with police so bringing about prosecutions was extremely difficult. Its only in recent years that changes in legislation have enabled victims more support in giving evidence and also the ability to bring about victim-less prosecutions.

Its no the noncing, as you point out, there are many more white nonces but these tend to be solo nonces operating from positions of familiarity on an opportunity.

The issue with Asian gangs is that there is a racist element, one that the establishment does not want to recognise let alone tackle. White girls are seen as trash and acceptable targets by far too many in these communities while their own young women are locked up and married off to uncles in some Stan somewhere.

Local councils and law enforcement don't want to look too closely at the Asian night time economy for fear of being labeled racist themselves but there are thousands of horny young Asian men predating on drunk or vulnerable young women.

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