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V.Nearly Esteemed
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
Nr Wigan, Lancs
Just wondering if any one has any knowledge or experince of this outfit they have contacted a friend of mine who has a hotel for his PAT testing. I spoke to them on my friends behalf and they don't sound very knowledgeable. Any info would be appreciated
I have had dealings with these people before - very underhanded methods - avoid them - go to someone local you can trust.
They were originally Nationwide Electrical Safety - went bust with debts of over £1million - then started up immediately as UK Safety Management with the same management - there are numerous complaints about them and the way they operate.
Got to agree the sales people promise the earth but on the ground they are useless

Due to the lack of replies at the time my mate went with them for PAT testing had to get them back to do the job properly as they only tested half the appliances on their first visit. I have subsequently found problems with some appliances that had minor faults that should have been found at the time of the testing, they also exclude so many items that they won't test for one reason or another

They certainly won't be doing it next year and I won't be recommending them
Got to agree the sales people promise the earth but on the ground they are useless

Due to the lack of replies at the time my mate went with them for PAT testing had to get them back to do the job properly as they only tested half the appliances on their first visit. I have subsequently found problems with some appliances that had minor faults that should have been found at the time of the testing, they also exclude so many items that they won't test for one reason or another

They certainly won't be doing it next year and I won't be recommending them

So you hardly bothered to take the time out to read the link i put up about them then??
So you hardly bothered to take the time out to read the link i put up about them then??

I checked this thread a number of days after posting due to getting no notifications and your reply wasn't there so it would have been difficult to read it
My post is second on here from September and if you can see there is a link to another site with a 5 page story about this company. If you missed that you have managed to miss helping your friend!!
Please let us start by apologising for the late response to some questions raised about PAT Testing and UK Safety Management.

UK Safety Management are a large PAT Testing organization in the UK employing 95 local PAT Testing Engineers around the country to service UK Safety Managements many clients.

We employ over 200 members of staff at our Head Office in Leeds and in our call centre in Hull. This is then added to with the fully qualified PAT Testing engineers, all of whom are your 'Local Portable Appliance Testing Engineers' whom get mentioned in various threads criticizing UK Safety. UK Safety Management now service over 51,000 satisfied and repeat customers. These are all managed centrally and co-ordinated from our head office.

We have adopted an active tele-sales approach to PAT Testing which has proven very successful, as many people simply forget the need to PAT Test for the protection of the business owner, the employee and the consumer.

We can assure everyone who has commented on this post, including other PAT Testing companies that all calls are recorded for quality and training purposes and are monitored fully by our quality control department to ensure nothing is miss sold, or miss leading and to ensure the client gets the service they expect.

We would be more than happy to investigate the above claim, please get in touch with us so that your issues can be raised and resolved.

Many Thanks

The UK Safety Management Team.
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Why do these companies insist on using premium rate numbers which cost to call when most people are using bundled inclusive call minutes where 08****** numbers are excluded
We are a Nationwide company operating throughout the UK and N.I, so by use of a 0844 number we afford all our clients local rate calls and don't limit our reach by use of a local number. If we provide a free 0800 number people will still be charged for calling us on a mobile. Please use 01132 8231390 if you prefer for further information.

The UK Safety Management Team
Some pretty impressive figures from UKSM - 95 PAT Testing Engineers to service 51,000 customers that's an average of 537 customer's for each engineer per year! So why all the cold calling?? I would have thought your engineers would be busy enough with your impressive list of customers. Then 200 Head Office staff! Which is an average of 255 customer's per each member of Head Office Staff - surely under employed in comparison to the PAT Testing Engineers? So for each engineer employed you have to employ two Head Office staff?
Is there any other business that runs with two "office" staff for every "manual" worker they employ?
The figures look impressive but to any normal business minded person they don't stack up.

It was the same boast that your former company (Nationwide Electrical Safety) made before they went bust last year with unpaid taxes!

Ever thought of going into Politics or becoming a City Banker?

Just who is "The UK Safety Management Team"?
I have had dealings with these people before - very underhanded methods - avoid them - go to someone local you can trust.
They were originally Nationwide Electrical Safety - went bust with debts of over £1million - then started up immediately as UK Safety Management with the same management - there are numerous complaints about them and the way they operate.

Some pretty impressive figures from UKSM - 95 PAT Testing Engineers to service 51,000 customers that's an average of 537 customer's for each engineer per year! So why all the cold calling?? I would have thought your engineers would be busy enough with your impressive list of customers. Then 200 Head Office staff! Which is an average of 255 customer's per each member of Head Office Staff - surely under employed in comparison to the PAT Testing Engineers? So for each engineer employed you have to employ two Head Office staff?
Is there any other business that runs with two "office" staff for every "manual" worker they employ?
The figures look impressive but to any normal business minded person they don't stack up.

It was the same boast that your former company (Nationwide Electrical Safety) made before they went bust last year with unpaid taxes!

Ever thought of going into Politics or becoming a City Banker?

Just who is "The UK Safety Management Team"?

The UK Safety Management Team are a team of professional individuals that provide a service to 51,000 + clients who are more than happy to continue in using our services year after year, which is why our client base and staffing levels keep growing.

As mentioned we are more than happy to investigate any claim of under performance to improve the service we provide to our clients. If your dealings with UK Safety Management, and I quote "I have had dealings with these people before - very underhanded methods - avoid them - go to someone local you can trust." are as an unhappy customer of UKSM, please feel free to get in touch. Here we can provide all relevant sales conversations, testing reports and follow up courtesy calls relating to your business or complaint. All our clients receive a courtesy after an engineers visit to help provide the best service possible and continually improve standards.

Please see our ever growing list of case studies including clients quotes which are supplied at the time of the courtesy call.

The UK Safety Management Team

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Oohh dear by looking at this post it looks like some electricians are not too happy with UK Safety Management and they are jumping on the band waggon, just like brin the snail.

Well I have used this firm this year, and here is my story so far.

I had a call from a call centre cold calling me regarding my Pat Testing, which I informed the lady on the phone that it had already been done, she asked for me to have a look at the sticker as she wanted the oppotunity to see if she could beat my existing suppliers price nearer the time. I accepted and gave her the date she was looking for.

Prior to my pat testing becoming due I had another call from UK Safety pitching me for my business and I had decided to stick with my current supplier for this year but I would welcome a call back the following year as I was due to call my Local Electrician to book him to come and see me...

As the time went on and I was busy running my business i got another call about 2 months later and low and behold it was UK Safety Management ''AGAIN'' anyway it turns out that they were calling me a month after the date my pat testing was due to double check that the electrical contractor had shown up and that I had sorted my PAT testing out. Anyway to cut a long story short I had forgotten to book my testing in and decided to go ahead with UK Safety as it was conveinient because they could book it in there and then... I agreed a date and that was that.

The following day I got a letter confirming my booking... A day prior to my booking UK Safety called again, to confirm that they were due to attend the following day and was it still conveinient, I agreed that it was and asked for an early booking. The chap i spoke to could not confirm a time unless i took the 1st slot of the day, which i did 08.00 your engineer will be with you. The following day at 08.05 the engineer turned up, apologised for being late, he was dressed smart in his uniform, he explained what he was going to do and was there anywhere in particular he would like me to start...... He tested my appliances promptly turning down my offers of hot drinks. Once completed he had been informed by a member of staff at the 'Head Office' that my bill was on invoice and that I had 30 days to pay. He left a copy for me and took a copy away with him. On his way out he mentioned someone would be in touch in about 10 months time to book me in again.... I thought that's great knowing how busy I am and sometimes how forgetful I can be!!

A week passed and I got a call from UK Safety again, Hi Lee it's Blah can i ask you a few quick questions and they were basically asking questions about the service and if I was happy with the service and the way in which I have been dealt with........... The answer was yes I was happy with the way I have been dealt with, and yes I will be using them again the following year as it is easy. At the end of the day they prompted me to get it done after I had forgotton, and low and behold my local electrician whom I used to use has gone to teach because he was unable to get enough business to make it work!!!

I am sure that a company as big as UK Safety do get the odd complaint, but I am sure that Macdonalds get the odd complaint also. they are dealing with serious volumes of customers so you would expect it after all. The only complaints I can find on the internet are on electricians forums, so I would say that if you are not happy with UK Safety being good at selling and taking your customers, you either need to invest in a really good sales operation, accept the fact they will take some of your customers, or sell your business, and go and work for them.... At the end of the day its dog eat dog and if you can't handle the heat stand away from the fire!

Cheers Lee
"Lee" Hmmm....for a first time posting, in response to a hot potato, anyone else smell what I'm smelling??

On another note, 51,000 thousand customers annually divide by 95 engineers working lets say a 10hr day, five days a week for 47 weeks of the year.... I make that roughly 2.5 customers per day, so lets say 3 hrs on site for each. Gives us 180 minutes. Takes at LEAST 2 mins to do the proper testing, do the labels etc, so that's 90 appliances. At lets say 75p per item... Equals 2 x £67.5 = a product revenue of £135 per engineer per day x 95 = £13k per day x 365 = roughly a gross turnover of £4.6m. So if you don't pay them all very much, then actually the numbers DO - just about - stack up.

But I'm still smelling it. From 3000 miles away at the moment.
"Lee" Hmmm....for a first time posting, in response to a hot potato, anyone else smell what I'm smelling??

On another note, 51,000 thousand customers annually divide by 95 engineers working lets say a 10hr day, five days a week for 47 weeks of the year.... I make that roughly 2.5 customers per day, so lets say 3 hrs on site for each. Gives us 180 minutes. Takes at LEAST 2 mins to do the proper testing, do the labels etc, so that's 90 appliances. At lets say 75p per item... Equals 2 x £67.5 = a product revenue of £135 per engineer per day x 95 = £13k per day x 365 = roughly a gross turnover of £4.6m. So if you don't pay them all very much, then actually the numbers DO - just about - stack up.

But I'm still smelling it. From 3000 miles away at the moment.

Not sure really what exactly you are trying to say here, but if you fancy a call message me your number?.... I highly doubt you will but the offer is there

Also your math is incorrect at one point you say 5 days a week but then multiply 13k by 365 days. Im not a mathematician but i think you made a mistake!!....

You also say for 47 weeks so why 365 days...

Also im sure that noone these days works gross! I would suggest if you own a business you dont do the accounts?
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Sniff, sniff - the smell is getting stonger - innit??

By the way I use McDonalds most days and you get what you pay for there - never had a reason to complain yet! No doubt some people do and they may well work for Burger King!

Well done Lee for sticking up for UKSM - ONE satisfied customer out of 51,000?? If my maths are correct that is 0.0000196% satisfied customers!

I stayed at a B&B the other day and saw some of their labels on a few appliances, just green stickers wrapped around the power cords with just a simple "PASS" on the label and the next due test date - NO appliance ID number so quite how the report matches the appliances I really don't know! Perhaps Lee can enlighten us on how the system works?

By the way Rockingit your maths are wrong - You are assuming that 95 engineers are working 47 weeks of the year - EVERY DAY!
Without any sicknesses or absent from work? I only have 20 people working at our place and there is very rarely 100% attendance every week.

If you do assume that all 95 engineers work 5 days a week for 47 weeks of the year and still generate £13k per day - then that is actually just 235 days which equals £3,055,000 - if you then divide that figure by the total staff of 295 (include the office bods) then the avaerage yearly pay per employee is £10,356 - but, no doubt Lee could enlighten us both on where we are getting our figures wrong!
Obviously Lee is an easily satisfied "model" customer happy that all his appliances got stickers

He hasn't realised that the job has not been properly done

I don't know where he found the time to post on here if he is as busy as he says

Getting a bit whiffy in here isn't it
Be interested to know how many appliances Lee had tested and how long the "engineer" was at the premises.

Did they charge extra for socket testing - which was not originally quoted for Lee??

How about microwave leak testing at £8 plus VAT a throw for less than 30 seconds work?

Rotten eggs anyone???
Lee - I own and run a very succesful enterprise, thank you. It's because of this that an Engineer works 47 weeks a year due to annual leave and bank holidays, but you don't let all your staff have a break at the same time - and as we all know, when one guy is off, the others just have to work harder to make up for it. So, for the purpose of very rough guestimation, I think my formula holds ups. thanks all the same. And I was working ex vat, of course.

But it doesn't really matter, as I think the whole thing is BS anyway; I was just actually being fair to the claim of 51,000 customers. But anyone can have 51,000 customers if you want to sell something that (should) cost you 50p to buy for 2p. Maybe that's why you went bust the first time?
It does not matter what you say at the end of the day i have not had a message with a phone number to call to put rockingit right.

1.6 million out is very rough!

At the end of the day you are all too happy to write your thoughts. at the end of the day when the the dogs hit the road the view only changes for the lead as i have said previous, if you dont like it sell up..... And as for assuming i have anything to do with UK safety, do me a favour, get a life.

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