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UK Load in Amps on a mains single-phase circuit

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I have a 230 Volt single-phase circuit with a 100 Amp cutout fuse and a 100 Amp MCB switch, so the supply is rated at 23 kVA.

Only about 13% of my total energy consumption is electricity. The remaining 87% is natural gas, supplying the following appliances (kW figures are net output power):-

22 kW boiler, 3 kW fan-flued convector heater. 8 Kw cooker.

After (if?) natural gas is turned off some time in the 2030s I can have 3-phase installed (at vast cost) to give me total kVA 55.15 at 230 Volts. As you can see, this offer is tied to reducing the supply capacity per phase to 80 Amps. So a connection from one phase (and the neutral) to my existing single-phase consumer unit would be rated at 18.40 kVA, leaving (I presume) 36.60 kVA for the 3-phase, once this is balanced (how is balancing achieved in this sort of situation, by the way?).

I will also, by then, need a powerful EV charging wallbox. An 11 kW one is for 3-phase only, as would be a 22 kW electric boiler (heat pump technology is not suitable for our home). If these two appliances consume 33 kVA, the 3-phase will be used to over 80% of its capacity, but it could be arranged that the two would never be on at the same time.

The 23 kVA single-phase circuit, with capacity reduced to 18.4 kVA, will need to carry extra loads:-

Cooker (12 kW maximum, 7 kW diversity), 3 kW convector heater.

I have done calculations of the peak consumption of the circuit as it stands now. I need to be confident that these are reasonably realistic, so that I can add the extra loads to the existing ones, and calculate the much higher peak consumptions with the extra loads added. I need to know if the total is likely to be within the reduced 18.40 kVA capacity of this circuit.

If this is relevant (please see below), the additional appliances mentioned for the single-phase, and both those for the 3-phase, have power factor 1.

As regards the existing load on the single-phase circuit, if a p.f. should be applied, it should be reasonable to use 0.8.

To work out first the load on the increased-load circuit as regards the its capacity/the capacity of the cutout fuse, I need to know if I should increase the kW of the total existing load by 1/0.8, so as to include apparent as well as real current, and get a figure in kVA. Or should use the total kW. At that point I would add the extra loads of the cooker and convector heater, as kVA and kW are identical.

Calculating Amps using kVA increases the load on the existing circuit by 25% if p.f. is 0.8, so, after adding the extra proposed loads, there is unsurprisingly considerably more "headroom" left in the circuit capacity if I calculate using kW.

I suspect that kW is the correct basis to use, because apparent current passes back into the grid after passing through the circuitry of an appliance. An appliance may draw, say. 10 Amps. If its p.f. is 0.8, 2 Amps are returned to the grid instantaneously as the 10 Amps are drawn. This is why a Watt/hour meter records using the voltage times the net current used up by loads, and so reads in kWh and not kVAh.

So I suspect that the cutout fuse draws the net current (full current less apparent current).

Which should I use for my calculation: kW or kVA? If the answer is kVA, then, in view of my comments just above, where have I misunderstood things?

I've tried to find an answer to this, but can't find any focussed guidance.

Can forum members enlighten me reliably, please?

The process works something like this:
1. Choose a GSHP installation company. ( DM if you want a suggestion for your area)
2. Said GSHP installation company will have knowledge, experience and service from their chosen GSHP manufacturer, e.g. Siebel (there are many others)
3. Engage said company for a design, this will generally be backed off to the manufacturer, e.g. "Install Co" backs off design to "GSHP Manufacturer Co"
4. Based on your local environmental conditions, e.g Land Area, soil type, availability of ground water, the manufacturer of the GSHP will design the ground loop.
5. Install Co then installs to GSHP manufacturers design -

Hope this helps and glad you are in sync with the electrical engineers nightmares of dealing with the plethora of AC electrical loads and its impact of current carrying infrastructure (and we have not even mentioned harmonics yet), lol
Many thanks. I've printed off your suggestions for future reference.

Where do you yourself operate (if you are effectively a GSHP company)?
Yes, you on the right lines. This is a 59KW GSHP, brine is the medium circulating in the ground loop. The difference in temperature brine in/out maybe only a degree or two, but all it needs to do is turn the Fgas inside the GSHP from liquid to gas so it can run through the heat exchanger and give up its heat and turn back to liquid. Admittedly the unit has a large compressor to push the Fgas around the heat exchanger and normally heat pumps are more efficient in heat mode than cooling mode as the heat generated by the compressor easily provides some extra heat transfer into the Fgas too aid liquid to gas transition. What Stiebel have done is more formalise this heat recovery into direct hot water to aid both DHW and CH and breaks the temp barrier that normally makes heat pumps most efficient at 35 degrees. The system i am working on is set to 50 degrees fixed value direct to buffer tanks which then heat the house, hot water tank, swimming pool and warm air heat exchanger for the swimming pool air handling unit, so it has alot to do and raising the temps available means i dont need electric immersion for Legionnaires and provides hot water at a high temp for mixing further down the line. As mentioned the issue i was wrestling with was because the hot water tank rose to 74 degrees which is too much for bog standard pumps.
Very belated response - got side-tracked by other issues!

You are in Chesterfield. We are in Retford - about 35 miles away.

If you are willing for me to do this, how can I contact you direct (say, by email)?

I'd like to investigate with you in much more depth the practicalities, if necessary with the addition of 3-phase electricity, of installing ASAP for our existing (current gas-boiler-powered) wet central heating circuits, and without or with heating of DHW.
Just DM your email, it should be secure and not open to spamming, appear to having quite a few of these types of conversations, cheers P&S
Just DM your email, it should be secure and not open to spamming, appear to having quite a few of these types of conversations, cheers P&S
I didn't know what DM means. I've Googled it., where the explanation is "direct marketing".

If that's the meaning, the result of your search does not surprise me:-

I use an old email address (, not the address that I have had for well over a year now) for my postings on Electricians Forum. That was simply so I could find the messages from the forum easily.

That old email address now only receives mail, which is transferred into the email Client where I still have an account for the address , with a separate one for my gmail address. Since (aka ceased to be my ISP I have not been able to use that address, at least via my email Client. for outgoing messages.

I gave up on for three reasons:-

1. Inbox of limited, and small, size;

2. POP3 incoming email server only;

3. Absolutely NO spam filtering.

My contact at the email Client that I have been using ever since Microsoft stopped offering a decent one of their own (eg, Outlook Express in W. XP. Windows Mail in W. Vista) suggested moving to gmail as email provider because their spam filtering is very thorough.

So all that now arrives in the inbox in my Client is occasional spam, that I always junk as soon as I see it, plus emails from Electrician's Forum (and newsletters from a financial site).

Trust you're now satisfied that I am not some dubious crank, or worse!

If you are satisfied, how can we get in touch directly?

Needless to say, for a direct conversation by email, the address which I would give you to use would be my one!
oops, thx nicebutdim...... was attempting to give some confidence to OP that putting his email address in a direct message to me should avoid spambots and the like,

To the Op if you want a decent email client (proper one not a browser) that does pop3 & Imap and has some junk mail capability (although you have to teach it) then i thoroughly recommend Thunderbird, works on Windows and Linux, its open source (so free) has regular updates and a bright future !
+1 for Thunderbird, works fine with most mail providers and works on multiple platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux). In most cases it also auto-detect the mail server settings from the email you give the set-up wizard as well so its pretty easy.

Also has the advantage compared to web browser access that you can read your emails off-line, more so with POP3 access.

However, some providers still spam-filter before it gets to the POP/IMAP access point, such as Gmail, Yahoo and Outlook/Hotmail so for those you need to log in occasionally and check the spam folder and either mark as 'not spam' or sometimes better to add the legitimate sender's email address to the contact list there.

If you depend on your email for anything important like business then get your own domain name (the "" part of "[email protected]" sort of address) and pay a provider for your own dedicated email service. Typically costing around a fiver/tenner per month, but that way you get more control over things as you can migrate your domain to another provider and/or you another provider for a business web site, etc. I.e. the "" site can be hosted by someone different from the emails.
oops, thx nicebutdim...... was attempting to give some confidence to OP that putting his email address in a direct message to me should avoid spambots and the like,

To the Op if you want a decent email client (proper one not a browser) that does pop3 & Imap and has some junk mail capability (although you have to teach it) then i thoroughly recommend Thunderbird, works on Windows and Linux, its open source (so free) has regular updates and a bright future !
No, I was open to suggestions about how direct contact might be made.

Given your reaction, perhaps I ought to drop the idea!
+1 for Thunderbird, works fine with most mail providers and works on multiple platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux). In most cases it also auto-detect the mail server settings from the email you give the set-up wizard as well so its pretty easy.

Also has the advantage compared to web browser access that you can read your emails off-line, more so with POP3 access.

However, some providers still spam-filter before it gets to the POP/IMAP access point, such as Gmail, Yahoo and Outlook/Hotmail so for those you need to log in occasionally and check the spam folder and either mark as 'not spam' or sometimes better to add the legitimate sender's email address to the contact list there.

If you depend on your email for anything important like business then get your own domain name (the "" part of "[email protected]" sort of address) and pay a provider for your own dedicated email service. Typically costing around a fiver/tenner per month, but that way you get more control over things as you can migrate your domain to another provider and/or you another provider for a business web site, etc. I.e. the "" site can be hosted by someone different from the emails.
Thanks for your comments.

I've been happy with the (sometimes over-zealous) spam filtering which Gmail performs since I moved there from Because of the relationship between the Client that I use and Gmail, nothing that Gmails spams (which is not much since I changed to that provider) reaches my gmail account inbox in the Client.

I have kept the account open in the Client for the (now very rare) email from someone from the past who does not know that I've changed provider. I do sometimes regret this because of the amount of spam which still reaches me at that address., and which, if not already on my black list for that account in the Client, I junk manually.

But, as you will well know, that is not a permanent solution for addresses which keep changing domain, so are not recognised next time round as spam/junk by the Client.

As I said, my main use for the inbox in the Client is for conversations on a forum, and the like, which might lose prominence in the crowd in my inbox.

When I decided finally to abandon the use of (which became, they had been my email provider since 1999, so it looked a mighty chore to make a change effectively.

So mightily did that chore loom, and because of some concerns about Gmail and its fellows (which later proved much less bothering than they had first seemed), that I did indeed consider having my own domain. This would have allowed me to run SPF on my incoming mail, so avoid much of the junk that still bedevils my account in my Client (see below)

One my reasons for abandoning was that, after I had ceased using them as ISP, I lost the (dubious!) right to send out emails on that address from my Client. I had to use the johnlewis webmail - which I found to be a pretty "unhappy valley!"

So I opened an outmail account with Prolateral (whose main business is selling domains, I think), which worked a treat for outmail from my Client using my full @waitrose,com address.

But, eventually, this "dream ticket" was found wanting!

I opened an account at a new bank, who sent an email needing a reply by email. When I tried to do this, my message bounced back, and I was introduced me to the joys of SPF. The problem was that my emails were (obviously) no longer being sent out through the server, but on one with a completely different name (the one used by Prolateral). SPF rejects emails with this inconsistency.

That experience, and one two similar ones, FINALLY forced me to decide to dump completely. After taking advice from the people (real people!) who run my Client, I reconsidered, and again rejected, opening my own domain, and decided to run with the herd to gmail. The rest you already know.
Natural gas is NOT being turned off in the 2030's.
Sometime by or in the 30's the gas supply will have 20% Hydrogen mixed with it as most current appliances will work O.K .
Later, maybe 40's or 50's the whole network is likely to be 100% hydrogen, but that will require repiping of some of the network and modifying or replacing some appliances.

Trying to plan for something even in 10 years time is pointless.
Too much can change and new developments could have come online.

It may even be that they've managed to roll out the current gen 2 "Smart meters" into close to 100% households, but I would put too much hope on that happening.
I'll be interested to see how they implement this. Much like the attempts to reduce diesel vehicles.
That experience, and one two similar ones, FINALLY forced me to decide to dump completely. After taking advice from the people (real people!) who run my Client, I reconsidered, and again rejected, opening my own domain, and decided to run with the herd to gmail. The rest you already know.
Gmail's spam filtering is one of the better ones, but it is not ideal if you don't fancy web interface use periodically.

I went with Andrew & Arnold for email, costs me a fiver a month plus the domain renewal fees each year. They are one of the more 'technical' ISPs with a good reputation and I have been happy with them. The default webmail interface sucks a bit, but they have guidance on how to bypass the spam filter for POP/IMAP access without filtering. You can, with a bit of reading up from their guidance notes, also configure things like SPF and DMARC settings to make spoofing of your domain's emails harder.
Gmail's spam filtering is one of the better ones, but it is not ideal if you don't fancy web interface use periodically.

I went with Andrew & Arnold for email, costs me a fiver a month plus the domain renewal fees each year. They are one of the more 'technical' ISPs with a good reputation and I have been happy with them. The default webmail interface sucks a bit, but they have guidance on how to bypass the spam filter for POP/IMAP access without filtering. You can, with a bit of reading up from their guidance notes, also configure things like SPF and DMARC settings to make spoofing of your domain's emails harder.
Thanks very much for your constructive, and potentially helpful, comments!

Do you know whether Plugs and Sparks did his search on gmail or waitrose? He hasn't enlightened me. I assumed the latter because my waitrose webmail inbox is very top-heavy with spam. It's a smoke to empty it. If I wait long enough it will reach capacity, and the Client won't pick up new emails from it. I believe it's well-nigh impossible to close an ISP email account, so taking advantage of the limited size restriction in this case could be useful!

At present, as spam appears regularly in my waitrose account in my Client, I blacklist it manually.

I don't get any any spam in the Client gmail inbox. I check spam retained by gmail periodically.


How do you do a search like the one that Plugs and Sparks refers to (DM = Direct Marketing, it seems) without breaching privacy laws? It does sound a useful tool if someone personally unknown to you (whether "nice but dim", or just not nice at all!!) is to be assessed as a person to whom you should or should not be prepared to give access to your own email address.
Thanks very much for your constructive, and potentially helpful, comments!

Do you know whether Plugs and Sparks did his search on gmail or waitrose? He hasn't enlightened me. I assumed the latter because my waitrose webmail inbox is very top-heavy with spam. It's a smoke to empty it. If I wait long enough it will reach capacity, and the Client won't pick up new emails from it. I believe it's well-nigh impossible to close an ISP email account, so taking advantage of the limited size restriction in this case could be useful!

At present, as spam appears regularly in my waitrose account in my Client, I blacklist it manually.

I don't get any any spam in the Client gmail inbox. I check spam retained by gmail periodically.


How do you do a search like the one that Plugs and Sparks refers to (DM = Direct Marketing, it seems) without breaching privacy laws? It does sound a useful tool if someone personally unknown to you (whether "nice but dim", or just not nice at all!!) is to be assessed as a person to whom you should or should not be prepared to give access to your own email address.

Not direct marketing. He just means send him a message on the forum, rather than as a post on this thread.

This is getting out of hand :)
Not direct marketing. He just means send him a message on the forum, rather than as a post on this thread.

This is getting out of hand :)

That's already been explained by me and confirmed by plugsandsparks, but the OP seems to be heavily invested in the entirely unintentional distraction of direct marketing.

Given that I've been insulted for trying to help clear up any confusion and @plugsandsparks is having their credibility questioned for only offering advice on the original issue, I think they be well advised to bow out and dodge a potential bullet on this occasion.

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