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How has 2022 been so far? How's the economy affecting you? Any tips?

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How has 2022 been so far? How's the economy affecting you? Any tips?

This email has been sent to all members of the forum. I thought we could help each other out.

How is your business doing? How has the economy (and I hear recession being said here and there in the news now) affected you at home and your business?

Any tips for these big fuel bills, energy bills etc?
I don’t think it should be massively taxed or banned though just because someone thinks it causes gives them an itchy bottom, that could just be the washing powder 🤣
Your comments and replies to date clearly indicate you are not as well read on aspartame as you think you are and who said it gave them an itchy bottom

I think you will find that most people don't consume washing powder so it is a totally different issue that is generally caused by the biological agents in the washing detergent products

In a story about aspartame misinformation, “methanol can produce the known carcinogen formaldehyde” The body actually produces and uses 1,000 times more formaldehyde than you could consume through aspartame. After helping to make important proteins, formaldehyde gets turned into formic acid and exits the body through urine.
Ahh the standard manufacturer spiel and if it doesn't exit the body in the urine where does it end up
Aspartame is considered one of the most thoroughly tested food additives in the world
it is safe to consume for everyone except phenylketonurics
And that issue alone should put aspartame as one of the listed allergens on any product that contains it
Aspartame may be one of the most thoroughly tested food additives it doesn't necessarily mean it is 100% safe

There are many articles regarding misinformation about aspartame and there as just as many if not more that argue the total opposite
If a company can put enough money behind something for research that will make their product "safe" It will happen . Researches tend to do as they are told as funding is so limited these days .
I believe some people are just more sensitive to these artificial foods such as aspartame… I know I am… but I don’t think they are untested or dangerous or shouldn’t be there.
With some people it’s dairy, others it’s gluten.
And of course, potentially lethal nut allergies… and that is a real thing… not some crack pot, made up modern fad.

Testing goes as far as “safe for human consumption” but that doesn’t mean absolutely every human, because of these intolerances or allergies.
Your comments and replies to date clearly indicate you are not as well read on aspartame as you think you are
I'm sure you are a real authority on it 🤣
Ahh the standard manufacturer spiel and if it doesn't exit the body in the urine where does it end up
It has been researched over 500 times, 200 of these have been independent and nothing to do with manufactures.
And that issue alone should put aspartame as one of the listed allergens on any product that contains it.

In the UK, the Food Standards Agency requires all foods that contain aspartame to list the chemical among the product’s ingredients and carry the following warning; “Contains a source of phenylalanine”. Manufacturers of aspartame-sweetened products must also include ‘”with sweetener(s)” on the label close to the main product name or “with sugar and sweetener(s)” on foods that contain both sugar and sweetener.

In the United States, foods containing aspartame must have “Phenylketonurics: Contains Phenylalanine” written on their labels.

Aspartame is one of the most exhaustively studied NNS in the world. A number of regulatory agencies have confirmed that aspartame and its breakdown products are safe and approved for use in the general population (including infants, children and people who are pregnant or lactating):

Many health-related organizations also note aspartame has not been conclusively linked to any adverse side effects:

They're found in thousands of products, from drinks, desserts and ready meals, to cakes, chewing gum and toothpaste.

Sweeteners approved for use in the UK include:

  • acesulfame K
  • aspartame
  • saccharin
  • sorbitol
  • sucralose
  • stevia
  • xylitol
Both Cancer Research UK and the US National Cancer Institute have said sweeteners do not cause cancer.

"Large studies looking at people have now provided strong evidence that artificial sweeteners are safe for humans," states Cancer Research UK.

All sweeteners in the EU undergo a rigorous safety assessment by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) before they can be used in food and drink.

I'm not going to continue with this as it's quite pointless, you believe what you want and fight the good fight.
I have had a couple smaller jobs cancel in recent days and my wife and her fellow PT friends are also seeing cancellations across October and November

A sure fire sign people are feeling the cost of living crisis pinch ?


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The gym I 'somtimes' go to has put large A3 posters up in the changing rooms asking customers NOT to use the showers due to the high cost of energy

This is a gym that charges members £100 pcm to use the gym

I will be cancelling my membership at the end of this month as my renewal is due in November
Our local sports centre has had to lower the temp of the building and swimming pool .But So far its been accepted .I would not want to get the bill even for one day to heat double swimming pools . No idea , but must be over a grand ?

we went to S-Africa a few years ago . Stayed at a nice hotel (Amazing value for money ) .But water there is really controlled and you got charged for the use via meters . They really worry about water shortages there
The gym I 'somtimes' go to has put large A3 posters up in the changing rooms asking customers NOT to use the showers due to the high cost of energy

This is a gym that charges members £100 pcm to use the gym

I will be cancelling my membership at the end of this month as my renewal is due in November
Just work more that will keep you fit :)

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