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Agree totally with sorting out the poverty and thereby alleviating the need for drugs unfortunately these days unless you went to Eton or are one of the boy's none of these governments seem bothered about you. I remember many years ago and I was living just outside London,people there were getting a jail sentence for their first house burglary,yet up north people were still free after comminting dozens,talk about a north south divide,the mp's were not bothered what went on until it happened in their back yard.
I left in the Alcohol bit just for debate. Did you know that 14 year old can buy beer in a pub? I did'nt!
Duff info there matey. That got changed in the Act 2003 - it's 18 on licensed premises, full stop.

I'm a fully qualified licensee btw!
Er no.

Blair was simply a watered down version of Thatcher. he didn't represent the working man, and neither do any of them now
Do any of them represent the working Man, don't think so, lying thieving rich gits the lot of them,
Er no.

Blair was simply a watered down version of Thatcher. he didn't represent the working man, and neither do any of them now
I don't think so, he repaired this country after 20 years of tory cuts and non public spending when children were sitting in school halls with coats on due to no heating because of tory cuts, I saw it myself, he had to get our 3rd world schools modernised and up to scratch, His main mistake even I didn't like was sucking up to george bush and being his puppet, a bit like cameron with Obama now but no war so it doesn't stand out so much, and remember he was under the tory media spotlight for all his 11 years in office as well.

Back to the schools, I worked at over 200 different schools in Gloucestershire during the eightiees and ninetiees and saw first hand the damage no public spending did to them, I spoke to head teachers who were scratching around for cash to get roofs or boilers or even toilets replaced or refurbed, I worked in Southrop school in the mid ninetiees doing a small kitchen refurb when school dinners were done away with so it could be converted to a store room and the school had no heating, it was like it for 3 months and the kids wore coats and sat in an old victorian school hall eating sandwiches and not hot dinners. I witnessed old toilets in many schools with old tubular heating with wire cages around them and freezing cold rooms for the kids to go to the loo with terrible washing facilities, it can go on if you like.

When Blair got into power things changed, we had so much work repairing it all it was great, we installed new downflow heaters in toilets as a temporary fix until the schools had their heating modernised and proper central heating installed, handriers were installed and school dinners were back, now they were not great lol, but they were back. We were installing new computer suits where children could access the internet and learn to work on PCs, we installed dozens of new labatory rooms for chemistry and biology, I never did any of that between 1983-1997. Our economy was growing we were the 4th richest country in the world and unemployment was very low, everyone was working, times were good, under Gorden Brown things went south, but IMO the American banking system was to blame for that. We as a country are spending more now and borrowing more now than ever before, even more than when Tony was in office, I am aware I am alone on this forum in thinking he was a Good Man, but hey ho, a few words from you lot won't change history will it :biggrin: Oh and I don't need a tin hat.
I've just read this thread with real interest. Now, you'll have to forgive me for sitting on the fence slightly on this subject for two simple reasons:

1 - I've spent most of my working career in the 'sex, drugs, rock n roll' industry and so have seen maybe more than the average Joe, and 2) As both a healthy living type (despite the odds!) and a parent I also see the risks. And, the former Rockingit isn't going to claim some moral high ground, either.

So...on one hand you have Trevs argument that prohibition has failed and if you legalise then you can both control and profit. But on the other, two weeks ago at a festival I was assisting Paramedics dealing with some kid who nearly killed himself on Ketamine (which I think is 'only' class C). Somewhere there is a middle ground, but I think - as with alcohol abuse - that the answers lie within social attitude and not the law.
Of course alcoholics steal but after a while there bodies go downhill quicker than a junkies does and can't do what they could do .same with junkies when they get into a right mess they do stupid stealing as their bodies can't do what they used to do
I don't think so, he repaired this country after 20 years of tory cuts and non public spending when children were sitting in school halls with coats on due to no heating because of tory cuts, I saw it myself, he had to get our 3rd world schools modernised and up to scratch, His main mistake even I didn't like was sucking up to george bush and being his puppet, a bit like cameron with Obama now but no war so it doesn't stand out so much, and remember he was under the tory media spotlight for all his 11 years in office as well.

Back to the schools, I worked at over 200 different schools in Gloucestershire during the eightiees and ninetiees and saw first hand the damage no public spending did to them, I spoke to head teachers who were scratching around for cash to get roofs or boilers or even toilets replaced or refurbed, I worked in Southrop school in the mid ninetiees doing a small kitchen refurb when school dinners were done away with so it could be converted to a store room and the school had no heating, it was like it for 3 months and the kids wore coats and sat in an old victorian school hall eating sandwiches and not hot dinners. I witnessed old toilets in many schools with old tubular heating with wire cages around them and freezing cold rooms for the kids to go to the loo with terrible washing facilities, it can go on if you like.

When Blair got into power things changed, we had so much work repairing it all it was great, we installed new downflow heaters in toilets as a temporary fix until the schools had their heating modernised and proper central heating installed, handriers were installed and school dinners were back, now they were not great lol, but they were back. We were installing new computer suits where children could access the internet and learn to work on PCs, we installed dozens of new labatory rooms for chemistry and biology, I never did any of that between 1983-1997. Our economy was growing we were the 4th richest country in the world and unemployment was very low, everyone was working, times were good, under Gorden Brown things went south, but IMO the American banking system was to blame for that. We as a country are spending more now and borrowing more now than ever before, even more than when Tony was in office, I am aware I am alone on this forum in thinking he was a Good Man, but hey ho, a few words from you lot won't change history will it :biggrin: Oh and I don't need a tin hat.

Three letters:


Our grand children will be paying profits to private companies for what Blair and Brown did. Sure the Tories started using PFI but New Labour took it to a new level.

The ongoing spending commitments could break the NHS, local schools and god knows what else.

PFI contracts: the full list | News |
Three letters:


Our grand children will be paying profits to private companies for what Blair and Brown did. Sure the Tories started using PFI but New Labour took it to a new level.

The ongoing spending commitments could break the NHS, local schools and god knows what else.

PFI contracts: the full list | News |
I suppose we could have a country where only certain people at the top are wealthy and everyone else sits in fields clothless and starving but the rich have massive pensions FFS, I suppose we can get rid of all supermarkets and have food shelters everywhere and food agencies handing out parcels, it is a duty of Government in this country to protect it's people and ensure children are treated correctly by making sure they eat, are clothed and are not abused, when the tories do not spend anything for 20 years and the place falls to pieces I suppose thats okay providing the top people get their pensions and the riff raff get nothing, regarding the Guardian, I wouldn't wipe my --- with it, it is even lower than loo roll. Finally the NHS is and has been pulled apart by the Conservative governments for nearly 30 years, they don't want us to have it, they want an American policy regarding health care, they way they are going, well they will get there in the end for sure, I hope your grand children never need a life saving op, they may not be able to afford it here if the Tories get their way.
I suppose we could have a country where only certain people at the top are wealthy and everyone else sits in fields clothless and starving but the rich have massive pensions FFS, I suppose we can get rid of all supermarkets and have food shelters everywhere and food agencies handing out parcels, it is a duty of Government in this country to protect it's people and ensure children are treated correctly by making sure they eat, are clothed and are not abused, when the tories do not spend anything for 20 years and the place falls to pieces I suppose thats okay providing the top people get their pensions and the riff raff get nothing, regarding the Guardian, I wouldn't wipe my --- with it, it is even lower than loo roll. Finally the NHS is and has been pulled apart by the Conservative governments for nearly 30 years, they don't want us to have it, they want an American policy regarding health care, they way they are going, well they will get there in the end for sure, I hope your grand children never need a life saving op, they may not be able to afford it here if the Tories get their way.

God help us

And New Labour - they were at it too.
God help us

And New Labour - they were at it too.
Hmm, well waiting times were at nearly 2 years during John Majors era, it was down to just weeks before the last election, to be fair to Cameron I have no idea what it is now, it may well be it is the same or better, I just don't know without some research, but it was 2 years pre-new labour, nuff said :grin:
Hmm, well waiting times were at nearly 2 years during John Majors era, it was down to just weeks before the last election, to be fair to Cameron I have no idea what it is now, it may well be it is the same or better, I just don't know without some research, but it was 2 years pre-new labour, nuff said :grin:

Ah yes, that old milarky - "waiting to be seen times". Ambulances not allowed to get to the A&E entrance becase they are busy so hold them in a queue outside so they are not counted. Then you could be waiting for months to get to the next stage........

Personally I don't trust any of them with the NHS and statistics!
Ah yes, that old milarky - "waiting to be seen times". Ambulances not allowed to get to the A&E entrance becase they are busy so hold them in a queue outside so they are not counted. Then you could be waiting for months to get to the next stage........

Personally I don't trust any of them with the NHS and statistics!
I don't trust any of them either, I have had a fair bit of treatment over the last 7 years fella, and I don't wait long to be seen by a consultant for treatment, I had a 4 month wait the first time I needed to see one, it is only around 6 weeks usually though and when My daughter needed an op, she was in in under a month, anyhow I am fed up with all of them, new Labour as well, all politicians are ----ers, some are just a bit more caring if you can call it that than others lol
I don't trust any of them either, I have had a fair bit of treatment over the last 7 years fella, and I don't wait long to be seen by a consultant for treatment, I had a 4 month wait the first time I needed to see one, it is only around 6 weeks usually though and when My daughter needed an op, she was in in under a month, anyhow I am fed up with all of them, new Labour as well, all politicians are ----ers, some are just a bit more caring if you can call it that than others lol

The last time I used the NHS, I used the drop in centre in Woking due to a self inflicted head wound! I was the only patient and waiting time was less than 1 minute!

The previous occassion was for a suspected broken ankle, at a Portsmouth hospital, one Saturday evening - I was "assessed" within minutes and then had to wait. We were there for about 3.5 hours and as it got later the drunks came in, the Police came in with people in cuffs and air got bluer and bluer - I feel really sorry for the staff having to deal with knobs like this - and the drunk women were the worst!
I don't trust any of them either, I have had a fair bit of treatment over the last 7 years fella, and I don't wait long to be seen by a consultant for treatment, I had a 4 month wait the first time I needed to see one, it is only around 6 weeks usually though and when My daughter needed an op, she was in in under a month, anyhow I am fed up with all of them, new Labour as well, all politicians are ----ers, some are just a bit more caring if you can call it that than others lol
Hmm I think your right about the nhs you have been using it for 7 years and not one of them has tried to euthenase you ! !
What are the staff doing
Very late to the party here but a few points I wanted to make.

Those calling for tougher sentences, that has been the policy for the last 50 odd years, what has the end result been? Greater demand, greater supply, decreases in price, criminalisation of non violent users, £Trillions into the pockets of dangerous criminals, lethal substitutions and dilutions and the vast popularity of legal highs that have no history of human use and are far more dangerous than an illegal substance like ecstasy, that has decades of research behind it proving it's incredibly safe (when not cut with god knows what).

I get the vibe those in this thread against more liberal laws are those in their later life, I do understand how a lifetime of hearing how 'drugs' are evil and hearing stories/having first hand experience of crimes committed by hard drug addicts would lead you to this view. How would you feel if you couldn't function in the morning without a hit of a drug you are addicted to? Well surprisingly enough most of you, myself included, fall victim to this already, yet we don't associate a cup of tea or coffee as being a hit of an addictive drug we're dependent on, I can assure you it is. See how long you last without it!

It's ignorant to group all illegal drugs as bad and legal drugs as OK, look at the evidence for yourself.

If the drugs currently banned are licenced, tested and sold in a controlled way, combined with a fact based education program with harm reduction at it's core, and a register for hard drug users (who in the current system are under the radar until they end up in the nick) with easy access to well funded rehabilitation programs we will live in a much safer society.

Globally the movement towards drug policies based upon facts and harm reduction, not politically motivated ideologies is upon us, if we like it or not.

I have to say though, having been far too scared of a criminal record I have always kept my distance from drugs, them being legal would definitely change my attitude to them. We're british and to think that legalisation would decrease use would be as ignorant as thinking all drug users deserve prison sentences.

The fact of the matter is I love getting ****ed as a fart, what's stopping me from drinking myself to homelessness and eventually death? it's not a law, it's common sense and ambition to have a comfortable life. Lay out the evidence in front of people and let them make their own decisions like adults living in a free society should, devote some of the tax revenue into helping those who slip up. Simple, fair and effective.
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