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Should Scotland be allowed another referendum and do you think parliament has a right to deny it?

Discuss Should Scotland be allowed another referendum and do you think parliament has a right to deny it? in the Electricians Chat - Off Topic Chat area at

Should Scotland be allowed to take another referendum because of Brexit as is the SNP's claim?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters
I am not putting words in to peoples mouths, it's the language such as
'allowing the Scots to have a referendum'

Instead of supporting people to have democracy- remeber the Scottish Parliament is vastly more proportional than Westminster
Boris got elected on a lower % of the vote and a lower % of the seats than the SNP did in Scotland yet he has a mandate but the SNP don't

As I said earlier (on another thread) the UK government keep changing the goal posts about when and if Scotland can decide her own fate.

I am sorry if it comes across as anti-English, it is most certainly NOT.
I can't be bothered with this. You seem like a very bitter individual, and certainly nothing like the Scottish people I know and who I have worked with.
So what is your reasoning for ignoring the fisrt referendum?....I can’t be just because a politician told a fib surely? seem well read and and level headed, little bit obsessed maybe can’t honestly believe any campaign for or against a referendum will be any different next time?
It’s OUR country, all of ours.....United Kingdom what affects one affects all......ok ask for a vote poor choice of words on my behalf fueling your fire but I’m sure you understood what I meant mate ?

I understand where you come from, but my point is ,
The Scottish Parliament is democratically elected on a quasi PR system - if it decides to hold a referendum who has the right to block it and why.
Is it up to people other than the Scottish voters (through the Scottish Parliament) to decide their own future? or are they subservient till the end of time?
I understand where you come from, but my point is ,
The Scottish Parliament is democratically elected on a quasi PR system - if it decides to hold a referendum who has the right to block it and why.
Is it up to people other than the Scottish voters (through the Scottish Parliament) to decide their own future? or are they subservient till the end of time?
So how would you feel/react if you lost another referendum? honest!....where does it stop?, and let’s not forget how from an economic point of view at least how destabilising referendums are....uncertainty frightens investors and that’s what you’ve got uncertainty in the future, if frankie gets it across the line there’s no real guarantee that Europe will welcome Scotland with open arms, does it need another dependant?....will there even be an EU? I know you’ll scoff but it’s a possibility and I’m not arrogant enough to suggest that just because the United Kingdom chose to leave, it’s been failing for years,
So what is your reasoning for ignoring the fisrt referendum?....I can’t be just because a politician told a fib surely?......

Quite simple:
“When facts change, I change my mind,” John Maynard Keynes famously said

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. These words are usually credited to the acclaimed genius Albert Einstein

Scotland has voted Labour for decades and we seem surprised to get a tory government.
The point of independence is no more Tory governments in Scotland and running our own affairs

A corner pillar of the last referendum was that Scots were told to vote NO was a guarantee of staying in the EU


My neighbour is Polish and his wife is German, they both live here, obey the law and pay taxes.
He voted NO in the last Scottish independence referendum, his wife did not vote then.
They would both vote to now be in the EU (as things stand a hard Brexit is on the cards and there is NO chance of Scotland being in the EU, with #IndyRef2 we have a better than average chance)

There are about 40,000 voters passing on in Scotland each year, most of these that pass on are older and predominately NO voters to #IndyRef2
The younger ones are predominately YES (over 60%) so the longer it is between votes the higher the propensity of a YES vote.

Add that to the 180,000 or so EU nationals in Scotland who either did not vote last time or voted NO then you can see why Westmonster is getting a squeaky bum.
If Boris thought that NO would win he would call Nicola's bluff and 'let us choose'
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Don’t forget Boris has to take every body into account....I understand you clearly hate the tories, would rather be a one party state?, dangerous territory seem to have ignored my questions regarding instability and the eu???
So how would you feel/react if you lost another referendum? honest!....where does it stop?, and let’s not forget how from an economic point of view at least how destabilising referendums are....uncertainty frightens investors and that’s what you’ve got uncertainty in the future, if frankie gets it across the line there’s no real guarantee that Europe will welcome Scotland with open arms, does it need another dependant?....will there even be an EU? I know you’ll scoff but it’s a possibility and I’m not arrogant enough to suggest that just because the United Kingdom chose to leave, it’s been failing for years,

The EU is a side issue for me
I want independence and honestly believe that if we were bleeding the UK dry (as they suggest) the Tories would drop us like a hot potato

Why force someone to stay in a marriage that does not want to be there, not much of a partnership of equals

You seem to be forgetting Nicola is a means to an end- once we get independence the SNP will disappear like snow off a dry stone wall.
The EU is a side issue for me
I want independence and honestly believe that if we were bleeding the UK dry (as they suggest) the Tories would drop us like a hot potato

Why force someone to stay in a marriage that does not want to be there, not much of a partnership of equals

You seem to be forgetting Nicola is a means to an end- once we get independence the SNP will disappear like snow off a dry stone wall.
C’mon I only target Nicola because it’s easy to do so!...lazy of me I know but I like a laugh...I believe the great billy connelly coined the greatest phrase in politics....”anybody who wants to be a politician should automatically be barred from being one!” Or words to that affect ?......I’ve heard you argue the bleeding dry case before, where are you referring that from?......I’m also a bit disappointed in the present climate that anyone of your clearly educated mind would hate or detest anyone that badly purely for a different set of ideals or beliefs...I dint want Scotland to leave but would be the first to shake yours of frankies hand should you succeed in a fair and democratic c’mon what would you say to all the voters that are concerned for Scotland’s economic stability should frankie succeed??
See - needing to ask for permission to have a decision for your country, stay in your place. I am most certainly anti English, when we did family holidays we went to Torbay as the weather is decidedly warmer and I prefer to stay in the British Isles. When we are independent I will prefer to holiday here as well. The democratically elected Scottish Parliament should have the right to decide when and if a vote tom leave the UK is held Simple as that.

Just read my thread and cannot believe what I typed, CORRECT VERSION BELOW
please accept my apologies.

See - needing to ask for permission to have a decision for your country, stay in your place.
I am most certainly NOT anti English, when we did family holidays we went to Torbay as the weather is decidedly warmer and I prefer to stay in the British Isles. When we are independent I will prefer to holiday here as well.
The democratically elected Scottish Parliament should have the right to decide when and if a vote to leave the UK is held Simple as that.
As before mate, what would you say to a Scottish voter who was fretting over the financial implications of leaving?.....what is Scotland’s proposal for the vast eu sums she’ll need to find?, and what happen if, and it’s a genuine possibility, the remainder of the uk decide that they don’t fancy Scotland having the pound as a new and uncertain entity there’s a strong possibility of devaluation of the currency?......What would Nicola say to that?......I’m also a bit concerned that you want the abolition of the Tory party and by your own admission the SNP will be dropped as a political entity for being useless,essentially leaving Scotland with the Labour Party, more and more a socialist party these days....
As before mate, what would you say to a Scottish voter who was fretting over the financial implications of leaving?
Scotland is financially better off than the whole of the UK, Scottish GDP is ESTIMATED not calculated as most of the items used are calculated on a per capita basis, not an actual basis.

.....what is Scotland’s proposal for the vast eu sums she’ll need to find?
This is only if Scotland decides to join the Euro, the only way to join the Euro is to join the ERM - joining the ERM is entirely voluntry

and what happen if, and it’s a genuine possibility, the remainder of the uk decide that they don’t fancy Scotland having the pound
It's not up to the UK who uses Sterling, the UK can prevent Scotland from using the Bank of England as lender of last resort.
Scotland will set up their own Scottish £ and peg it to Sterling in the initial years (like the Republic of Ireland did with the Punt)

as a new and uncertain entity there’s a strong possibility of devaluation of the currency?
Scotland is a net exporter of goods

.....What would Nicola say to that?..
Not up to her, up to the Scottish Parliament and who the Scots elect as First Minister

....I’m also a bit concerned that you want the abolition of the Tory party
No, in an independent Scotland there will be Tories, Lib Dems, Labour etc the difference is that the parties will have separate headquarters based in Scotland who will not be controlled using a London and South East agenda

and by your own admission the SNP will be dropped as a political entity
Politics will realign in Scotland - more like the rest of Europe, coalitions will be the norm- no single large party with full control (better for democracy)
See comments above in red
See comments above in red
I get that but to the average voter that’s just words with no clear explanation, people aren’t as daft as politicians would like or like to believe.....all that is is a --- for tat argument with no real reference as to how Scotland would achieve this.....estimated is a fancy word for my mind this is where they fail, all politicians I mean, people are onto the media and lip service and no longer believe things because a pepper or person of perceived authority say them, so please an example of how?
I get that but to the average voter that’s just words with no clear explanation, people aren’t as daft as politicians would like or like to believe.....all that is is a --- for tat argument with no real reference as to how Scotland would achieve this.....estimated is a fancy word for my mind this is where they fail, all politicians I mean, people are onto the media and lip service and no longer believe things because a pepper or person of perceived authority say them, so please an example of how?
I agree that estimates are poor but almost ALL the figures come from UK departments, maybe I am cynical but if the actual figures showed Scotland was a basket case they would be all over the media.

The following chart is from before oil etc, the UK stop gathering actual accurate data on Scottish income etc about then (it is not linked to the fact that the SNP were formed about this time).

I agree that estimates are poor but almost ALL the figures come from UK departments, maybe I am cynical but if the actual figures showed Scotland was a basket case they would be all over the media.

The following chart is from before oil etc, the UK stop gathering actual accurate data on Scottish income etc about then (it is not linked to the fact that the SNP were formed about this time).

So to anyone born from 1975 onwards you’d show them that and say we are better off going it alone? a time when the world are at least discussing phasing out fossil fuels particularly in the motor industry?....I don’t think you’re MAYBE a bit cynical mate shall we just take that as a given ?
How many Scottish people depend on earning they living in England and take that money home with em? can’t expect that to continue surely?....
I personally know off at least one jock who intends to spend his working life down here in the south and then retire back up to Scotland and who can blame him I’d love to do it.....what would you tell these people?
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So to anyone born from 1975 onwards you’d show them that and say we are better off going it alone? a time when the world are at least discussing phasing out fossil fuels particularly in the motor industry?....I don’t think you’re MAYBE a bit cynical mate shall we just take that as a given ?
How many Scottish people depend on earning they living in England and take that money home with em? can’t expect that to continue surely?....
I personally know off at least one jock who intends to spend his working life down here in the south and then retire back up to Scotland and who can blame him I’d love to do it.....what would you tell these people?

The stats are till 1920, after then they were not done and then 'estimated'

I will give one example.
HS2, Crossrail, Thames gateway etc- all this is accounted as UK infrastructure spending and 10% is 'estimated' to Scotland. The reality is that other than UK power network connectors (to bring green energy to the rest of the UK) there is almost NO UK infrastructure spend in Scotland from Werstminster

How many Scottish people depend on earning they living in England and take that money home with em? can’t expect that to continue surely?....
Don't call me Shirley ....
This happens at present - there are different tax rates in Scotland now, the same thing happens in Northern Ireland / Republic of Ireland and it all works.

I personally know off at least one jock who intends to spend his working life down here in the south and then retire back up to Scotland and who can blame him I’d love to do it.....what would you tell these people?
I would tell them ' Welcome to Scotland'

Talking about fossil fuels - Scotland has over 30% of EUROPE'S renewable potential, this can be sold across the sea to mainland EU giving a steady income stream (I am talking about wave as well which is constant).
This is the future
My feelings are people’s should be free to do what they think fit within the law, and for the good of all. Majority should have the say so. You should run with what the majority have decide, for a suitable period of time, like an elected government. Things like Brexit would have a different period of reflection, not withstanding the EU would have us back in the next decade for example. But say perhaps ‘we’ decided, to rejoin in say 20 or 30 years time, then we could should debate that.

Same for Scottish Independence, a vote was held and the majority made that decision. You should run with that for a period of time, before re considering. You can’t just want a revote because it didn’t work out the way you wanted. I was a remainer, but have accepted the vote to leave, it would be ridiculous to say let’s have another referendum then another referendum then another. Some point, a decision has to be made.

I’m see myself as British not English. I would be concerned for all, if we saw Scotland leave the Union, as I would any other of the Home countries. I’m not sure how England would survive on its own, and how the demise of the UK would affect the other Home countries.

I think Scotland should decide its future; but they’ve already decided once to remain. You’ve mentioned Brexit has changed Scottish opinion about the Union, but Scotland is out. Why not wait and see how things work out, you see to have most of your own autonomy, why do you want to break up the Union.
My feelings are people’s should be free to do what they think fit within the law, and for the good of all. Majority should have the say so. You should run with what the majority have decide, for a suitable period of time, like an elected government. Things like Brexit would have a different period of reflection, not withstanding the EU would have us back in the next decade for example. But say perhaps ‘we’ decided, to rejoin in say 20 or 30 years time, then we could should debate that.

Same for Scottish Independence, a vote was held and the majority made that decision. You should run with that for a period of time, before re considering. You can’t just want a revote because it didn’t work out the way you wanted. I was a remainer, but have accepted the vote to leave, it would be ridiculous to say let’s have another referendum then another referendum then another. Some point, a decision has to be made.

I’m see myself as British not English. I would be concerned for all, if we saw Scotland leave the Union, as I would any other of the Home countries. I’m not sure how England would survive on its own, and how the demise of the UK would affect the other Home countries.

I think Scotland should decide its future; but they’ve already decided once to remain. You’ve mentioned Brexit has changed Scottish opinion about the Union, but Scotland is out. Why not wait and see how things work out, you see to have most of your own autonomy, why do you want to break up the Union.
You should run with that for a period of time, before re considering
Yes- I agree, the UK government have defined a 'generation' as 7 years- this is in the Good Friday Agreement, so I don't mind waiting till September 2021 for the next vote

I think Scotland should decide its future; but they’ve already decided once to remain. You’ve mentioned Brexit has changed Scottish opinion about the Union, but Scotland is out. Why not wait and see how things work out, you see to have most of your own autonomy, why do you want to break up the Union.
68% of Scots who voted in the EU referendum voted to stay in the EU
Scotland voted to stay in and are being forced out, Northern Ireland also voted in (by a smaller margin) and are remaining in the single market, the customs union PLUS being allowed a vote on their future in the EU when the want - through the Northern Ireland assembly
I am happy Northern Ireland have these rights - not that Scotland is effectively told to sit down, shut up and know your place.

To deny a vote is to deny democracy
The answer to how many referendums Scotland should have is simple- as many as the Scottish Parliament vote for.

I see myself as Scottish first and European second, never British.
I cannot wait till I have a Scottish passport - once independence comes I will be replacing my passport even though it has a few years to run.

Scotland will be in an advantageous position post independence, there WILL be a fair (to both sides) deal with the rest of the UK.
If there is no trade deal the lights go out down south, so despite the bluff and bluster of politicians common sense will prevail.
You seem proud to say that you would never consider yourself British? How sad. I think you need to get over all this before it takes over.
The UK act of leaving the EU is a major act of self harm to the UK, now if the rest of the UK want to jump off the economic cliff then fine- Scotland has a life raft.

The UK government could compromise- the EU have given special dispensation for Northern Ireland to stay in the customs union and single market, Scotland has asked the UK government to request the EU on Scotland's behalf - the UK have refused

As things stand the Scottish Government can not approach the EU as they are not a member state. Once independent we will be a member with a veto and a say at the table.
Remember Malta has more influence over Scottish laws and affairs in some areas than the Scottish Government has.
I'm not getting drawn in again. It's like a car crash though, you can't stop looking!
Many Scots do not see themselves as British, about 20 years ago 84% of Scots saw themselves as British, recently this was below 60% and is in decline.

This is due to the lack of respect and ignorance from Westminster.
Many Scots do not see themselves as British, about 20 years ago 84% of Scots saw themselves as British, recently this was below 60% and is in decline.

This is due to the lack of respect and ignorance from Westminster.
Another secret coming here mate......lack of respect and ignorance from Westminster is not exclusive to Scotland.,,,,I’m with seem determined to see the world burn and to hell with anyone that doesn’t agree....see ya x
The Scottish Government talk the talk and act where Boris and the rest of the Tories don't care
The financial bail out of the CV19 (so far) has cost only 5% of what it cost to bail out the bankers

Meanwhile the Scottish Government extend free school meals through the summer
Remember all P1-P3 (age 5-8) kids in Scotland already get free school meals (no turkey twizzlers here), will attach my kids school menu.

Free school meals extended through summer in Scotland

Copy of menu (when school is open)
Jeez it's like one long party political broadcast on a loop. Same thing over and over again.
Another secret coming here mate......lack of respect and ignorance from Westminster is not exclusive to Scotland.,,,,I’m with seem determined to see the world burn and to hell with anyone that doesn’t agree....see ya x
I see the UK going down a bad part and they (the Tories et all) don't seem to care or want to know
All other governments / assemblies in the EU have expressed their wish to have an extension due to Covit, the Tories have just ignored it.

Fortunately in Scotland we have the option to leave-
Putting my cards on the table - if the UK offered Scotland full fiscal autonomy and any war acts had to have the approval of a majority of the UK governments I would be content to stay.

Remember Gordon Brown (with the oversight of David Cameron) offered Scots 'as near federalism as you can get' which turned out to be full control of road signs, 25% of income tax and 15% of welfare
Gordon brown was/is and always will be a liar, he’s a politician........of course the eu wants an extension we would then be liable for a massive share of the covid bailout......we voted that’s it I appreciate that’s a concept some people struggle with but that’s it...

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