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What courses do you recommend an aspiring electrician should take?

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17 years old from UK.
I am looking for an apprenticeship and thought I'd get into a course in the meantime.

Can you recommend me some courses under £100 that'll help me cv?
Well have you spoke to at all? They have a massive feedback thread here. Some guys are even sparkys now.

Online one available too. NVQ Level 3 Electrical Training Courses Online | XS Training -
Hi Dan, before people can do the L3 NVQ they have to do a Level 2 diploma followed by a L3 diploma in Electrical installation. So this course might be the best link if you are wanting to get people to look at XS Training
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The linked courses are fast track versions of the training received in the apprenticeship intended to be undertaken by the
OP and I don't think they'd be ideal for a 17yo who can avail of an apprenticeship for free and with the added benefit of being mentored by an experienced electrician.

I wouldn't advise an aspiring apprentice to undertake any prior courses and would advise them to get a couple of years under their belt before looking at additional courses - perhaps inspection and testing in year 3 if they feel ready for it.
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Oooo 17 didn't see that! Think I run on auto sometimes.

If I were 17 now I think I'd go down computer coding. But that won't be around forever. AI already creates code the humans who built the machines can't read. At best they will reset and go again.

But we will always need to power it all. So i think it's a super wise trade that will be forever proof. Or at least until we burn the planet.

In the meantime, anything with customer service (retail shops or even phone support centres) will help long term as even a spark trapped in a busy factory will encounter fellow humans from time to time. And considering most end up self employed, its good to get along with all types of people.

On the side ask for a Raspberry Pi computer for bday or chrimbo and start turning it into an alarm clock then robot then something useful. Loads of guides and forums online for that stuff. And it's something physical to take to an interview in future which will blow competition for the job out of the water for you.

The fast track courses are brilliant for ex military for eg (they retire in 40's and usually with a nice lay off packet and then a wage still for life) so they have the money and time to learn and usually by then you've wired something up so know whether you're into it.

That all said, stick with the forum. We have lads on here right now that didn't know Jack before coming here and are now employing people in their own electrical business. And not just one or two. We have about 500 of them at a guess. And many more under the radar.

I'm brilliant with a CV so PM me and I'll help a bit. You've already done more than 99.9% of 17 year olds by signing upto a forum about the thing you think you might one day want to do.

I think whatever you do, you'll enjoy it. But I think you'll do well at it mate.
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Just for those reading. He's down Reading ways. If anybody more local can help. (That's on his profile I haven't revealed anything before you start lol)
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