
  1. L

    UK Electrician looking to move to Australia 2025

    Hi Everyone Looking for some advice/help with contacts. I have been a fully qualified electrician for two years and I am currently working in the healthcare sector. I have previous industrial/commercial experience as this is what I done during my apprenticeship. I am now looking at possibly...
  2. K

    Relocation of consumer unit

    Hi guys I’ve been requested to replace a consumer unit but will need relocating lower within a tight cupboard. I will be installing a box with din rail and terminals etc and running new cables to new unit. Problem I have is that the meter and isolator is mounted on a board. The only way to...
  3. V

    Wall socket relocation lower than it is

    Hello, I am planning to have a feature wall built in my living room. There will be two very large porcelain tile, with TV mounted and hole for cables pass through. My question is: can I have my wall socket relocated at 300-350mm from floor level in order to have less cuts in my tiles? Are there...
  4. M

    DB relocation plan. Am i missing anyrhing?

    Hello all First time relocating a DB and just want to clarify my plans and check if missing anything. I have attached a photo of current DB and and the fused isolator I am intending on using. The main head is being relocated on to back wall where board currently is by U.K power.....there is...
  5. Padrag

    G'day! Making a big move...

    Good afternoon everyone! Australian Electrician here, Even though we're in crazy times at the moment. I'm making the move with my Partner from Sydney to the Republic of Ireland soon, and am hoping to learn as much as I can about my change of scenery on this forum. Also been scouring the...
  6. J

    Relocation of Consumer Unit CU

    Hi, Just after a little advice really - i am currently undertaking a complete home renovation. I have a really ugly looking Plastic CU on the wall as soon as you walk in the house which I am looking to relocate ideally under the stairs There is a single rated meter installed inside the...
  7. C

    Relocation of electrical meter

    in order to facilitate the relocation of an electrical meter from the ground to 1st floor UKPN has asked me to install a what they are calling a read head cut out within the 1st floor by the consumer fuse board to facilitate their new electrical meter position which will be installed by another...
  8. Bob Geldoff1234

    Fire alarm panel relocation problem

    Just been to look at a fire alarm job and would like your opinion on how you would do it. They want the fire alarm panel moving down the wall by about 3 foot. It would need to be mounted underneath the nurse call system as the care workers have to get on a chair to reset it. The wall is a...
  9. U

    Hi - Relocation to North West

    Hello Everyone, Currently working in the south east but looking to relocate to the north west for family reasons (Chester). What's the state of play like up there? Am am I going to find it hard to get work or is it on the up like down south?
  10. F

    consumer unit relocation

    Have a customer who's old desirable fusebox needs to be relocated as is in cupboard in bathroom with cables coming from above and below metre and main fuse metre tails all in same location move consumer box and close off cupboard my question is what type of enclosure could I use to extend cables...
  11. B

    relocation of shower switch

    Hi guys, going to look at job where the customer wants her shower switch which is downstairs relocated upstairs. I don't know if there is RCD protection as i've not seen the job yet, so if no RCD protection in place and i re-wire to new location of switch then an RCD/RCBO will be needed (if...
  12. S

    Fuseboard Relocation

    Hi again, I have already posted this tagged on to the end of a previous thread but don't think anyone saw it so posting it in a brand new thread. I'm buying a new house very shortly and her is a big question I have! The incommer to the house is one of those on the outside wall with a door...
  13. S

    Relocation of consumer unit over 3m away from Meter

    Hi Im about to undertake my first house rewire to use for my registration to ELECSA and have come across an unusual issue (well for me). My client wants his Cu moved to the hall way from his living room where the meter and supply enters in a very odd position. He's having the meter moved to a...
  14. D

    Fuseboard Relocation

    I looked at a job where a kitchen is being extended into an open plan dining area. The service head and fuseboard are on the main back wall of the kitchen, which is going to be knocked down and moved 2meters back. That wall will become a glass wall. Do you know of any specific...
  15. S

    Service Position Relocation

    Hi, we've contacted the leccy regards relocating the service position. They've sent a form back, and I'm stuck on one question. They've asked how many kVA I require. The service supplies three/four flats, so I replied 110 kVA and single phase supply. They replied saying the max you could have...
  16. S

    relocation of head and meter

    I had a customer ask me about relocating and upgrade a CU I advised him to contact his supplier for the meter and head move, and after that is done I will be able to carryout the CU upgrade. any other ideas? Richard
  17. S

    Supply Relocation.

    Morning chaps. With this ongoing shop refurb, i have to get 2 incoming supplies relocated from the shop entrance to the 2 flats above the shop. Now, do i need to bring the installation in the flats up to current regs? At the moment they are fed via 16mm t&e via 80 BS88 fuse in the shop...


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