Excellent work, you've saved me a morning of typing. top banana
This thread titled "DPN5 Tick Sheet Explained" is posted in the under the Periodic Inspection Reporting & Certification on Electricians Forums.
WoW not one coment, and 2 likes and a thank you. Ever get the dont know why I bother feelingDan If you read this please delete it.
Excellent tool box kitWoW not one coment, and 2 likes and a thank you. Ever get the dont know why I bother feelingDan If you read this please delete it.
Check it’s not out of date.Been scoping the net for this exact info, well done sir! ?
This must have taken you some time, and for that I thank you mateI think I've Posted this before, but I've just updated it. Some of the sparks where I work still get a little confused of what the different areas of the tick sheet mean and what needs to put in there, so I wrote this up to help them.
I hope its of some help to others. Its worked for The NICEIC DPN5 domestic EICR but should be of some use to any EIRC.
Note this is made for the place I work Where we need to rectify C1's And C2's
Used as guidance for domestic properties
DNO = Distribution Network Operator
Note any item receiving a C1, C2 or C3 must have a note in the reference location box and correspond to an observation noted in section F of the test certificate
1.0 Condition/adequacy of distributor’s/supply intake equipment
Note where inadequacies in the distributor’s equipment are encountered, it is recommended that the person ordering the report informs the DNO.
1.1 Service cable
This is the incoming supply cable, is it ran up the wall unfixed? Is it in bad condition? If ok then tick
1.2 Service cut-out/fuse(s)
This would normally be a LIM as you can’t pull it, but check is there any cracks etc in the case
Is it fixed securely?
1.3 Meter tails – distributor
This is from the service head to the meter. Are they identified BROWN and BLUE? (Brown blue tape is ok)
If not then a C3, write “see Observation x” and on page 2 section F Put, cable colours not to current edition of BS 7671 as amended.
If ok then tick (x = a number that corresponds to the same number in Section F)
1.4 Meter tails – consumer
As above but from meter up to CU,
1.5 Metering equipment
Is the meter damaged? Is it securely fixed? If ok then tick, this also means teleswitches and time clocks
1.6 Means of main isolation (where present)
New property’s or old ones where the CU is over 3 meters from the supply sometimes have a 100A D/P
Switch in an enclosure near the meter. If so is it ok? Tick or N/A
2.0 Presence of adequate arrangements for other sources (micro generators etc)(551.6)(712.1)(537.1.6)
Solar panels, wind turbine, generator? Will most likely be N/A but becoming more likely.
3.0 Earthing and bonding arrangements
3.1 Presence and condition of distributor’s Earthing arrangement.
This is the DNO’s incoming earth.
Is there one? Is it bare or green If so then a C3, write “see Observation x” and on page 2 Put, cable colours not to current edition of BS 7671 as amended Otherwise tick if ok, See 1.3, this can point to the same observation.
3.2 Presence and condition of earth electrode connection (542)
TT System only, N/A if not TT, If it is TT then check and rectify any problems.
3.3 Confirmation of adequate earthing conductor size (543)
This is the DNO earth from the service head up to the MET then up to the consumer unit.
On older buildings the DNO earth will be smaller than newer properties (check adiabatic equations for suitability, page 160). And the earth from MET to consumer unit should be 10mm or 16mm. If the DNO earth is smaller then put C3 in the location box and reference adiabatic equation used. If ok then tick, if not code it (C1, C2 or C3) and comment in location box or LIM it (remember we need to rectify C1 and C2)
NOTE I’ve calculated that a supply that has a 100A BS 88 fuse and a 6mm (equivalent) steel Earthing conductor must have a Ze of 0.22 or greater. The same goes for a 80A BS88 fuse. As the Loop Goes down the Current goes up so the cable needs to be able to with stand this.
Also note we cant Lim 1.2 as we need to know the cut out fuse. We could add in the Observation box that 100A Has been taken as this is the largest fuse likely to be found. But that means your Ze cant be lower than 0.22.
3.4 Accessibility and condition of earthing conductor at Main Earthing Terminal (MET) (543.3.2)
Can you get to the MET connections? Are they correctly connected?
If all ok then this would normally be a tick.
If there’s no MET and the bonding goes to the CU then C3 and put “see Observation x” and on page 2 put “MET is Located inside CU which is not ideally suited for testing and maintenance” C3
3.5 Confirmation of adequate main protective bonding conductor sizes (544.1)
This is Gas, water, any other service, lightning protection, oil or structural steel. If a PME head then needs to be minimum of 10mm. If ok then tick, if not code it (C2 or C3) and comment “see observation x” and on page 2 write what you have found and give it a code.
3.6 Condition and accessibility of main protective bonding conductor connections. (543.3.2)
Are the earth clamps fitted tight, can you get to them? Redo if loose or broken then tick
C3 if difficult to get too, like buried in a soil pipe duct, if C3 then put in reference, “See observation x” and note on page 2. If ok then tick
3.7 Provision of earthing and bonding labels at all appropriate locations (514.13.1)
Safety Electrical earth connection do not remove labels at MET and all clamps.
If missing C3 and put “see observation x” and on page 2 write where they are missing. If all there then tick
4.0 Consumer unit(s)
4.1 Adequacy of working space or access to consumer unit. (132.12)(513.1)
Can you get to the CU? Is it wedged in a cupboard? Tick or C3
If C3 then put See observation x. and on page 2 put why.
4.2 Security of fixing (534.1.1)
Is it hanging off the wall?
If it was then it would be a C2 so needs to be done. Repair and tick
4.3 Condition of enclosure(s) in terms of IP rating (416.2)
Are there holes in the CU? Any hole on the top of the board greater than IPXXD or IP4X needs filling.
That is anything bigger than 1mm…Use sticky trunking and/or silicon to fill gaps.
Any hole other than the top needs IPXXB or IP2X that’s a finger 12.5mm diameter and 80mm long.
CU blanks missing? Fit blanks, fill holes and tick.
4.4 Condition of enclosure(s) in terms of fire rating. (421.1.6)
Materials used for the construction of enclosures of electrical equipment shall comply with the resistance to heat and fire requirements in an appropriate product standard. Is the CU made of fire resistant material, has this been compromised at the back and mounted on wood?
If installed correctly then a tick.
4.5 Enclosure not damaged/deteriorated so as to impair safety (631.2 item 3)
If the above is all ok then tick
4.6 Presence of linked main switch (537.1.4)
Is there a Double pole Main Switch in the CU? Tick it
4.7 Operation of main switch (functional check) (612.13.2)
Switch it off does it kill both L and N? If its faulty then C2 so replace it. If all ok then tick.
4.8 Manual operation of circuit-breakers and RCD’s to prove disconnection (612.13.2)
Do they manually switch off and kill the supply?? Use a volt meter to see if L and N get broken if all ok then Tick it
4.9 Correct identification of circuits and protective devices
(Is the CU labelled correctly? Remember to fit the Circuit chart. (514.8.1) Can you read the Rating and type of MCB/RCD. Are the fuses correctly identified by colour or rating? Tick or C3, If C3 then rember to put see observation x and point it too a note on page 2.
4.10 Presence of RCD test notice at or near consumer unit (514.12.2)
If there’s RCD’s or RCBO’s then make sure the test stickers are there. Then tick it.
4.11 Presence of non-standard (mixed) cable colour warning notice at or near consumer unit (514.14)
N/A if whole property is BROWN and BLUE. If it contains ANY RED and BLACK then stick the sticker and tick
4.12 Presence of alternative supply warning notice at or near consumer unit (512.15)
If Solar panels, wind turbine, generator exists then a sticker is needed if not then N/A
4.13 Presence of replacement next inspection recommendation label (514.12.1)
Stick it on date it and tick
4.14 Presence of other required labelling (please specify) (514)
If we fit Danger 230 Volt sticker, then tick and write in reference Danger 230 volt.
This is not needed at the consumer unit. But if the bus bar cover is missing or easily falls off then it covers us.
4.15 Examination of protective device(s) and base(s); correct type and rating (no signs of unacceptable thermal damage, arcing or overheating) (421.1.3)
Correct size of MCB for the circuit? Are there any signs of overheating? We should change any that are wrong.
So change if needed and tick
4.16 Single-pole protective devices in the line conductor only (132.14)(530.3.2)
If we are protecting a circuit with an MCB or fuse in the CU then make sure it’s the line not the Neutral that is being protected.
Not sure how you would protect just the neutral and not the Line at the CU!
Again this would need doing if found, so check and tick.
4.17 Protection against mechanical damage where cables enter metallic consumer unit. (522.8.1)(522.8.11)
N/A unless a Metal CU fitted if there is then is there bushes and grommets?
4.18 Protection against electromagnetic effects where cables enter metallic consumer unit/enclosure (521.5)
N/A unless a Metal CU is fitted if there is then does the LINE and Neutral enter through the same hole?
4.19 RCDs provided for fault protection– includes RCBOs (411.5)
This would be for a TT system or if a circuit is protected by an RCBO so Tick or N/A
If TT then all circuits require RCD protection.
4.20 RCDs provided for additional protection– includes RCBOs (415.1)
If all circuits RCD/RCBO protected then tick
If some circuits not protected then C3 and note in reference “see page 2 item x”
Note if it’s a circuit containing a socket outlet that can be used outside then it would be C2.
If it contains a socket outlet but unlikely to be used outside (flats etc) then C3
5.0 Final circuits
5.1 Identification of conductors (514.3.1)
If some circuits RED/BLACK then C3 and note in reference “see Observation x” and on page 2 Put, cable colours not to current edition of BS 7671 as amended. See above 1.3 this can point to the same observation. Also note down on page 2 what circuits are non harmonised.
This is also where green sleaving has been used; this would need to be noted as above.
If BROWN/BLUE cables only then just tick
5.2 Cables correctly supported throughout their run (522.8.5)
You can’t really see the whole cable run in most installations. Cables hanging down stud walls etc. So LIM.
That’s unless it’s a conduit system or Trunking where you can see it all. If so then tick.
5.3 Condition of insulation of live parts (416.1)
No live parts or bare copper should be seen, otherwise it needs rectifying.
Repair and tick
5.4 Non-sheathed cables protected by enclosure in conduit, ducting or Trunking
(Including confirmation of the integrity of conduit and Trunking systems) (521.10.1)
This is not twin and earth but singles in conduit or trunking
N/A unless its singles in conduit. Twin and Earth in conduit or trunking would also be N/A
5.5 Adequacy of cables for current-carrying capacity with regard to the type and nature of installation. (Section 523)
Are the cables the correct size for circuit length, type of use, and installation method?
If not then it would be a C2, so would need rectifying
So check it, repair/rewire if needed and tick
5.6 Adequacy of protective devices; type and rated current for fault protection (411.3)
Has the right MCB/FUSES been used to allow disconnection within the required disconnection time? 0.4 seconds on a TN system
This also relates to the Zs reading of the circuit. C2 or tick
5.7 Presence and adequacy of circuit protective conductors (411.3.1.1) (543.1)
Do the circuits have an Earth? conduit or cable? If not It’s a rewire. So tick if all ok.
5.8 Co-ordination between conductors and overload protective devices (433.1) (533.2.1)
Is the cable rated smaller than the MCB/FUSE size?
E.g. 1.5mm on a 16A. 32A 2.5mm radial. 6mm Shower feed on 40A. This would be a C2 and require rectifying, then tick
5.9 Wiring system(s) appropriate for the type and nature of the installation and external influences (section 52)
How is the place wired? Is the right type of method used? Cables protected in conduit, cables clipped direct?
Normally a tick but check for PVC twin and earth outside, or cables clipped subject to damage.
5.10 Concealed cables installed in prescribed zones (see extent and limitations) (522.6.101)
This will be a LIM in most cases where cables are concealed, but if it’s completely surface then a tick.
5.11 Concealed cables incorporating earthed armour or sheath, or run within earthed wiring containment system, or otherwise protected against mechanical damage from nails, screws and the like where not in prescribed zones or not protected by 30 mA RCD (see extent and limitations) (522.6.101)(522.6.103)
LIM if normal house. Tick if metallic conduit system, but remember can you see all the circuits? If one circuit is SWA or conduit then tick and put what circuit in reference/location. N/A if fully surface.
5.12 Provision of additional protection by RCD not exceeding 30 mA
On our sheets this shows it needs an entry, but it is in fact a heading for the next 3 items so leave blank
* used to supply mobile equipment not exceeding 32 A rating for use outdoors (411.3.3)
If all the socket outlets within a house are RCD protected then tick, if in a block of flats and not likely to be used outside then C3 and put in reference “See observation x” and on page 2 put socket outlets not RCD protected but unlikely to be used outside circuit.
If not RCD protected and can be used outside then C2 but we would need to rectify this.
* For all socket-outlets not exceeding 20 A rating unless exempt (411.3.3)
The regs say that all socket outlets require RCD protection unless exempt. Even if not likely to be used outside, either a tick or C3 and put see observation x in reference and fill in the observation box.
* For cables concealed in walls or partitions (522.6.102)
C3 for circuits not RCD protected, then see observation x and page 2 put No RCD protection cables concealed in walls, circuits (put what ones).
If all circuits protected then tick or if surface then N/A.
5.13 Provision of fire barriers, sealing arrangements and protection against thermal effects (527)
LIM as you won’t know if fire barriers have been damaged when the place was wired.
That’s unless it’s a surface installation that can be visually inspected.
5.14 Band II cables segregated/separated from Band I cables (528.1)
TV coax, Telephone, Doorbell, should not be run with Band II circuits.
Look out for the Bell transformer in the CU with the bell wire running through,
These should be double insulated.
Needs to be rectified then tick
5.15 Cables segregated/separated from communications cabling (528.2)
In BS7671 528.2 it is shown as cables buried underground, so N/A
Band I cables ran within the property are mentioned above.
5.16 Cables segregated/separated from non-electrical services (528.3)
Central heating pipes etc. This could be a LIM but we are interested in what we can see, as section D says we haven’t looked under the floors etc. so check, rectify and tick.
5.17 Termination of cables at enclosures (extent of sampling indicated in Section D of the report) (section 526)
Tick this and write in the Reference box “See Additional notes”
In the additional notes page 8 you need to put down the items inspected (see below) Next 3 Items relates to this
* Connections soundly made and under no undue strain (section 526)
Rectify and tick
* No basic insulation of a conductor visible outside enclosures (section 526)
This is where people strip back too much outer insulation on Twin and Earth cable so the outer insulation doesn’t make it into the pendent or back box etc.
C3 and note where, or tick
* Connections of live conductors adequately enclosed (section 526)
No live bits showing at socket outlets, switches JB’s etc.
Rectify and tick
* Adequately connected at point of entry to enclosure (glands, bushes etc.) (Section 526)
This is mechanical stress on cables where they enter enclosures. There’s no mention of Grommets in the reference to this Item,
But check them and mention C3 if missing or tick
Page 8 0f 8
ADDITIONAL NOTES Items inspected Under section 5.17
All Lounge sockets
Lounge light fitting
Bed 3 Socket outlets
Bed 3 Light Fitting
Bed 3 Light switch
Hallway Light switch
Hallway light fitting
Kitchen Sockets Rear wall
Bed 2 Light Fitting
Items inspected Under section 7.6
Hallway light fitting
Lounge light fitting
Bed 3 Light fitting
Bed 2 Light fitting
5.18 Condition of accessories including socket-outlets, switches and joint boxes (621.2)
Are there any damaged accessories? C2 if cracked, do they have paint on them C3, if all ok then tick
5.19 Suitability of accessories for external Influences (512.2)
Enclosed light in bathroom due to steam, outside lights designed for outside use.
C2 or C3 if C2 rectify If C3 then note where, otherwise tick it
Edd I did comment I have no idea where it went though?, let me say again this my friend is a great piece of work?WoW not one coment, and 2 likes and a thank you. Ever get the dont know why I bother feelingDan If you read this please delete it.
Well done this will help loads of sparks whether they care to admit it or not not everyone has the experience needed to fill out paperwork sometimes they just tick boxes they think is relevant and fill out the test sheet. A good guide to help them alongAny constructive comments welcome to try improve it. thx
8.0 Location(s) containing a bath or shower
8.1 Additional protection for all low voltage (LV) circuits by RCD not exceeding 30 mA (701.411.3.3)
RCD protection by RCBO or all circuits on RCD side of CU for all circuits in bathroom. Not just lighting. Downflow heater, Separate Fan circuit, etc. C3 if not RCD protected but bonding to 0.05Ohm between points. C2 if No RCD and unsatisfactory bonding. Remember to put in reference See Observation x and put an observation on page 2. if all RCD protected then tick
8.2 Where used as a protective measure, requirements for SELV or PELV are met (701.414.4.5)
This regulation points you off to check basic insulation and barriers or enclosures.
NOTE. To meet the requirements of SELV then NO earth should be taken to the LV fan
It should be cut off at the transformer or put in a separate block.
Check it, sort it out, Tick it. If no Fan then N/A
8.3 Shaver sockets comply with BS EN 61558-2-5 or BS 3535 (701.512.3)
Unless it was brought on EBay then it’s most likely going to comply
So tick it unless it’s obviously a Chinese import…
8.4 Presence of supplementary bonding conductors unless not required by BS 7671: 2008 (701.415.2)
Is the bathroom bonded? It needs to be even under the 17[SUP]th[/SUP] edition unless 3 things are met. Look at the regs
8.5 Low voltage (e.g. 230 volts) socket outlets sited at least 3 m from zone 1 (701.512.3)
Not very likely in our work, so N/A unless you find a socket in the bathroom and then it needs to be 3m from the outer edge of zone1.
8.6 Suitability of equipment for external influences for installed location in terms of IP rating (701.512.2)
Electrical equipment in Zone 0 requires IP X7. That is total immersion (not going to find much of that)
Electrical equipment in Zone 1 and 2 requires IP X4. That is splashes, check items are suitable and rectify and tick
8.7 Suitability of equipment for installation in a particular zone (701.512.3)
Is the fan or Light fitting IP rated and in Zone 1 or 2, if outside zone then N/A if inside then check its IP rating, if all ok tick it.
8.8 Suitability of current-using equipment for a particular position within the location (701.55)
Towel rails, Light fittings, Fans etc.; Are they correct for the zones they are in?
Check it rectify it then tick it
9.0 Other special installations or locations - Part 7s
9.1 List all other special installations or locations present, if any. Record the results of particular inspection applied separately
See Section 7 of BS7671, put N/A unless any item in that section is found.
Reply to the thread, titled "DPN5 Tick Sheet Explained" which is posted in the under the Periodic Inspection Reporting & Certification on Electricians Forums.