301 past paper | on ElectriciansForums

Discuss 301 past paper in the Electrician Courses : Electrical Quals area at ElectriciansForums.net



Hey guys I've got 301 in two weeks time and I've been given some past papers will post some more soon hopefully. feel free to have ago and post your answers :)

1: Who is the Electricity Regulation at Work applicable to?

a: Agricutural premises
b: Anyone working within the electro-technical industry
c: Factories
d: Construction sites

2: Lack of control of hazards in the workplace could lead to?
a: Action taken by the employer
b: Loss of employement
c: Minor injury or even death
d: Diseplenary action

3: Risk of shock is minimised through using?
a: 110V to earth reduced voltage equipment & tools
b: Low voltage equipment and tools
c: 55V to earth reduced voltage equipment & tools
d: Auto transformers

4: Fires in the workplace are caused by?
a: Good waste disposal
b: Accumulation of rubbish against electrical equipment
c: Storing loose materials and packing in a secure area
d: Maintained plant & equipment

5: Carbon Monoxide in confined spaces can cause?
a: Blood disorder
b: Loss of conciseness and death
c: Breathing difficulties
d: Coughing and sneezing

6: Whose responsibility is H & S on site?
a: the client and main-contractor only
b: Everyone employed on site, no matter who employs them
c: Self employed contractors only and employees
d: Employers, employees, and sub-contractors

7: There has been a chemical spillage into the warehouse. The department that would deal with this is?
d: Control of dangerous chemicals and waste

8: A sign with a white and blue symbol background shows?
a: Warning sign
b: Prohibition sign
c: Mandatory sign
d: Infomation sign

9: Permit to work are issued by?
a: A health & safety officer
b: The person in charge
c: A designated responsible person
d: A competent person or persons

10: When high voltages is being used in a factory, it should be?
a: Outside the working area
b: Incased in a concrete building
c: Suitably enclosed with warning signs
d: Outside the building

11: What type of fire extinguisher must not be used on an electrical fire?
a: Dry powder
b: Carbon dioxide
c: Foam
d: Water

12: The Aims of the Disability Discrimination Act is to give disabled people rights in terms of?
a: The right to more breaks at work
b: Replacing the amount of disabled people in society
c: Employment and access to goods and facilities
d: Lowering the entrance skills necessary for employment

13: LSF cables should be used in public building because they? (70degrees)
a: Produce a high level hydrochloric acid gas emission
b: Produce low smoke and fumes, and less chance of poisning by gas during a fire
c: Operate at maximum temperature of 70 degrees C
d: Have a low temperature index

14: The main reason for earthing is to?
a: Provide a route for the current to flow under normal conditions
b: Protect against electric shock
c: Connect between exposed and extraneous conductive parts
d: Coneect extraneous conductive parts

15: The procedure put in place by an employer to identidy hazards in the workplace is called a?
a: Hazard report
b: Risk assessment procedure
c: Safety assessment
d: Risk control procedure

16: What regulations are concerned with the recycling of old electrical equipment?
a: RSA
d: IRR

17: What is the resistance of 10m of 1.5mm copper cables if the resistivity of coper is taken as 17.5 x 10-8ohmM?
a: 0.115ohms
b: 0.115mohms
c: 0.125ohms
d: 12.5kohms

18: Thermal trips indirect online starters are to protect?
a: Earth faults
b: Short circuits
c: Continuous overload
d: Starting overload

19: If a pure inductor of 50ohms is connected across a 230v supply the power dissipated will be?
a: 1058kw
b: 10.58kw
c: 105.8kw
d: 0kw

20: A series A.C circuit of 10ohms resistor, 5ohm inductive reactance and a capacitive reactance of 2ohm. The impedance is?
a: 0.427ohms
b: 10.44ohms
c: 104.4ohms
d: 4.7ohms

21: A semi conductor diode connected across a peak voltage 10v a.c supply the peak inverse voltage (PIV) across the diode is?
a: 40v
b: 14.14v
c: 7.07v
d: 20v

22: An electronic component has the following connections Anode, Cathode, Gate, The conponent is a?
a: Transistor
b: Diode
c: Diac
d: Thyristor

23: The correct formula for capacitance and charge is?
a: Q = C x V
b: Q = C V
c: V = Q x C
d: C = Q x v

24: A street light has a luminance intensity of the lamp is 7500CD and is suspended at 7m above the ground. The illuminance on the pavement below the lamp will be?
a: 157lx
b: 169lx
c: 153lx
d: 191lx

25: in a star connected supply system the relationship between Line & Phase voltages are?
a: VL = VP x root3
b: VL = VP
c: VP = VL x root3
d: VP = VL

26: A transformer has an input power of 10KVA and a power factor of 0.8 if the losses are 490watts the overall efficiency is?
A: 96%
b: 93%
c: 95.1%
d: 90%

27: An RCBO works on the following charateristics?
a: Magnetic only
b: Thermal and mechanical
c: Mechanical and magnetic
d: Thermal and magnetic

28: A 400v 50hz supply has a line current of 50A and 0.8 lagging, the power dissipated will be?

a: 20kw
b: 9.2kw
c: 27.712kw
d: 16kw

29: The output for most generators used for public supplies is?
a: 400kv
b: 132kv
c: 33kv
d: 25kv

30: The supply to a domestic installation is derived from an 11kv/400v transformer by connecting between?
a: 2 phases
b: 1 phase & neutral
c: 1 phase & earth
d: 2 phase and neutral

31: Underground cables used for high voltages is?
c: MI cables
d: LSF cables

32: The voltage to a primary winding of a step down transformer is 1000v and the output voltage is 200v. if the primary current is 5A the value of the secondary current will be?
a: 5A
b: 10A
c: 25A
d: 100A

33: A motor with a wound rotor has windings on?
a: Rotor only
b: Stator only
c: Stator & rotor
D: Commutator & field

34: A capacitor start and run single phase induction motor runs as?
a: 4 phase motor
b: 1 phase motor
c: 2 phase motor
d: 3 phase motor

35: A 3 phase 4 pole motor 50hz induction motor has a slip of 4% the actual speed of the motor is?
a: 1500rpm
b: 1440rpm
c: 1400rpm
d: 1359rpm

36: The number of pair windings in a single phase capacitor start induction motor is?
a: 1
b: 2
c: 3
d: 4

37: The rotor conductors of a 3 phase cage rotor inductance motor are constructed of a solid conductors?
a: Shorted at each end of rings
b: Connected to the supply by slip rings
c: Connected to the supply by commutator
d: Forming a star connection

38: A two pole induction motor runs at 925rpm when connected to the 50hz supply. work out the slip?
a: 93%
b: 69%
c: 71%
d: 84%

39: The two appropriate starters for a 10kw squirrel cage induction motor are?
a: Rotor resistance and a star/delta
b: DOL and a rotor resistance
c: Rotor resistance and a Auto transformer
d: Auto transformer and a star/delta

40: In a 2 pole generator the brushes on the commutator pick up the voltage generated which?
a: A.C
b: Unidirectional
c: Intermittent A.C
d: Steady D.C
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My answers

If anyone feels they disagree with my answers then feel free to correct me :) am not 100% sure for all the answers!

1: b
2: c
3: c
4: b
5: b
6: d
7: b
8: c
9: c
10: c
11: d
12: c
13: b
14: c
15: b
16: c
17: a
18: d
19: d
20: b
21: d
22: d
23: b
24: c
25: a
26: c
27: d
28: c
29: d
30: b
31: b
32: c
33: b
34: d
35: a
36: b
37: a
38: b
39: a
40: d
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here are the questions where i got different answers to you, everything else i got the same answer. some of these might not be right but it's what I would put in the exam

5 b
7 a
14 b
16 b
17 the answer i get is 0.001166666 ohms??
18 c
21 i have no idea, please explain it to me
24 i have no idea, please explain it to me
25 a
26 b
33 c
34 b
35 b
40 b

got anymore past papers? i have the exam on the 17thof this month
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here are the questions where i got different answers to you, everything else i got the same answer. some of these might not be right but it's what I would put in the exam

5 b
7 a
14 b
16 b
17 the answer i get is 0.001166666 ohms?? ( R = pl/a) = ohms ( 17.5 x 10 / 1.5mm = 116.6 ) (it's in milimeters so it gets devided by 1000 (10-4) 116.6 / 1000 = 0.116

21 This is a hard one not really sure how to explain it theres no formula, the answers d ( I think you do 10 x 2 = 20.)

24 E = L / d2 = lx ( 7500 / 49 = 153lx (7 x 7 = 49)

26 b ( Input power = Output power + losses ) 10000 / 10490 = 95%
33 c
34 b
35 b
40 b

got anymore past papers? i have the exam on the 17thof this month

Going to try get some more past papers up soon mainly on motors tho.
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any tips on approaching this exam having struggled ALL YEAR to get to grips with all the formulas im dead i aint going to pass this got the exam a week on wednesday help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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17 the answer i get is 0.001166666 ohms?? ( R = pl/a) = ohms ( 17.5 x 10 / 1.5mm = 116.6 ) (it's in milimeters so it gets devided by 1000 (10-4) 116.6 / 1000 = 0.116

i still don't get it. i know the formula and i put the numbers into the formula and it get an answer that is not one one of choices.
R = ρ L / A
ρ = 17.5 x 10-8
L = 10
A = 1.5 x 10-3

so R = (17.5 x 10-8) x 10 / 1.5 x 10-3

R =0.001166666Ω

26 b ( Input power = Output power + losses ) 10000 / 10490 = 95%

the output power is given in apparent power (KVA), this needs converted to true power before you do anything else.
the power factor is 0.8, so 10000VA X 0.8 is 8000W, this is the input power.
the losses are 490W, so 8000W minus 490W is 7510W, this is the output power
efficiency % = output / input X 100
7510 / 8000 X 100 = 93.8%
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Lets try this

i still don't get it. i know the formula and i put the numbers into the formula and it get an answer that is not one one of choices.
R = ρ L / A
ρ = 17.5 x 10-8
L = 10
A = 1.5 x 10-3

so R = (17.5 x 10-8) x 10 / 1.5 x 10-3

R =0.001166666Ω ( well ignore the 10-8 ) try 17.5 x 10 / 1.5 / 1000 )

the output power is given in apparent power (KVA), this needs converted to true power before you do anything else.
the power factor is 0.8, so 10000VA X 0.8 is 8000W, this is the input power.
the losses are 490W, so 8000W minus 490W is 7510W, this is the output power
efficiency % = output / input X 100
7510 / 8000 X 100 = 93.8%

you're right with the KVA (apparent power) getting converted to KW (true power) my mistake.

Just rechecked the formula (input power = output power + losssess)

10000KVA x 0.8 = 8000KW

8000 / 8000 + 490 = 0.94 x 100 = 94.2% thats what I get unless am missing something?
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you're right with the KVA (apparent power) getting converted to KW (true power) my mistake.

Just rechecked the formula (input power = output power + losssess)

10000KVA x 0.8 = 8000KW

8000 / 8000 + 490 = 0.94 x 100 = 94.2% thats what I get unless am missing something?

the formula for efficiency is Efficiency % = (Output / Input) X 100
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just had 301 tonight Q21 was word for word the same in exam, diode inverse voltage.Another was what was the power dissipated in a 230v 8microfarad capacitor 50hz.i think its 0 watts ..anyway i managed to get a distinction so im very relieved.lots of questions on h& s like where was the ideal place for a first aid room in a factory a) reception b) central to work areas c) outside the factory in a clean environment d) doors for good ambulance access ..i fluffed this one up , the answer is b) .
revise the situations about if someone has a pulse but not breathing and what to do.good luck.:rolleyes:
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Got the complete set of answers here.

1: Who is the Electricity Regulation at Work applicable to?

a: Agricutural premises
b: Anyone working within the electro-technical industry
c: Factories
d: Construction sites

2: Lack of control of hazards in the workplace could lead to?
a: Action taken by the employer
b: Loss of employement
c: Minor injury or even death
d: Diseplenary action

3: Risk of shock is minimised through using?
a: 110V to earth reduced voltage equipment & tools
b: Low voltage equipment and tools
c: 55V to earth reduced voltage equipment & tools
d: Auto transformers

4: Fires in the workplace are caused by?
a: Good waste disposal
b: Accumulation of rubbish against electrical equipment
c: Storing loose materials and packing in a secure area
d: Maintained plant & equipment

5: Carbon Monoxide in confined spaces can cause?
a: Blood disorder
b: Loss of conciseness and death
c: Breathing difficulties
d: Coughing and sneezing

6: Whose responsibility is H & S on site?
a: the client and main-contractor only
b: Everyone employed on site, no matter who employs them
c: Self employed contractors only and employees
d: Employers, employees, and sub-contractors

7: There has been a chemical spillage into the warehouse. The department that would deal with this is?
d: Control of dangerous chemicals and waste

8: A sign with a white and blue symbol background shows?
a: Warning sign
b: Prohibition sign
c: Mandatory sign
d: Infomation sign

9: Permit to work are issued by?
a: A health & safety officer
b: The person in charge
c: A designated responsible person
d: A competent person or persons

10: When high voltages is being used in a factory, it should be?
a: Outside the working area
b: Incased in a concrete building
c: Suitably enclosed with warning signs
d: Outside the building

11: What type of fire extinguisher must not be used on an electrical fire?
a: Dry powder
b: Carbon dioxide
c: Foam
d: Water

12: The Aims of the Disability Discrimination Act is to give disabled people rights in terms of?
a: The right to more breaks at work
b: Replacing the amount of disabled people in society
c: Employment and access to goods and facilities
d: Lowering the entrance skills necessary for employment

13: LSF cables should be used in public building because they? (70degrees)
a: Produce a high level hydrochloric acid gas emission
b: Produce low smoke and fumes, and less chance of poisning by gas during a fire
c: Operate at maximum temperature of 70 degrees C
d: Have a low temperature index

14: The main reason for earthing is to?
a: Provide a route for the current to flow under normal conditions
b: Protect against electric shock
c: Connect between exposed and extraneous conductive parts
d: Coneect extraneous conductive parts

15: The procedure put in place by an employer to identidy hazards in the workplace is called a?
a: Hazard report
b: Risk assessment procedure
c: Safety assessment
d: Risk control procedure

16: What regulations are concerned with the recycling of old electrical equipment?
a: RSA
d: IRR

17: What is the resistance of 10m of 1.5mm copper cables if the resistivity of coper is taken as 17.5 x 10-8ohmM?
a: 0.116ohms
b: 0.116mohms
c: 0.126ohms
d: 12.6kohms

18: Thermal trips indirect online starters are to protect?
a: Earth faults
b: Short circuits
c: Continuous overload
d: Starting overload

19: If a pure inductor of 50ohms is connected across a 230v supply the power dissipated will be?
a: 1058kw
b: 10.58kw
c: 105.8kw
d: 0kw

20: A series A.C circuit of 10ohms resistor, 5ohm inductive reactance and a capacitive reactance of 2ohm. The impedance is?
a: 0.427ohms
b: 10.44ohms
c: 104.4ohms
d: 4.7ohms

21: A semi conductor diode connected across a peak voltage 10v a.c supply the peak inverse voltage (PIV) across the diode is?
a: 40v
b: 14.14v
c: 7.07v ( sqr root 2 x 5 = 7.07 )
d: 20v

22: An electronic component has the following connections Anode, Cathode, Gate, The conponent is a?
a: Transistor
b: Diode
c: Diac
d: Thyristor

23: The correct formula for capacitance and charge is?
a: Q = C x V
b: Q = C V
c: V = Q x C
d: C = Q x v

24: A street light has a luminance intensity of the lamp is 7500CD and is suspended at 7m above the ground. The illuminance on the pavement below the lamp will be?
a: 157lx
b: 169lx
c: 153lx
d: 191lx

25: in a star connected supply system the relationship between Line & Phase voltages are?
a: VL = VP x root3
b: VL = VP
c: VP = VL x root3
d: VP = VL

26: A transformer has an input power of 10KVA and a power factor of 0.8 if the losses are 490watts the overall efficiency is?
A: 96%
b: 93%
c: 94.2 ( 10KVA x 0.8 = 8000KW ) 8000 / 8490 = 0.942 x 100 = 94.2%
d: 90%

27: An RCBO works on the following charateristics?
a: Magnetic only
b: Thermal and mechanical
c: Mechanical and magnetic
d: Thermal and magnetic

28: A 400v 50hz supply has a line current of 50A and 0.8 lagging, the power dissipated will be?

a: 20kw
b: 9.2kw
c: 27.712kw
d: 16kw

29: The output for most generators used for public supplies is?
a: 400kv
b: 132kv
c: 33kv
d: 25kv

30: The supply to a domestic installation is derived from an 11kv/400v transformer by connecting between?
a: 2 phases
b: 1 phase & neutral
c: 1 phase & earth
d: 2 phase and neutral

31: Underground cables used for high voltages is?
c: MI cables
d: LSF cables

32: The voltage to a primary winding of a step down transformer is 1000v and the output voltage is 200v. if the primary current is 5A the value of the secondary current will be?
a: 5A
b: 10A
c: 25A
d: 100A

33: A motor with a wound rotor has windings on?
a: Rotor only
b: Stator only
c: Stator & rotor
D: Commutator & field

34: A capacitor start and run single phase induction motor runs as?
a: 4 phase motor
b: 1 phase motor
c: 2 phase motor
d: 3 phase motor

35: A 3 phase 4 pole motor 50hz induction motor has a slip of 4% the actual speed of the motor is?
a: 1500rpm
b: 1440rpm
c: 1400rpm
d: 1359rpm

36: The number of pair windings in a single phase capacitor start induction motor is?
a: 1
b: 2
c: 3
d: 4

37: The rotor conductors of a 3 phase cage rotor inductance motor are constructed of a solid conductors?
a: Shorted at each end of rings
b: Connected to the supply by slip rings
c: Connected to the supply by commutator
d: Forming a star connection

38: A two pole induction motor runs at 925rpm when connected to the 50hz supply. work out the slip?
a: 93%
b: 69%
c: 71%
d: 84%

39: The two appropriate starters for a 10kw squirrel cage induction motor are?
a: Rotor resistance and a star/delta
b: DOL and a rotor resistance
c: Rotor resistance and a Auto transformer
d: Auto transformer and a star/delta

40: In a 2 pole generator the brushes on the commutator pick up the voltage generated which?
a: A.C
b: Unidirectional
c: Intermittent A.C
d: Steady D.C
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Got a Credit in this one yesterday (all done with college now!). I honestly don't think it's as bad as everyone says. I'd just advise people to take their time reading and understanding what sort of answer the question is asking for as the wording tries to catch you out, IMO. An example of this would be a question asking for the inductive reactance of a circuit with voltage readings chucked in to throw you off. I had a lot of stuff on motors, capacitors and transformers as well. I'm very surprised that I never had more calculation-based questions as I spent ages revising all of the formulae! A fair few gimme questions as well asking how RCDs and MCBs work, as well as what types of cables are used in certain types of installation.

Good luck to all of the people who have yet to take it.
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Reply to 301 past paper in the Electrician Courses : Electrical Quals area at ElectriciansForums.net

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