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Cost for EICR reports

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Complete bollox,,,,, YeeeeeHaaaaaa

What is "Complete bollox"???
Please expand as interested in and value your views and opinion from a debate platform. YeeeeeeeHaaaaaa is not really contributing or putting foward another view point that adds to the debate.
Amlu. Just curious why he is automatically labeled a "COWBOY" simply because they offered a better competitve price, and got the job ahead of you in todays very over supplied and competitive market. Like yourself and most, I am also very frustrated at the under value of our skill and trade.
I take it we do not know what the reason why you did not get the work, and they did, and it is not always price - it could be a host of other factors, and dare I say it the client may even have thought you were to cheap at £100 and gave it to someone more expensive as the other party awarded the work may have sold and presented themselves and product a lot better than you.

What is "Complete bollox"???
Please expand as interested in and value your views and opinion from a debate platform. YeeeeeeeHaaaaaa is not really contributing or putting foward another view point that adds to the debate.

My tuppence worth, even though you were having this conversastion with Toonlad.

It is complete bollox because - the way of joe public in todays climate (bar the few who use tradesmen on a clientel bases) is that they will go for the cheapest price. And for someone to be doing an EICR for under £100 they're either a millionaire or they have no clue what they're guess is the latter.
Should be more the £200 mark not £50.

How someone can justify £50 is beyond me. Like KAS1 says...the paperwork, thats not even to mention the diesel/petrol cost, half a day/full days work, remedial costs ect. ect. ect.

My guess that anyone charging £50 for an EICR is that they're doing it 'to get the job' then they'll charge the poor unsuspecting customer £200+ by the end of it because of 'unforseen circumstances' which is wrong IMO.
What is "Complete bollox"???
Please expand as interested in and value your views and opinion from a debate platform. YeeeeeeeHaaaaaa is not really contributing or putting foward another view point that adds to the debate.

Don't fight it, 50 quid is total Rollocks and anyone with half a brain would agree, take your finger out of your a** and just accept there are members here with more knowledge trying to help you.

Ok i will elaborate my comment as that all it deserves Mamba.

1. What is complete bollox...Its the part where your implying if you dont present yourself well you dont get the job, there is no product to sell, you are simply carrying out a test and inspection of the wiring, to formulate a report for the customer. Complete bollox is a term used often when someone spouts sh1te.

2. Yeeehaaaa is a phrase often used by cowboys.

3. You want to know why it was suggested that these people are to be branded as cowboys like the op Said. News flash for you mamba son. They cannot be doing a THOURGH REPORT, and cutting corners.

Finally let me give you a scenario.. You get to do EICR and its 40 miles away from your home, most of us take jobs within a 50 mile radius and take this for normal daily work. 80 mile around trip at todays prices thats about £16. then the time you lost travel 1hr 30. so your 50 quid is now 34. you still have to write out report, do the testing. which includes actually taking the cover off the board, sockets switches. Then test approx 8-10 ccts on a 3 bed house build in the 70s and early 80s. For these guys to make a living at 50 quid a pop they are claiming at doing about 6 -8 a day. Not ****ing possible.

Is this enough expance for you mamba, I and the majority of the members who see this priceing only draw one conclusion from yrs and yrs of experiance, they dont give a ----, and dont do the job correctly. Therefore I am more than happy to say its complete bollox and they are yeeehaaas

Sorry to the pub members for my wall of text. You may reply with the ™ TLDR (to long didnt read)
I always contend that perhaps as much as 95 % of domestic Eicrs are as much use as bog roll and for the reasons given by others

Competent sparks cannot compete with rogue large companies doing these bin reports
The prices and the work involved does not compute,it is a farce,it is a sham,both on the part of these companies and the rental sector landlords, be they private landlords or housing associations

This must be the only occupation where the skilled person is alienated from his natural work in favour of necessary incompetents

I must edit my bog roll example and issue an apology to bog roll manufacturers
The residue that gets deposited on bog rolls is made only by the producers of these Eicrs ,bog rolls does not make the residue,it just clean it up
I think the problem with paying for EICR by the average man or woman in the street is they compare it to the price of an MOT on a car and that's the sort of price they expect to pay lol
I know what you mean KAS1 a lot of people do not grasp how much service is actually worth.

For example i have given before, you quote a customer for a full rewire, and they think its too expensive, but they will spend the same or even more on a holiday with there family, and forget about rectifying safety issues about the home , which could actually get someone killed. Or buy that new car sitting on the driveway.
My tuppence worth, even though you were having this conversastion with Toonlad.

It is complete bollox because - the way of joe public in todays climate (bar the few who use tradesmen on a clientel bases) is that they will go for the cheapest price. And for someone to be doing an EICR for under £100 they're either a millionaire or they have no clue what they're guess is the latter.

Ok OK guys I bow down and am humbled by your far superior accomplished knowledge, experianced and proficient skills business skills. I am only a thick dumb Sparkie.

And there was me stupidly thinking that there may have possibly been other major factors that possibly influence consumer /client buying behaviour and decision process other than price. I am really really dumb. And not only dumb I have also now learnt through your wise and experianced quote I have no clue what I am doing as at times like the last 2or 3 weeks I am doing an EIRC for under £100.

You are absolutly right the penny has just dropped "I have not got a clue" What was I thinking about when I thought it better to go out and earn a crust, be it a little crust, but those crusts then become a loaf of bread, rather than sitting at home watching the bills rack up and day time Telly, and feeling sorry for myself while moaning to my other stupid and clueless friends as i wait for my house, car, business taken away from me.
Stupid Stupid me I am going to phone the 4 clients I have got booked in next week and tell them I have not got a clue what I am doing, soon as I have done that going to tell the wife that I am not going to earn any money or income next week because the really intelligent and clever guys have said I have not got a clue.

Again I cannot apologise enough for firstly talking bollox and then being so stupid and clueless.
There are,probably such as yourself,well trained experienced electricians trying their dammed hardest to earn that crust in these the most difficult of times, you can only be commended for that and for putting your family first

However,it has to be realised by as many in and out of the industry that something is very wrong with its function as it is

How those foolish politicians could dream up and enact the crazed domestic installation fiasco that "was" Part P, whilst allowing the mind boggling area of test and inspection to be dragged down to the position, where, the lowest cost auction of these reports is considered to be open field for all and sundry,no experience no competence no qualification and still let loose

It's one of them issues where again I put most of the blame with the criminal Niceic organisation with its QS system which is open to such widespread abuse, and it is very widely abused

The skill of the electrician to have the competence and/or qualification and experience must surely be rewarded rather than thrown aside in favour of the permitted frauds that take place

It is your skill that is being discarded, dismissed, and treated with contempt,it should be back where it once reigned,at the top of tree of trades and payed accordingly
In a country where H+S has gone bananas ,these eicrs surely need to be addressed by the politicians,after all whats the point in legislation to make the landlord responsible for the safety of the tennant whilst at the same time accepting this status quo
Ok OK guys I bow down and am humbled by your far superior accomplished knowledge, experianced and proficient skills business skills. I am only a thick dumb Sparkie.

And there was me stupidly thinking that there may have possibly been other major factors that possibly influence consumer /client buying behaviour and decision process other than price. I am really really dumb. And not only dumb I have also now learnt through your wise and experianced quote I have no clue what I am doing as at times like the last 2or 3 weeks I am doing an EIRC for under £100.

You are absolutly right the penny has just dropped "I have not got a clue" What was I thinking about when I thought it better to go out and earn a crust, be it a little crust, but those crusts then become a loaf of bread, rather than sitting at home watching the bills rack up and day time Telly, and feeling sorry for myself while moaning to my other stupid and clueless friends as i wait for my house, car, business taken away from me.
Stupid Stupid me I am going to phone the 4 clients I have got booked in next week and tell them I have not got a clue what I am doing, soon as I have done that going to tell the wife that I am not going to earn any money or income next week because the really intelligent and clever guys have said I have not got a clue.

Again I cannot apologise enough for firstly talking bollox and then being so stupid and clueless.

Also, £100 for an EICR...why prostitute yourself. You're a skilled tradesmen.
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You massive bellend.

Also, £100 for an EICR...why prostitute yourself. You're a skilled tradesmen.

I have gone from "not having a clue" to a "skilled trdesaman" I feel I am really on the up in your books and getting drawn into your warm bossom.
Then you call me a prostitute - now we are really warming to each other - as we are in the same field you know - both prosititues. As Oscar Wilde once asked to a pretty young lady "Will you sleep with me for a million pounds//" the lady giggled and said Oscar of course I will. A few monents later and a cocktail or two later he then asked "Will you sleep with me for a pound??" She replied Oscar what do you think I am "A prositute!! To which Oscar replied yes we have established that all we doing now is negotating the price!!
So I may work for £100 [or sit at home and do and earn nothing] if that makes me a prostitute i will take it but then I am no different from you going out and earning £x so in reality you are the same .... a prositiute ....only the price is different ...if at all. So don't portray and judge others as yourself.

Massive bellend is that really called for, a bit harsh and unfair - as all I am doing is thanking you sincerly and honestly for you pointing out that Joe Public only buys on Price [So on that theory as a prostitute I am going to get a lot more business than you - right, as I am cheaper] And again agreeing and apologising to you for being clueless, and thats the Thanks I get.
Really, really didn't want to have to do this - but seen as though you're starting to irritate me i thought i needed too.

Amlu. Just curious why he is automatically labeled a "COWBOY" simply because they offered a better competitve price, and got the job ahead of you in todays very over supplied and competitive market. Like yourself and most, I am also very frustrated at the under value of our skill and trade.
I take it we do not know what the reason why you did not get the work, and they did, and it is not always price - it could be a host of other factors, and dare I say it the client may even have thought you were to cheap at £100 and gave it to someone more expensive as the other party awarded the work may have sold and presented themselves and product a lot better than you.

This was you're first comment - which probably started this pointless debate/argument whatever you want to call it. And nowhere did you state that you were doing EICR's for under £100. Also, you said to Amlu that he probably hasn't conducted himself well - so don't start trying to make me look small, when you started this whole pointless situation.

Complete bollox,,,,, YeeeeeHaaaaaa

What is "Complete bollox"???
Please expand as interested in and value your views and opinion from a debate platform. YeeeeeeeHaaaaaa is not really contributing or putting foward another view point that adds to the debate.

My tuppence worth, even though you were having this conversastion with Toonlad.

It is complete bollox because - the way of joe public in todays climate (bar the few who use tradesmen on a clientel bases) is that they will go for the cheapest price. And for someone to be doing an EICR for under £100 they're either a millionaire or they have no clue what they're guess is the latter.

This comment of mine, was noway intended too cause this argument. I was posting this, as a personal opinion which agreed with what Toonlad had said. My reference to agreeing to the 'complete bollox' phrase was what you said in your first post...."a better competitive price" ...we are talking about an EICR for under £100 here. So, i stand by what Toonlad's complete bollox.

Ok OK guys I bow down and am humbled by your far superior accomplished knowledge, experianced and proficient skills business skills. I am only a thick dumb Sparkie.

And there was me stupidly thinking that there may have possibly been other major factors that possibly influence consumer /client buying behaviour and decision process other than price. I am really really dumb. And not only dumb I have also now learnt through your wise and experianced quote I have no clue what I am doing as at times like the last 2or 3 weeks I am doing an EIRC for under £100.

You are absolutly right the penny has just dropped "I have not got a clue" What was I thinking about when I thought it better to go out and earn a crust, be it a little crust, but those crusts then become a loaf of bread, rather than sitting at home watching the bills rack up and day time Telly, and feeling sorry for myself while moaning to my other stupid and clueless friends as i wait for my house, car, business taken away from me.
Stupid Stupid me I am going to phone the 4 clients I have got booked in next week and tell them I have not got a clue what I am doing, soon as I have done that going to tell the wife that I am not going to earn any money or income next week because the really intelligent and clever guys have said I have not got a clue.

Again I cannot apologise enough for firstly talking bollox and then being so stupid and clueless.

Now, im sorry but this post is complete and utter trash. Nowhere, in the previous posts - which i've kindly highlighted for you, did you ever say that you were doing an EICR for under £100. So all the above posts cannot refer to you, because we did not know. I did not call you clueless, i called people who do EICR's for cheap clueless, and at the time you hadn't made it clear that you were one of these people. Infact, to be blunt - it's people like you that are doing EICR's for so cheap which is causing this trade to go down the pan. Can you justify a thorough EICR for under £100 when you take every factor into account? No, No you can't and it's as simple as that. Wise up.

I have gone from "not having a clue" to a "skilled trdesaman" I feel I am really on the up in your books and getting drawn into your warm bossom.
Then you call me a prostitute - now we are really warming to each other - as we are in the same field you know - both prosititues. As Oscar Wilde once asked to a pretty young lady "Will you sleep with me for a million pounds//" the lady giggled and said Oscar of course I will. A few monents later and a cocktail or two later he then asked "Will you sleep with me for a pound??" She replied Oscar what do you think I am "A prositute!! To which Oscar replied yes we have established that all we doing now is negotating the price!!
So I may work for £100 [or sit at home and do and earn nothing] if that makes me a prostitute i will take it but then I am no different from you going out and earning £x so in reality you are the same .... a prositiute ....only the price is different ...if at all. So don't portray and judge others as yourself.

Massive bellend is that really called for, a bit harsh and unfair - as all I am doing is thanking you sincerly and honestly for you pointing out that Joe Public only buys on Price [So on that theory as a prostitute I am going to get a lot more business than you - right, as I am cheaper] And again agreeing and apologising to you for being clueless, and thats the Thanks I get.

The reason for the 'harsh' abuse, in which i sort of appologise - as language like that should be kept away from the forum. Basically, the way you've layed out this post and the last just screams 'cocky' and it irritated me. What an earth all the dribble about telling your wife you can't work for is beyond me.
Also, there was several others to take the same view - so just why you exactly decided to take everything out on me i'll never know.

And there was absolutley no need for starting a new thread, in the main electrical forum whinging about what had been said in this thread. I don't have a problem with you mamba nor do i want to have a problem with you - but IMO i think you're attitude stinks. Granted, some will probably think the same about mine on here - but to me, you're the one that has started this and there was little need for it.

I'm out.
I can't be arsed to read all the posts but I can bet there are some 60quid merchants and Electrical Trainee reading this thread
My starting price for a domestic eicr (I've just today completed a contract for 12 two bed flats at this price each) is £190.....why you lot sell your knowledge short is beyond me.

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