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More ads, suddenly?

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Lucien Nunes

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I've noticed across multiple devices in the last few days what seems to be an increase in advertising intensity. So much so on the mobile that I had to install a different ad blocker otherwise the forum was basically unusable, the ads completely drowning out the content. If it is a real change and not a result of my browsers being updated etc, then my impression is that it is counterproductive.
A few websites seem to have got wise to AdBlockers , PrivacyBadger , and not allowing me in without more cookie action ..Technology and admen ..leapfrog ..
Come on "Froggy_tech" ..
(or has my browser Fire fox stoved in ?)
Had some problems with ad blocking in general a month or so back and disabled it, but still block unnecessary trackers and scripts.

Currently I'm not seeing these additional ads, but do see several small banners that simply state "advertisement". Having checked, it's Ghostery that's blocking these ads and others might find it worthwhile installing this browser extension.
I did chat with @Dan yesterday about the increase in ads.
I was assured it is a temporary thing whilst software is updated.

My bad. As usual.

Google have implemented their suggested changes regarding GDPR.

We managed to sway it for a while. And we controlled the ad-code. Now ANY page with ANY code on it (not just ad-code, so tags which say we comply with GDPR and the California Act) throw up ads once you click agree.

So I'm finding a work around to only show the options field to non-subscribers / supporters. Assuming they're fine with the bog-standard settings of mostly off anyway.

Hang in there. I'm on it this week. Apologies once again.

I've also re-worked into a blog this week. Started with just a mess around but it's becoming quite something of its own thing. Will be able to use this to rank for things the forum can't.

I'll need lots of images for it soon. So I'll start a thread soon asking for various types of images and will need you lads to reply if you have the image, and I'll choose one, and credit the image to you. Either your forum profile, or your website if you have one. Our has a lot of 'weight' with Google so good for SEO.

Are you seeing this notice guys? - I asked @Lou to let you know that we're on it. But not sure what settings she's used. Can't get the staff lol

*hids in a cupboard with wifi and laptop and kettle for a few days
Okay I've made some tweaks to the Google Tags. So that should stop anybody who's subscribing from seeing any? @James - confirmation?

Then esteemed members should only see one or two.

But the sponsors banners are being trialed in a few places. Due to mobiles not showing the sidebar near the content but under it instead which isn't good for them. So we're rotating spots for them within the content. Trialing a few areas.

When COVID hit, Google revenue for us dropped 83% over night. Was similar for Facebook/Instagram and Twitter. All advertising revenue dropped. It's not anywhere near where it should be. So I'm testing a lot. But esteemed members should eventually just see one or two google ads. But see three sponsors ad POSITIONS that rotate between all the sponsors - once I've finished testing.


Alternatively subscribe and help the forum stay online. We've been juggling bills since March.

Subscribe link is here:

You should only see sponsors ads when subscribed. Lifetime subscribers see no ads all all inc sponsors.

I need a few people work with me while I'm testing ads out. An Arms members, an Esteemed, and then a normal newish member. Oh and a subscribed one.

Then this week we'll find the Goldilocks Zone where we make some money but don't annoy regulars.
I've noticed across multiple devices in the last few days what seems to be an increase in advertising intensity. So much so on the mobile that I had to install a different ad blocker otherwise the forum was basically unusable, the ads completely drowning out the content. If it is a real change and not a result of my browsers being updated etc, then my impression is that it is counterproductive.

@Lucien Nunes
Can you try that now for me mate, I think I've possibly fixed it?
Also, let me know what device you're on (whether mobile or desktop is fine, don't need actual hardware make and model etc - more screen size related than what's viewing the screen)

And @James, can you see what it's like for you now please matey?
Looks quite calm to me now. Just sponsors banners.

Here’s what I see.
banner ad at top, then two below before the sponsors.


It’s only the top one that’s annoying. Trying to close it to see the menu behind with big fingers on a small screen.

It’ll get sorted.
@James okay thanks mate. I might need to run a flush of the cache at

Hang in there a min.

This is what I'm trying to end up with.

Google AdsCan Apply for ArmsSponsors AdsSee Sponsors Offers Forums
Posted 100YesYesYesYes
Here’s what I see.
banner ad at top, then two below before the sponsors.
View attachment 60610

View attachment 60611

It’s only the top one that’s annoying. Trying to close it to see the menu behind with big fingers on a small screen.

It’ll get sorted.
Google is switching our different types of ads out for their own display ads. I'm kinda fighting with their code here but the table above shows what I'm trying to aim for.
OKAY - I've ran a purge of the cloudflare cache. That should force your browsers to load a fresh copy of the forum on your next page visit. You might need to flush your own local cache on your devices (clear cookies and site cache, no need to purge saved logins etc).

I've stuck the forum in development mode, so no cache is saved at cloudflare for 8 hours. That gives lots of time for lots of members to do this and test for me.

That all said, It's Daddy & Daughter time for a few hours, we're going play basketball. So I'll come back see what the results are then. Then either scream with joy or scream with anger. :D lol

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