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UK Can you add additional sockets to non RCD protected circuits via RCD spurs or sockets?

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Evening all,

If a socket circuit is not RCD protected via an RCD/RCBO and there isn't the option of fitting an additional RCD enclosure or fitting RCBOs, is it permitted to add additional sockets to the circuit via RCD spurs or additional RCD socket outlets? (type A of course)...if the sockets are not installed its likely excessive amounts of extension leads will be used and items would never have any additional protection. In my eyes it is only making the situation safer and if the customer wont upgrade and replace a consumer unit, what is the alternative?
You've not worked in many care homes then?
Some were run by some of the tightest owners ever known.....and now they get much less help from the government. I remember talking about an EICR to one 'manager'. She was expecting a quote of less than a fiver a circuit so there ended the conversation.
Some were run by some of the tightest owners ever known.....and now they get much less help from the government. I remember talking about an EICR to one 'manager'. She was expecting a quote of less than a fiver a circuit so there ended the conversation.

One I worked at regularly for many years was run by a fairly large national charity.

It was buried in the middle of the woods and clearly established at a time when 'hide them away where they can't disturb normal people' was the accepted way to treat the disabled and even a few years ago I'd say that still seemed to be the prevailing attitude.

Most of the work I did was patching things up to keep it going 'just until the new financial year'
Yes unfortunately it is a yes you would be surprised. I also understand with ammendment 2 AFDDs should be fitted but we were advised by the NICEIC if it's an an alteration not a new circuit then you can proceed.

Are you doing a Pir/eicr ? or is it a case of can you do the least amount of work for the least amount of money, scenario.

I'm assuming that there is some medical equipment /wired smoke alarms etc ?

Have you a pic of the board ?
Are you doing a Pir/eicr ? or is it a case of can you do the least amount of work for the least amount of money, scenario.

I'm assuming that there is some medical equipment /wired smoke alarms etc ?

Have you a pic of the board ?
The later....its insane how a lot of these homes are. I've done a lot of eicrs in these types of locations in the past and ntheyre nevwr anywhere near satisfactory
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