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Who will you vote for?

Discuss Who will you vote for? in the Electricians Chat - Off Topic Chat area at ElectriciansForums.net

General Election 2015 poll

  • Conservative

    Votes: 15 20.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 6 8.3%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 37 51.4%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 3 4.2%
  • SNP

    Votes: 3 4.2%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • other

    Votes: 6 8.3%
  • Not voting this time

    Votes: 1 1.4%

  • Total voters
The ****less idle who live on the dole are a bit of a red herring. The fact is that most claimants of welfare are employees who recieve poor wages from greedy employers unwilling to pay a fair wage, the government is then forced to top up the low wage in the form of tax credits. If employers were no longer subsidised and made pay a fair wage then the welfare budget could be slashed.

Yep this is a massive problem. One that needs deep thought to work out. Because you cant just stop the in work benefits without something in its place. Maybe a much higher minimum wage ? Some clever bod needs to work ot how much it costs region by region to "live". What it costs to eat/heat and shelter someone pluss 10% pocket money. Divide that up into a wage and go from there.
Obviously its not that easy but something has to give - will prices go up ? Probably. Will shareholder loose out ? probably. Will pensions be effected ? Yep. But we really will have to start looking at this stuff.
The answers to the worlds problems do not lie in big business leeching cheap labour and tax payers subsidizing them to turn a profit...if we are a market driven economy then do it properly - its time we stopped subsidizing multi national companies - If there is demand for a product/service then there will always be someone wanting to supply...time to stop the big tax breaks ect.
The Kingfisher Group experienced a 7% drop in profits recently.
To put that in perspective, for every hundred quid they profited last year they ONLY (?) profited £93 this year (obviously the chronology is wrong but I'm sure you get the gist)
Their answer is to announce the closure of something like 60 outlets. How many jobs are going to be lost?
**** like this should be illegal
The Kingfisher Group experienced a 7% drop in profits recently.
To put that in perspective, for every hundred quid they profited last year they ONLY (?) profited £93 this year (obviously the chronology is wrong but I'm sure you get the gist)
Their answer is to announce the closure of something like 60 outlets. How many jobs are going to be lost?
**** like this should be illegal

**** like this should be illegal.

Don't be so stupid
This is why I really don't understand socialists / lefties approach to dealing with business in a capitalist global economy. Anybody on here who is self employed / runs a business has exactly the same issues to deal with as a Kingfisher except a plc has one big disadvantage, it can be bought outright. I don't know about anybody else but I do make cuts to my costs every year, whether it be my energy costs, insurance costs, scam membership, banking etc etc. So as I cut my suppliers get less and also need to cut etc etc. This is necessary to keep me competitive and make sure I can generate a profit to keep Mrs P&S in the luxury she has become used to. If a Kingfisher has incurred a profits drop, then there will be a view as to whether it is run properly or not and ultimately the management can be replaced / or more worryingly it can be bought outright by a Carrefour for example. This is why business has to be supported and encouraged in the UK as its business that employs people and paying NI, pensions and CT and those employees pay tax, NI and spend money hence VAT.
Lefties kill this all stone dead, they should never be in power in a Global capitalist system, its a way too dangerous world for idealistic (wouldn't the world be great if)..... ideas that simply don't work. VOTE TORY its our only hope.
This is why I really don't understand socialists / lefties approach to dealing with business in a capitalist global economy. Anybody on here who is self employed / runs a business has exactly the same issues to deal with as a Kingfisher except a plc has one big disadvantage, it can be bought outright. I don't know about anybody else but I do make cuts to my costs every year, whether it be my energy costs, insurance costs, scam membership, banking etc etc. So as I cut my suppliers get less and also need to cut etc etc. This is necessary to keep me competitive and make sure I can generate a profit to keep Mrs P&S in the luxury she has become used to. If a Kingfisher has incurred a profits drop, then there will be a view as to whether it is run properly or not and ultimately the management can be replaced / or more worryingly it can be bought outright by a Carrefour for example. This is why business has to be supported and encouraged in the UK as its business that employs people and paying NI, pensions and CT and those employees pay tax, NI and spend money hence VAT.
Lefties kill this all stone dead, they should never be in power in a Global capitalist system, its a way too dangerous world for idealistic (wouldn't the world be great if)..... ideas that simply don't work. VOTE TORY its our only hope.

Global capitalist system....what bull. So every year while you are busy cutting costs do you cut your prices to suit ? If you do not then the only person seeing the benefit of your cuts is "self". Thank goodness less than a third of those who can be bothered to vote are not silly enough to be taken in by the tories.
As I said above if we are using a pure capitalist model then we should adhere to it completely. No taxpayer subsidizing, No bailouts NOTHING. If business want to use OUR public services like road,rail,police,education....you know that stuff that actually enables business to operate, Then they should dam well pay for it along with the rest of us not just take take take and then eventually bugger off out of the country because they have bled it dry.
I actually realize that all the dream left wing policies are unachievable but I do know if they were achieved we would ALL be better off including businesses. If the right wingers continue to get their way then within a generation we will all be reminiscing about the times it used to all be "free" but now it is too expensive.
Time to get rid of the Tory scum, Its our only hope !!!

Source of information will be revealed later!

So everybody gets upset about the right to buy policy of the Conservative Government led by Margaret Thatcher of 1979 - but:

1. In what year was it first in a Party manifesto?
2. For which political party?

Have fun
This is why business has to be supported and encouraged in the UK as its business that employs people
So would you be happy if your son/daughter/wife was employed on an exploitative zero hours contract and was reliant on top ups from the benefit system to make ends meet?
It's supporting a business after all
So would you be happy if your son/daughter/wife was employed on an exploitative zero hours contract and was reliant on top ups from the benefit system to make ends meet?
It's supporting a business after all

Or if you are in Doncaster, subsidising your Council Tax

Source of information will be revealed later!

So everybody gets upset about the right to buy policy of the Conservative Government led by Margaret Thatcher of 1979 - but:

1. In what year was it first in a Party manifesto?
2. For which political party?

Have fun

I think the ability to buy council houses was around for years, it was the Thatcher government made it a legal right. (I think)

Who gets upset though? It was 35 years ago. I disagree with it but I'm certainly not upset, although I can't speak for everyone.
Why are you upset Murdoch?
I think the ability to buy council houses was around for years, it was the Thatcher government made it a legal right. (I think)

Who gets upset though? It was 35 years ago. I disagree with it but I'm certainly not upset, although I can't speak for everyone.
Why are you upset Murdoch?
Because we will not agree with his extreme views, he slags everyone off, all parties, yet we know not what he believes in, every policy mentioned here he disagrees with, thats why he is angry lol. Joking aside I really like Clive, but his political views are very secret.
I think the ability to buy council houses was around for years, it was the Thatcher government made it a legal right. (I think)

Who gets upset though? It was 35 years ago. I disagree with it but I'm certainly not upset, although I can't speak for everyone.
Why are you upset Murdoch?

So come on and try and answer my Saturday quiz!

Source of information will be revealed later!

So everybody gets upset about the right to buy policy of the Conservative Government led by Margaret Thatcher of 1979 - but:

1. In what year was it first in a Party manifesto?
2. For which political party?

Have fun
Thing is Clive she has sold off all the council houses and then it has left us with a houses shortage for those people who cannot afford to buy, we now need to build houses which are low cost to house people, whatever you may think it still gets back to Thatcher, she has single handedlly destroyed this country IMO, She IMO knew about the pending invasion on the Falklands yet due to her falling in the polls decided to wait until it was too late to gain more support from the public by sending in the task force, apart from the Falklands capture she did nothing for us, nothing, lets not forget the Miners situation and the Poll tax, lets not forget the demise of the industry, lets not forget the housing shortage due to selling off, I despise the woman.
well the Tories have broken 22 promises from the last election, that was at the last count, it could me more now, they think they are above the law, lets not forget pleb gate.
Well, all you left leaning voters attack The Conservatives for what is actually a Labour policy. Go figure

I think you need to do more than read a snippet on the web and then form an opinion.

The right to buy in the 1959 manifesto only applied to private tenants in sub standard accommodation, ie no bathroom, which Labour said that they would let councils take over to modernise as the private landlords had not. But there was a proviso that the existing tenant would have the right to buy first.
Hardly the same is it.

Now I never knew this but it took just a couple of minutes to find out.

Go figure.
Thing is Clive she has sold off all the council houses and then it has left us with a houses shortage for those people who cannot afford to buy, we now need to build houses which are low cost to house people, whatever you may think it still gets back to Thatcher, she has single handedlly destroyed this country IMO, She IMO knew about the pending invasion on the Falklands yet due to her falling in the polls decided to wait until it was too late to gain more support from the public by sending in the task force, apart from the Falklands capture she did nothing for us, nothing, lets not forget the Miners situation and the Poll tax, lets not forget the demise of the industry, lets not forget the housing shortage due to selling off, I despise the woman.

1.don't forget that when a family bought their council house, they were no longer tenants or prospective tenants. therefore, although there was 1 less house in the council stock, there was also 1 less family, so how come a shortage?

2. I don't agree or disagree about the falklands. with hindsight, more could have been done sooner asnd maybe avoided the conflict.

3. Miner's situation was caused by arthur scargill's attempt to bring down the government, no matter who suffered. that said, it could have been handled better.

4. poll tax. under the old rates system, my father was paying around £1,300/ year, living on his own, on a pension. a family close by in a lower band house were paying £250 between 4 wage earners. when the poll tax came in, my dad's bill went down to £250.
their's went up. bear in mind that it's people that use the facilities funded by council taxes, not houses. each house has 1 bin to be emptied, same road access, so why should a widowed pensioner pay more than 4 wage earners just because he's invested in a decent house, rather than spending all his wages on smokes, booze, gambling etc.
1.don't forget that when a family bought their council house, they were no longer tenants or prospective tenants. therefore, although there was 1 less house in the council stock, there was also 1 less family, so how come a shortage?

2. I don't agree or disagree about the falklands. with hindsight, more could have been done sooner asnd maybe avoided the conflict.

3. Miner's situation was caused by arthur scargill's attempt to bring down the government, no matter who suffered. that said, it could have been handled better.

4. poll tax. under the old rates system, my father was paying around £1,300/ year, living on his own, on a pension. a family close by in a lower band house were paying £250 between 4 wage earners. when the poll tax came in, my dad's bill went down to £250.
their's went up. bear in mind that it's people that use the facilities funded by council taxes, not houses. each house has 1 bin to be emptied, same road access, so why should a widowed pensioner pay more than 4 wage earners just because he's invested in a decent house, rather than spending all his wages on smokes, booze, gambling etc
Gasp, Gasp and double Gasp, surely and I am shaking with disbelief now terrance, your not, surely not, Gasp defending the ------Poll Tax????? Gasp
Gasp, Gasp and double Gasp, surely and I am shaking with disbelief now terrance, your not, surely not, Gasp defending the ------Poll Tax????? Gasp

Well if you wanted to find something good about the poll tax it's that its implementation was the downfall of Thatcher.
Easy chart for the election here


  • tory chart.jpg
    23.5 KB · Views: 32
Gasp, Gasp and double Gasp, surely and I am shaking with disbelief now terrance, your not, surely not, Gasp defending the ------Poll Tax????? Gasp

the principal was fine. tax people for what people benefit from. it's the army of non-politival, overpaid civil servants tht escalated the cost. and it's terence btw, lol.

wish i was clever and could do flow charts. if i could, mine would look like this:

should i vote labour. ....... can i trust them with a kid's piggy bank, let alone the country's economy, ... NO. .... don't vote labour.
Last edited:
good to hear your back on decent booze. that creamflow poisoned your system. give it a year or 2 to get out of your system and you might even vote tory. :yes:
careful. i could report that as offensive and get you a 3 months ban. lol. :38:
careful. i could report that as offensive and get you a 3 months ban. lol. :38:
That is probably going to happen for the below reasons.

(1) I think for myself and I am not a sheep who follows others
(2) I would question any posts which gave bad advice
(3) I am true to myself and would not suck up to anyone who has authority
(4) I would trash anyone who uses racist language in their posts as I hate racism
(5) I would defend my friends here if they were banned for defending any of the 4 items listed above.
(6) I speak like a farmer and drink Cider yet I do not live in somerset
(7) I am overweight yet like to wear union jack shorts in the garden

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