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General Election May 6th

Discuss General Election May 6th in the Electricians Chat - Off Topic Chat area at

Who Will You Vote For?

  • Labour

    Votes: 14 22.6%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 13 21.0%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 9 14.5%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 5 8.1%
  • BNP

    Votes: 16 25.8%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Not Voting

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • SNP

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
Well i voted labour. Lets see how much better the Tory snobs can do! A lot of people who voted liberal now wished they'd not protest voted and went labour word to them lot! FOOLS!!!

Well lets see what happens over the next 5 years, I had high hopes for Tony and his cronies in 1997 but have been left bitterly disappointed. Who-ever got in has a whole can of worms to resolve but lets face it; all politicians (and parties) are self serving and not one of them could be called altruistic.

I have voted Liberal in the past (not this time) and they have had coalitions before, lets hope this one works better than the last one did with Labour.
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Well i voted labour. Lets see how much better the Tory snobs can do! A lot of people who voted liberal now wished they'd not protest voted and went labour word to them lot! FOOLS!!!

Yes, because Labour have had an excellent 13 years in power right up to the last election. Even when our deficit started to get out of hand they brought it under control.

Oh hang on a minute

Message to new minister;There's no money; good luck - Times Online

Labour hid scorched earth debts worth billions - Times Online

Wait till VAT goes to 20% and your taxes go through the roof to pay for this.
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Yes, because Labour have had an excellent 13 years in power right up to the last election. Even when our deficit started to get out of hand they brought it under control.

Oh hang on a minute

Message to new minister;There's no money; good luck - Times Online

Labour hid scorched earth debts worth billions - Times Online

Wait till VAT goes to 20% and your taxes go through the roof to pay for this.

The Times, not exactly the most neutral paper out there eh?

The current crisis began in America so how people can blame any British government is beyond me and all major financial experts agree that Labour, in particular GB did the right thing, we're not out this mess but i'm sure we'd have been in a lot more trouble if the Tories had to handle it from the outset. Remember black wednesday do you? Oh and privatising everything was a good shout wasn't it? It was under a tory government that got our financial growth so dependant on the stock markets instead of our manufacturing prowess. It's only for the toffs that they sneaked in now as they'll save even more of there inherited dosh!!
The Times, not exactly the most neutral paper out there eh?
They're probably lying then:p

The current crisis began in America
It may have begun in America, but it could have started anywhere.It is global!! It was always going to happen and British banks, pension funds, hedge funds etc were in as deep as everyone. Britain has its own sub prime problem aka "self cert". This "it all started in America" was a favourite line trotted out by Labour to avert blame from them, for their disasterous "light touch" non existent regulation of the financial sector.

so how people can blame any British government is beyond me
I blame the Govt for allowing financial institutions to lend stupid amounts of money to people who had no chance of paying it back. I also blame the british govt, namely Brown, for mortgaging mine, my kids, and probably my grandkids future with insane amounts of printed money, instead of letting things take their natural course. He did this to maintain an illusion of stability in order to win the election.

all major financial experts agree that Labour, in particular GB did the right thing
Maybe the ones you follow do, but if you do a good bit of research you'll find there are plenty of experts who think that GB's handling of matters economic were a complete disaster. He has only prolonged the inevitable. Time will tell, but I don't think we've seen the worse yet.

we're not out this mess but i'm sure we'd have been in a lot more trouble if the Tories had to handle it from the outset.
We haven't even started getting out of the mess yet. Made all the worse by a PM whose answer to the crisis was to BORROW his way out of debt. Tell that to your credit card company " I owe you ten grand so I'll borrow another 10 to pay you off"!! Head in the sand economics I'm afraid.

but i'm sure we'd have been in a lot more trouble if the Tories had to handle it from the outset.
But you can't know that for certain. This is the usual rubbish trotted out by Labour. Years into their last government they were still harping on about the Tories in the 90's and all that was wrong with them, in order to deflect attention away from their disasterous leadership of the country.

Remember black wednesday do you?
Refer to comments above. Black Wednesday was a disaster but has little relevance to this discussion. But as you've mentioned it, in a weird way it's done us a favour. If we'd stayed in the ERM, we would now be propping up the Euro, Greece, Spain and all the other tin pot nations with their hands held out.

Oh and privatising everything was a good shout wasn't it?
Here you go again, talking about events that happened 20 to 30 years ago, to deflect away from the last 13 catastrophic years of Labour rule. I think it was terrible, but Labour didn't stop when they got into power did they?
Oh no have alook at PFI Private finance initiative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. More of our kids futures sold off!! At least the Tories made money from flogging off the family silver.And Brown kept it off the balance sheet, so our deficit is even worse than reported. Another master stroke of financial wizardry from Brown.

It was under a tory government that got our financial growth so dependant on the stock markets instead of our manufacturing prowess.
And Again more history from over 13 years ago! Again Labour didn't stop it did they? They carried it on. They let private equity firms, asset strip good businesses, load them up with debt, sell them off, all while paying sod all tax. What about Corus shutting steel plants to manufacture steel in cheaper countries? Where was Labour?What about Cadbury's, sold off to the Yanks and then workers losing their jobs and having their pensions cut. All this and more, a whole lot more recent than the Tories.

It's only for the toffs that they sneaked in now as they'll save even more of there inherited dosh!!
You may be right, time will tell. But don't fool yourself that Labour are all working class. Most of them are champagne socialists with privelleged backgrounds. And how much is Tony worth now?

Oh yeah here it is Tony Blair's fortune to treble to £45million next year - Mirror unbiased and neutral enough for you?
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Just imagine if labour was not in power for 13 years ! Where would Britain be now ? Up until 13 years ago, Britain was seen as a sad, grey, backward country in Europa. As a Foreigner all I knew about Britain was, soccer hooligans, tea drinkers, the Royal family, strikes and dont buy anything ' Made in Engeland', it will be badly designed and not even last one day, take British cars for instance. If people in Africa had that opinion of British made goods, is it any wonder your manufactering industry died a quick death. ( dont tell me it was Thatcher, fact of the matter was you could not compete with other countries)
Britain was seen as a country living in the past, with no future.
But then New Labour came to power and changed everything !!
The financial capital of Europa ! Cutting edge financial services and products ! Canary Wharf !
Cool Britain ! Booming house prices ! Overseas holidays for your normal plonker ! The English actually can learn to drink wine and coffee, and once a month they will take some garlic in a foreign dish.
Social revolution ! Progress !! Jobs for all !!
Where would Britain be without New Labour ?
Gordon and Tony will be honoured with statues on Trafalgar Square by future generations.
Let history be the judge !!!
Just imagine if labour was not in power for 13 years !
Sadly I can only dream.

Where would Britain be now ?
Pointless question. Nobody can answer that without the aid of a time machine.

Up until 13 years ago, Britain was seen as a sad, grey, backward country in Europa. As a Foreigner all I knew about Britain was, soccer hooligans, tea drinkers, the Royal family, strikes and dont buy anything ' Made in Engeland', it will be badly designed and not even last one day, take British cars for instance. If people in Africa had that opinion of British made goods, is it any wonder your manufactering industry died a quick death.
Sounds more like the 1970's. Remind me who was in power when we had the 1979 winter of discontent?
( dont tell me it was Thatcher, fact of the matter was you could not compete with other countries)
Whereas now, we don't have whole swathes of industries such as call centres and technical support departments off shored to places such as India. And we hardly import any goods from China or India.

Britain was seen as a country living in the past, with no future.
Once austerity kicks in we will be living in the past!

But then New Labour came to power and changed everything !!
Yep. They managed to create financial magic. They created wealth from debt. Genius.

The financial capital of Europa ! Cutting edge financial services and products ! Canary Wharf !
But it's all collapsed now. Please tell me what is cutting edge about borrowing billions, and selling debt and ropey mortgages off around the world, taking billions in bonuses and then landing all the bills onto the taxpayer ie me you and I (and our kids) when it all goes wrong. Cutting edge for the bankers agreed, Pretty crap for the rest of us though.

Cool Britain ! Booming house prices !
Please give me one good reason for booming house prices. No rush I've got all night. And didn't Mr Brown once say that he wouldn't allow house prices to get out of control? What happenened there then?

Overseas holidays for your normal plonker !
Think you'll find that most people were taking foreign holidays some time before Labour came to power.
The English actually can learn to drink wine and coffee, and once a month they will take some garlic in a foreign dish
No bad thing.
Social revolution ! Progress !! Jobs for all !!
Have you looked at the jobless figures lately?
Where would Britain be without New Labour ?
In credit maybe? Who knows?
Gordon and Tony will be honoured with statues on Trafalgar Square by future generations.
The same future generations who will still be paying for the financial disaster they have created over the last 13 years.The same future generations whose tax bills are sky high because Gordy spent all their money on Quantative easing and debt interest.The same future generations whose Pension schemes have been decimated by GB.The same future generations whose future was spent on bailing out banks and paying obscene bonuses to bankers.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D. ROFPMSL. That was a joke right?
Let history be the judge !!!
Indeed. Sadly I think you will be sorely disappointed.
Give credit where credit is due.
Under the circumstances, the meltdown, how many options where there ? None, Gordon did the right thing the only thing that was left to possibly to do.
Why do you blame the government for all the probems ??
This is a global event, nobody escaped ! Even in the darkest hut in the Amazon, people know something is wrong. What could another government have done ?
The best we can all do now is buckle down, work hard, help each other and build a stronger economy and country. Rise to the challenge, and stop moaning and pointing fihgers.
Is Britain full of Greeks ??
Spoke to a local councillor today "its going to get a lot worse " their budgets are being cut by 50 % Who will this affect the rich fat cats or US, I think

its the latter . UNG ( Don't take offense old boy) has started a thread about income tax DO YOU THIK IT WILL AFFECT THE RICH FAT CATS OR THE

WORKING MAN . The Tories do not HAVE OUR INTERESTS AT HEART . Now I am not naive enough to think that politicians have all our best interests

at heart but The Labour manifesto is to get better conditions for the working Man. Maggie closed the coal mines now we import Foreign muck . All

those thousands of working class communities wiped OUT just so we could import cheap foreign MUCK ( my words ) The Tories like to lay the blame

at Arthur Scargills Door but at the end of the day This country has no working coal mines left and we import .How many people if you are really

honest with your self vote Labour out because you were disillusioned, now WISH labour were still in ?Today Ed Milliband won the Labour leader


day "
If Mrs Thatcher hadn't "closed the coal mines" how many years of coal production was left at the levels needed ( and quality) Times change and he who can change accordingly will reap the benefits.
Spoke to a local councillor today "its going to get a lot worse " their budgets are being cut by 50 % Who will this affect the rich fat cats or US, I think

its the latter . UNG ( Don't take offense old boy) has started a thread about income tax DO YOU THIK IT WILL AFFECT THE RICH FAT CATS OR THE

WORKING MAN . The Tories do not HAVE OUR INTERESTS AT HEART . Now I am not naive enough to think that politicians have all our best interests

at heart but The Labour manifesto is to get better conditions for the working Man. Maggie closed the coal mines now we import Foreign muck . All

those thousands of working class communities wiped OUT just so we could import cheap foreign MUCK ( my words ) The Tories like to lay the blame

at Arthur Scargills Door but at the end of the day This country has no working coal mines left and we import .How many people if you are really

honest with your self vote Labour out because you were disillusioned, now WISH labour were still in ?Today Ed Milliband won the Labour leader


day "

Arthur Scargill tried to bring down a government by holding the country to ransom the price he and the coal workers paid was the loss of his members jobs

I don't doubt things are going to get worse but in the last 13 years Gordon and labour have maxxed out the countries credit card and unfortunately the debt has to be reduced and paid back, I don't for one instant believe that labour wouldn't have done the same to reduce the debt despite what they are saying as the countries credit rating is going down the pan

With regard to voting labour never have and if past their form is anything to go by never will I remember what they did in the seventies not quite as bad as what they have done in the last 13 years

Labour and the working man is all my ******* (fill in as you wish) even Blair has got his money offshore to avoid tax so he soon forgot the working man he was representing

Scott if this post offends your pro labour stance I'm only saying it as it is because thats the way I am
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Be honest it doesnt matter who is in power labour tories libs they are all the same tax the workig class to hell but not the rich , VAT goes up in Jan so will they actually put VAT on 1st class travell and luxury items i doubt it

think they should look at the workers the people who keep the country going , us electricians are taxed to hell we have to regester to do our work well thats a Tax when you look at it ,not a single trades man can remove the rubish from the house without a waste transfer licencee yet another tax ,lamps, and tube the wee levy yet another tax ,so why were the MP not jailed for fraud over their expesis they should have been !!!
Scott if this post offends your pro labour stance I'm only saying it as it is because thats the way I am[/QUOTE]

No offense taken UNG , If we all thought the same then we would be in trouble . WE are generally speaking, products of our environment . I vote

Labour because their ideals are more akin to my ideals than The Tories who just leave me cold. Jeremy is a product of his environment and will vote

accordingly. You the same . I am just really worried where the country is headed under the Tories and base my beliefs on their past form .
Scott I don't know how much past labour form you use to back labour

I don't know how many people on this forum are old enough to remember what labour did in the 1970's when they blocked the pay rise the electricians were due and gave us a pityful weekly not hourly pay increase for 4 or 5 years when the Tories came to power the press reported a huge pay increase but most of this was the consolidation of the weekly not hourly pay rise labour allowed us in the preceeding years. This put the electricians where they are now the poor relation when you compare us to other trades.

The current situation is labour had been in power for longer than ever before and therefore have been able to create a bigger mess now the tories have yet again got to mop up the mess

No matter how much you tax the wealthy there comes a point like in the sixties with the 98% tax when everybody with money leaves the country because there is no reward from the income they generate, even Blair has jumped on the offshore banking to keep more of the money he has now gained due to his poor management of the country. I think what needs looking at is the high rewards for gambling all these investment bankers and traders get especially at the moment when they are forcing commodity prices ever higher to fuel their bonus culture

I struggle to see what labour has ever done for me as a working man by alowing the country to be flooded with imigrants to under cut all the tradesmen in the country, to bailing the banks out and still allowing the bonuses and big pension payouts to those who caused it, getting us involved in a war we will never win (the Russians tried it years ago and lost) and we all end up paying for it

Just a few of the reasons I don't back labour
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Jeremy is a product of his environment and will vote

accordingly. You the same . I am just really worried where the country is headed under the Tories and base my beliefs on their past form .[/QUOTE]

That's a very fair comment, Scott. ( my voting pattern, not Tory past form!! )
The cuts are coming in anyone with an interest should watch Question Time tonight BB1 10. 35 ish.

I just feel The tories always go for those at the bottom of society and make no apologies for it . What about the bankers ,What about these scum who

are already earning shed loads and then claim more on expenses . Yet ALWAYS hold those on benefits up as scapegoats . so far disabled centers and

homeless hostels are ready to be shut down . The French may be many things but they do not just ROLL over like this country and take it .

When the Poll Tax ( Maggie ) was brought in I like many others thought whats the point ? I was wrong and by protesting it was changed all in but

name . But those elected have a responsibility to the public to ensure there needs are being met and if not . Protest

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