regarding your replies to my previous post No 10# i can access you've replaced motor A for a larger motor i.e. 5 to 7.5... i believe these will be the same frame mount/shaft center heights so shouldn't be a issue there... the big question here is 'where is your overload protection' ??? If your control circuit was adequate your motors shouldn't burn out...
I suspect a supply issue but motor A could have burnt out for many reasons-
We haven't got anywhere near enough info' which you've said you are not in a position to supply, and i wouldnt think fitting a 7.5 motor as been a issue but i assume its either been connected wrong or got supply issues (voltage, phase down etc) and the lack of control circuit with an overload protection or incorrect setting of overload means the motors will fail again and again.
Contact a local company who do motors let them do a proffesional view on this on site and have them fit the appropriate protection for motor.... you wont get any better answers on here as we have all come to a dead end with lack of info-- be nice to let us know if you get it sorted and the reasons for the problems thanks.
I'll already contact a proffesional to view the site, the one who replace the motor, he said that it is because ''maybe'' the rpm of the second motor is to high, and thats why he rewound the second motor to the same characteristis of the first one, but still havent fix the problem which is that the extractor is not extracting enough air. I call him again and no reply.
I call a second professional, and he said to solve the extracting issue by installing another motor with 7.5hp with 3480 rpm, he said that shoulnt be a problem. If it is not a problem, why is burned out the second motor when it was installed.
But, neither the first professional or the second one has gave me any enough suitable answer ( both have differents points of view and nothing concret) , and before trying to buy another motor and playing to burn it, i want to have more information about how all this motor things works, to be more careful before making any decission.
To clarify my doubts, what is exactly the ''overload protection''? To try to take a picture of it.
Another question, it is possible that the second motor was burned out because is not powerfull enough to do the same work but with 3480rpm?
Thanks for your comments.