A silly fault in a circuit only 4m long is currently eluding me!
This is ECIR remedials of a landlords supply in a block of flats.
Circuit 2 = hall heater (just one). IR L+N > E of 1.23Mohms.
It's a very short circuit.
1 - Cable from CU up to Controller FCU. (about 50cm)
2 - Cable from Controller FCU to heater FCU, other side of wall. red dots show where. (about 3.5m)
3 - Cable from Controller FCU load to controller, right next to it. (about 20cm)
4 - filpilote control wire from controller to the heater. (about 4m)
The heater FCU is very creatively wired up as really it needs a 3 pole switch with fuse. But leaving that aside for now....
Heater completely disconnected > Same results.
All cables separated > every cable independently tests ok. Hmmmm.
N from the cable which runs from control FCU to heater FCU (i.e. the 2nd half of the radial) has 1.23Mohms IR to the CPC bar.
After a bit of head scratching the only thing I could thing of was one of the earthed metal clad boxes might have a fixing screw that had caught the cable, because the heater is directly behind where the CU is. But with all fixing screws removed for all of the boxes it's still showing this reading.
I ran out of time tonight, but I guess next step is to find out which CPC it has contact with to hopefully provide a clue.
Any other bright ideas? It's a plastic CU and plastic trunking.
This happens to be one of two identical buildings, and the the other one didn't have this fault.
This is ECIR remedials of a landlords supply in a block of flats.
Circuit 2 = hall heater (just one). IR L+N > E of 1.23Mohms.
It's a very short circuit.
1 - Cable from CU up to Controller FCU. (about 50cm)
2 - Cable from Controller FCU to heater FCU, other side of wall. red dots show where. (about 3.5m)
3 - Cable from Controller FCU load to controller, right next to it. (about 20cm)
4 - filpilote control wire from controller to the heater. (about 4m)
The heater FCU is very creatively wired up as really it needs a 3 pole switch with fuse. But leaving that aside for now....
Heater completely disconnected > Same results.
All cables separated > every cable independently tests ok. Hmmmm.
N from the cable which runs from control FCU to heater FCU (i.e. the 2nd half of the radial) has 1.23Mohms IR to the CPC bar.
After a bit of head scratching the only thing I could thing of was one of the earthed metal clad boxes might have a fixing screw that had caught the cable, because the heater is directly behind where the CU is. But with all fixing screws removed for all of the boxes it's still showing this reading.
I ran out of time tonight, but I guess next step is to find out which CPC it has contact with to hopefully provide a clue.
Any other bright ideas? It's a plastic CU and plastic trunking.
This happens to be one of two identical buildings, and the the other one didn't have this fault.